Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Spooky Scary Book Tag

1. What goes bump in the night?:
Name a book that has legitimately scared you while reading it.
I remember getting scared reading Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick. I think because it's something that can really happen so it freaked me out man.

2. Jack O Lanterns and Classic Costumes:
A book you always reach for during Halloween time.
I always want to read Harry Potter and then don't.

3. Black cats and magic mirrors:
A book you love that is laced with superstition and/or magic.
The Hex Hall series! Gosh I miss those books, maybe I'll reread those again soon.

4. Witch's Brew:
Favorite witch character in any book/series.
Well Sydney becomes a witch in the Bloodlines series and I adore her so I pick her.

5. Ghouls and Ghosts:
A book that still haunts you to this day (good or bad)
Um, Looking For Alaska by John Green. I couldn't stand Alaska and I think about it a lot even though it's been years.

6. Haunted Graveyard:
You're all alone in a haunted graveyard, you get ONE book to give you comfort, which is it?
Why on earth would I be alone in a haunted graveyard?! Probably a Colleen Hoover book or something by Sophie Kinsella because she's so darn funny.

7. The Undead:
Favorite supernatural creatures to read about.
Vampires. All day e'ry day.

8. In the dead of night:
Pick a book with a black cover.
Fallen by Lauren Kate is mostly black and it's goooorgeous.

9. Trick or treat?
Treat of course. I'll take a Reese's pumpkin please and thank you ;)

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