Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Spooky Scary Book Tag

1. What goes bump in the night?:
Name a book that has legitimately scared you while reading it.
I remember getting scared reading Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick. I think because it's something that can really happen so it freaked me out man.

2. Jack O Lanterns and Classic Costumes:
A book you always reach for during Halloween time.
I always want to read Harry Potter and then don't.

3. Black cats and magic mirrors:
A book you love that is laced with superstition and/or magic.
The Hex Hall series! Gosh I miss those books, maybe I'll reread those again soon.

4. Witch's Brew:
Favorite witch character in any book/series.
Well Sydney becomes a witch in the Bloodlines series and I adore her so I pick her.

5. Ghouls and Ghosts:
A book that still haunts you to this day (good or bad)
Um, Looking For Alaska by John Green. I couldn't stand Alaska and I think about it a lot even though it's been years.

6. Haunted Graveyard:
You're all alone in a haunted graveyard, you get ONE book to give you comfort, which is it?
Why on earth would I be alone in a haunted graveyard?! Probably a Colleen Hoover book or something by Sophie Kinsella because she's so darn funny.

7. The Undead:
Favorite supernatural creatures to read about.
Vampires. All day e'ry day.

8. In the dead of night:
Pick a book with a black cover.
Fallen by Lauren Kate is mostly black and it's goooorgeous.

9. Trick or treat?
Treat of course. I'll take a Reese's pumpkin please and thank you ;)

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Under The Lights by Abbi Glines

If you read my post on Tuesday then you know that I've been in a reading slump so I picked up an Abbi Glines book to save me. After I finished Boys South of the Mason Dixon I decided I needed more Abbi Glines so I grabbed Under The Lights. I had bought this book over a month ago along with some others and I've been keeping it for this exact moment.
I read Until Friday Night this year too so hopefully you've read that review. If you haven't you can by clicking HERE
In Until Friday Night we meet Brady and Gunner and in this installment we get to see a love triangle form between them and their childhood friend Willa Ames.
Willa and the boys were best friends throughout childhood until she moved away when she was 11 years old. Her mother had her at like 15 years old and unfortunatly never really did a good job at being a mom. When Willa turns 11 her mom is married and having another child so she decides to take her from her grandma and raise her. That is until an extremely traumatic and heartbreaking thing happens to Willa landing her in juvie. The day she gets out her bags are packed and she finds herself homeless so she calls her grandma who is the only person who is willing to take her in.
When they were kids Willa was best friends with Gunner - the rich kid with the cocky attitude and adorable smile - and had a crush on Brady who lets face it is the all american boy. However now things have changed a little and she begins to notice that Brady isn't the boy giving her butterflies anymore.
As are her other books Under The Lights is told in multiple perspectives. I really liked getting to hear from Brady, Gunner, and Willa. I will tell you I was conflicted as to which "team" I was on at first. I mean I went into it thinking she'd be with Gunner but Brady is really nice so it was hard for me to not want to root for him. But after getting a few chapters in I realized there was no way I couldn't be Team Gunner.
So much happens in this installment of the Field Party trilogy and I absolutely loved it. If you're a fan of Abbi Glines - or even if you're not you crazy cat - then I definitely recommend this!!

Buy Under The Lights Here:
Barnes & Noble

I'm a Book Depository affiliate so f you'd like to buy a book with FREE SHIPPING and also put some change in my pocket then click HERE

Listen to my playlist for Under The Lights on Spotify by clicking HERE

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Boys South of the Mason Dixon by Abbi Glines

Lately I haven't been posting many book reviews and that's because I've been in yet ANOTHER STINKING READING SLUMP.
I know, it hurts me too.
I was talking to my friend the other day and I was telling her how I thought the only way I could get out of my slump was to read a book that I wouldn't be able to put down. So obviously that means an Abbi Glines book. I've had Boys South of the Mason Dixon on my TBR for quite awhile now so I figured now was the time.
No surprise here, I loved it.
The book follows Dixie and Asher who have loved each other for years. When Dixie is 13 she realizes that she loves Asher but decides she'll never be more than his friend considering hes a couple years older than her and absolutely beautiful. Flash forward to Dixie's 15 birthday and Asher gives her her first kiss and thus begins their love story.
Asher is one of 5 Sutton boys and may I just say that he is so crush worthy it's sickening. I'm not surprised though because Abbi always writes incredible love interests.
Dixie is the girl next door, all american girl that all of the Sutton boys have a soft spot for. Flash forward again years later and Dixie is now dating Asher's brother Steele after he broke her heart and left town without a word to her.
Obviously Asher comes back to town and boy do things get interesting. Now I know what you're thinking - oh good another love triangle. BUT there is a twist to this book that I have NEVER read and boy did it make my jaw drop.
As usualy I'm a big fan of the supporting characters as well as our couple - like Dixie's mom and dad, they're so so wonderful.
I'm sure you saw this coming so there's no point in dragging it out...I definitely recommend this book ;)

Buy Boys South of the Mason Dixon Here:
Barnes & Noble

I'm a Book Depository Affiliate soooo if you'd like to buy a book with FREE SHIPPING and put a little change in my pocket then click HERE

Listen to my playlist for Boys South of the Mason Dixon on Spotify by clicking HERE

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: October 10, 2017

Top Ten Books With Fall Cover/Themes (If the cover screams fall to you or the book gives off a feeling of being fall'ish)

Okay so this reminds me of fall by way of Halloween lol
The cover is spooky and so Halloween it's sickening and I love it!! P.S. This book is fantastic and if you want to check out my interview with the INCREDIBLE and SUPER NICE author Kendare Blake click HERE

The cover for this book is why I bought it. Don't yell at me, I know that's not what you're "supposed to do" but I did it and I don't regret it dang it! It's so dark and reminds me of a thriller which boy oh boy was it.

I think this one reminds me of fall because of the GORGEOUS colors!!
I've interviewed J.J. Howard too and she is so stinkin nice! Check out the interview HERE

It's football. Need I say more?

Those colors though!! <3

Well it's creepy like Anna Dressed In Blood and reminds me of Halloween and being to scared for my own good.

Stunning. Dark. Gawgeous.

I think Twilight reminds me of fall because it takes place in some of fall and because the first time I read it was in the fall. My gosh this book holds a special place in my heart <3

I'm sure a lot of you will say uh Kayleigh this looks summer'y but I disagree. When I see sun like that it just makes me warm which reminds me of sweaters which reminds me of boots and fall.

Vampires. Fall appropriate.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Without Merit by Colleen Hoover

A few months back I'm going through my emails and I see one from Atria Books. My heart raced, my palms got sweaty, my eyes went a little buggy, wanna know why? Because attached in that email was a copy of Without Merit by Colleen Hoover.
I cannot begin to express how excited I was to receive this book for review. Guys, it's freaking Colleen Hoover. She's like our Queen and we gladly bow to her because she's a stinkin genius.
Obviously once my kindle finished downloading this glorious novel I was on it just about as fast as I'm on a piece of confetti cake.
Our protagonist, Merit Voss, is unlike any character Colleen has introduced to us before. While all of the females she writes are incredible I feel like Merit had a little bit of a harder side and a whole lot more spunk. One day Merit is perusing the shelves of a local antique shop for her next trophy - yes you read that right, trophy. She began collecting trophies the night that her uber lame boyfriend broke up with her by stealing his football trophy. Thus began an addiction to acquire as many awards as possible without actually earning them. Anyway this particular afternoon she meets Sagan who shockingly is an incredible guy that makes you hate all other men. Yes Colleen, thank you for ruining the male species for us.
Unfortunately Sagan isn't available and it's a whole lot more complicated than just "he has a girlfriend".
Like all of her other books this one gave me every single emotion. At some points I was literally laughing out loud while other moments I was crying.
Not only do we have a love story woven in but we also get a family dynamic that we don't always get to see. I absolutely loved this book. Every page. Every sentence. Every single word. If - like me - you are a huge Colleen Hoover fan then by no means should you hesitate in reading Without Merit. I definitely recommend it!!

Buy Without Merit Here:
Barnes & Noble


I'm a Book Depository Affiliate so if you'd like to purchase a book with FREE SHIPPING and put a little change in my pocket click HERE

Listen to my playlist for Without Merit -fun fact this is one of my favorite playlists - on Spotify by clicking HERE