Top Ten Books With Fall Cover/Themes (If the cover screams fall to you or the book gives off a feeling of being fall'ish)
Okay so this reminds me of fall by way of Halloween lol
The cover is spooky and so Halloween it's sickening and I love it!! P.S. This book is fantastic and if you want to check out my interview with the INCREDIBLE and SUPER NICE author Kendare Blake click HERE

The cover for this book is why I bought it. Don't yell at me, I know that's not what you're "supposed to do" but I did it and I don't regret it dang it! It's so dark and reminds me of a thriller which boy oh boy was it.

I think this one reminds me of fall because of the GORGEOUS colors!!
I've interviewed J.J. Howard too and she is so stinkin nice! Check out the interview HERE

Well it's creepy like Anna Dressed In Blood and reminds me of Halloween and being to scared for my own good.

I think Twilight reminds me of fall because it takes place in some of fall and because the first time I read it was in the fall. My gosh this book holds a special place in my heart <3

I'm sure a lot of you will say uh Kayleigh this looks summer'y but I disagree. When I see sun like that it just makes me warm which reminds me of sweaters which reminds me of boots and fall.
Hi! I believe Twilight reminds everyone of something fallish ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd I like the cover of Dangerous lies, but I didn't read it... I loved Hush Hush and I'm a little worried that all other Becca's books might disappoint me :(
I was a huge fan of Hush, Hush but didn't like Crescendo or however you spell that darn title. I was nervous going into Dangerous Lies a little because a lot of people weren't fans of the Hush Hush series as a whole but i'm telling you it's totally worth it!! It's so stinkin good. Definitely one of my favorites of the year!