"What do you want to be?" "Happy," she says with a smile. - Colleen Hoover
Thursday, June 21, 2018
The 90s Kid Book Tag
This tag was created by Amber over at The Literary Phoenix, check out her answers HERE
The author you need every book from
Colleen Hoover. Always.
Book that connected you with your best friend
My friend Valerie and I are HUGE fans of The Fault in Our Stars. When the movie came out we were constantly sharing memes about it with each other.
Book that seemed like a good idea but was actually a monster
Like a monster sized book? Or was like aww I'm sure it'll be cute and really it was terrifying?
A book you hated to say Bye Bye Bye to
Colleen Hoover. Always.
A book everyone loved but you hated
I didn't hate it and I never even finished it but I couldn't get into The Book Theif. It looks amazing and I've only heard great things, so I do plan on reading it someday. Just not yet.
Oregon Trail
A book that made you wish you died of dysentery
That is so dramatic and yet hysterical!! I can't say that I've ever hated a book so much.
Three books you recommend to anyone, anywhere, no matter what
-Dangerous Lies
-It Ends With Us
Dial Up Internet
A book that took FOR FREAKING EVER to read
The last book in the Mortal Instruments. I feel like I was reading it for an entire year.
Kenan Thompson
That book you see referenced everywhere and is in everything, but that's okay because it's awesome
Thumbs Up, 7 Up
Book where you peeked real quick at the ending because you didn't like the guessing game
Literally every Nicholas Sparks book.
Your ideal bookish snack
Mmm dunkaroos.
Scary stories to tell in the dark
A book that kept you up all night
Vanishing Girls.
Bill Nye the Science Guy
A book that taught you something new
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Flightpath by Amber Addison
"Being married young isn't a thing of the past in Louisiana. And for Madelyn and Seth, it's a way of life. Except, no one prepared them for the skies ahead."
Seth is in the military and Maddie is now a military wife.
The two of them are hopelessly in love but sometimes love isn't enough.
"When a terrorist attack puts Maddie's life in grave danger, their lives definitely fall apart, and Seth knows saving her might be the only thing that saves them."
I'm not going to lie to you guys, I got excited for Flightpath because it reminded me of Army Wives which you may know I'm a huge fan of. Watching Maddie and Seth and their love for each other was so...humbling. They made me so happy and I found myself rooting so hard for them.
During his deployments Seth tries his very best to make sure Maddie knows his love for her and that he's safe, and while in the beginning they do great that doesn't last. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes that sweet little baby which makes their love go off the charts.
When the time comes to reenlist or not Maddie basically has had it. She loves Seth with her whole being but she can't take the constant worry anymore. He needs to choose between her and their child or the career path he loves.
I felt like I was hearing about a couples actual experiences while reading this. I've read a lot of contemporary fiction in my life and that rarely ever happens. It made this book extra special because it seemed all the more real.
I adored Seth and Maddie and all of their friends. I couldn't put it down because I had to know what was going to happen. It also went back in time and then back to the present which I don't always like. That wasn't the case here though. I loved it. Amber Addison really makes you feel for these characters and it made me want even more.
I have had many members of my family in the military and I am so grateful to them and to all of the other men and women who risk their lives to give us the lives we get to live. If you or someone you know is in the military, thank you <3
**This book was sent to me for my honest review**
I'm giving Flightpath 4/5 donuts!!

Buy Flightpath Here:
Barnes & Noble
Books A Million
Seth is in the military and Maddie is now a military wife.
The two of them are hopelessly in love but sometimes love isn't enough.
"When a terrorist attack puts Maddie's life in grave danger, their lives definitely fall apart, and Seth knows saving her might be the only thing that saves them."
I'm not going to lie to you guys, I got excited for Flightpath because it reminded me of Army Wives which you may know I'm a huge fan of. Watching Maddie and Seth and their love for each other was so...humbling. They made me so happy and I found myself rooting so hard for them.
During his deployments Seth tries his very best to make sure Maddie knows his love for her and that he's safe, and while in the beginning they do great that doesn't last. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes that sweet little baby which makes their love go off the charts.
When the time comes to reenlist or not Maddie basically has had it. She loves Seth with her whole being but she can't take the constant worry anymore. He needs to choose between her and their child or the career path he loves.
I felt like I was hearing about a couples actual experiences while reading this. I've read a lot of contemporary fiction in my life and that rarely ever happens. It made this book extra special because it seemed all the more real.
I adored Seth and Maddie and all of their friends. I couldn't put it down because I had to know what was going to happen. It also went back in time and then back to the present which I don't always like. That wasn't the case here though. I loved it. Amber Addison really makes you feel for these characters and it made me want even more.
I have had many members of my family in the military and I am so grateful to them and to all of the other men and women who risk their lives to give us the lives we get to live. If you or someone you know is in the military, thank you <3
**This book was sent to me for my honest review**
I'm giving Flightpath 4/5 donuts!!

Buy Flightpath Here:
Barnes & Noble
Books A Million
Thursday, June 14, 2018
The First Date Book Tag
1. The awkward first date
– a book where something felt off. It wasn’t a bad book, but lacked that spark for you
Star by BB Easton. It wasn't necessarily a bad book, I liked Hans a lot and his friend Trip was hilarious. But it just didn't have that "it" moment for me.
2. The cheap first date
– book that turned out less than you expected
I told you guys in a my review of Withholding Nothing that it wasn't what I had expected. I really wasn't a big fan of it in the beginning but ended up liking it a lot more by the end. It still wasn't everything I had expected though.
3. Blind date
– book you picked up not knowing anything about it
Vanishing Girls was not what I thought it was about which I know isn't really the question, but technically I didn't know anything about it cause what I thought I knew was wrong. Did that make even a little sense?
4. Well-prepared first date
– better than expected
Baby Daddy, I thought it had the potential to be funny but I didn't think that I would like it as much as I did or have it stay on my mind.
5. Hot but dumb
– pretty book, not so hot on the inside
Ruby Red.
6. The rebound
– a book you read too soon after a book hangover and it kind of ruined the book for you
Wait For You by J. Lynn. I read Rule and Beautiful Disaster that same month which are not only fantastic books but also some of my favorites.
7. Speed dating
– book you read super fast
Funny enough I read Withholding Nothing in a matter of hours.
8. Overly enthusiastic date
– a book that felt like it was trying too hard
Not to keep repeating answers but Star by BB Easton. I'm mean, I'm sorry.
9. Humiliating first date
– book you’re embarrassed to admit you liked/ embarrassed to see reading in public for whatever reason
Fifty Shades ONLY because people thing, "Damn, that girls a freak." When they find out you like those books/movies.
10. The perfect first date
– book that did everything right for you
I'm assuming you don't want me to say The Fault in Our Stars...so I won't...even though I want to. I'll go with my other go to, It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover.
Check out the Original Tag on YouTube HERE
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Natasha Preston Interview
Before we get to the interview I want to say thank you to Natasha for taking the time to answer my questions.
I read Lie To Me back in April and was obsessed. After I reviewed it I had to reach out to see if I could get an interview.
I really appreciate it when authors are not only kind to book bloggers but are willing to talk to them. So thank you thank you thank you Natasha for being so great.
If you haven't checked out my review for Lie To Me yet click HERE
Follow Natasha Preston on Social Media:
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I read Lie To Me back in April and was obsessed. After I reviewed it I had to reach out to see if I could get an interview.
I really appreciate it when authors are not only kind to book bloggers but are willing to talk to them. So thank you thank you thank you Natasha for being so great.
If you haven't checked out my review for Lie To Me yet click HERE
1. Have you always wanted to be an author?
Nope. I'm pretty sure growing up I wanted to be an Astronaut, Teacher, Vet, Ballerina, and wife of a Rock Star. I started writing after reading on Wattpad when I was around 22.
2. If you could go on a trip with another author who would it be?
Penelope Douglas so I can make her write me more Tate and Jared, and watch horror movies.
3. What's your favorite part about writing?
It's a tie between the people I meet (bloody love readers, bloggers and authors) and the ability to work in my pyjamas.
4. As a book blogger it's crazy exciting to talk to authors you admire, do you ever get excited to talk to book bloggers?
Totally. Bloggers give up their time purely to help me share a release, etc, and I will always appreciate that so much.
5. Savanna works for a clothing designer, if you could have a job working for anyone in the world who would you choose?
I would be Tom Hardy's PA if I could have any job. Or his towel.
6. Do you ever choose characters names based on people you know?
I don't base them on anyone I know, but I usually ask my reader group to drop their names if they want me to try and use them in a book.
7. How did you come up with the idea for your book?
Umm. I can't really remember how Lie To Me came about. I've had the notes for years and only just got around to writing it. Most of my books start as dreams though, so that's likely.
8. All I want is for Lie To Me to become a movie, you're directing and casting, who's playing the leads?
I would love Lie To Me to be a movie too! I would have Blake Lively as Savannah and Chase Crawford as Kent.
9. Savannah and Kent are one of my favorite couples now, who are some of your favorites?
Ah thank you! I love Kent and Savannah and their bickering! Some of my favorite couples are Tate and Jared, Jet and Aydan, Flame and Maddie, Kellan and Keira, Ashton and Anna, and Ryan and Mackenzie.
10. If Lie To Me had a theme song what would it be?
Nope. I'm pretty sure growing up I wanted to be an Astronaut, Teacher, Vet, Ballerina, and wife of a Rock Star. I started writing after reading on Wattpad when I was around 22.
2. If you could go on a trip with another author who would it be?
Penelope Douglas so I can make her write me more Tate and Jared, and watch horror movies.
3. What's your favorite part about writing?
It's a tie between the people I meet (bloody love readers, bloggers and authors) and the ability to work in my pyjamas.
4. As a book blogger it's crazy exciting to talk to authors you admire, do you ever get excited to talk to book bloggers?
Totally. Bloggers give up their time purely to help me share a release, etc, and I will always appreciate that so much.
5. Savanna works for a clothing designer, if you could have a job working for anyone in the world who would you choose?
I would be Tom Hardy's PA if I could have any job. Or his towel.
6. Do you ever choose characters names based on people you know?
I don't base them on anyone I know, but I usually ask my reader group to drop their names if they want me to try and use them in a book.
7. How did you come up with the idea for your book?
Umm. I can't really remember how Lie To Me came about. I've had the notes for years and only just got around to writing it. Most of my books start as dreams though, so that's likely.
8. All I want is for Lie To Me to become a movie, you're directing and casting, who's playing the leads?
I would love Lie To Me to be a movie too! I would have Blake Lively as Savannah and Chase Crawford as Kent.
9. Savannah and Kent are one of my favorite couples now, who are some of your favorites?
Ah thank you! I love Kent and Savannah and their bickering! Some of my favorite couples are Tate and Jared, Jet and Aydan, Flame and Maddie, Kellan and Keira, Ashton and Anna, and Ryan and Mackenzie.
10. If Lie To Me had a theme song what would it be?
A song for Lie to Me. Hmm...I don't know really. I can't write with music on as I usually write the lyrics (though I'm trying it with my latest book) but I would pick Love the Way You Lie by Rihanna and Eminem. Seems the most fitting.
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