Bad bad book blogger.
Anywho I picked up The Moon and More at the library and told myself, "Self, you are going to read a Sarah Dessen book. No excuses." But then I got mad at my inner self cause like, who likes to be told what to do? So then I had this whole inner conflict going on and lets just say both my selves had to be put in a corner until they could speak again.
The Moon and More is about Emaline who has the perfect boyfriend. The two of them have been together through high school and are now about to go off to college together after the summer ends.
But is perfect enough?
Enter Theo the cute and ambitious boy from New York who is also the assistant of a documentary filmmaker.
While becoming friends with Theo and figuring out her long term plans with Luke, Emaline is also dealing with her father who has come back into her life - this time with her adorable little brother in tow.
Her father has big dreams for her that include going to an ivy league school and Theo is on the same page. Never settle for less. Achieve the very best.
But Emaline also has a close bond with her mother, stepfather, sisters and friends. Can she have the moon and more?
I really enjoyed the time I spent reading this book but I will say it wasn't my favorite Sarah Dessen story. I mean she's got a lot guys. It was almost funny too because one minute I'm like I don't like Luke but I'm digging Theo but by the end I loved Luke and couldn't really stand Theo. I also loved her little brother, and her best friend Morris. Sarah Dessen is exceptional at making you care about the characters she shares with us.
I'm giving The Moon and More 4/5 Donuts!!

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