Seth is in the military and Maddie is now a military wife.
The two of them are hopelessly in love but sometimes love isn't enough.
"When a terrorist attack puts Maddie's life in grave danger, their lives definitely fall apart, and Seth knows saving her might be the only thing that saves them."
I'm not going to lie to you guys, I got excited for Flightpath because it reminded me of Army Wives which you may know I'm a huge fan of. Watching Maddie and Seth and their love for each other was so...humbling. They made me so happy and I found myself rooting so hard for them.
During his deployments Seth tries his very best to make sure Maddie knows his love for her and that he's safe, and while in the beginning they do great that doesn't last. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes that sweet little baby which makes their love go off the charts.
When the time comes to reenlist or not Maddie basically has had it. She loves Seth with her whole being but she can't take the constant worry anymore. He needs to choose between her and their child or the career path he loves.
I felt like I was hearing about a couples actual experiences while reading this. I've read a lot of contemporary fiction in my life and that rarely ever happens. It made this book extra special because it seemed all the more real.
I adored Seth and Maddie and all of their friends. I couldn't put it down because I had to know what was going to happen. It also went back in time and then back to the present which I don't always like. That wasn't the case here though. I loved it. Amber Addison really makes you feel for these characters and it made me want even more.
I have had many members of my family in the military and I am so grateful to them and to all of the other men and women who risk their lives to give us the lives we get to live. If you or someone you know is in the military, thank you <3
**This book was sent to me for my honest review**
I'm giving Flightpath 4/5 donuts!!

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