Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Secret Life of A Book Blogger Tag

I saw this tag over on Spines & Covers and loved it. Any tag that talks about the book blogging community is fun for me. If you want to check out their tag click HERE

1. How long have you been a blogger?
My first post was on February 19, 2013 - and yes I did just go look. So I've been a book blogger for over 4 years now and that is crazy to me.

2. At what point do you think you'll stop blogging?
I don't know if I'll ever stop blogging. It has become such a constant in my life and I always look forward to writing my posts.

3. What is the best thing about blogging?
Everything. I love the people I've met, I love the books that I've read that I might not have without bloggers and vloggers. It's just a wonderful community and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.

4. What is the worst thing? What do you do to make it okay?
Um, I don't know if there is a "worst thing". I mean it sucks when I get in reading slumps because then I don't post any reviews. The whole reason I started A Book Lovers Playlist was to write reviews and create playlists. So yeah it kinda stinks when I have none to write BUT that's not my blogs fault.

5. How long does it take to make/find pictures to use?
It depends, sometimes it's like 10 seconds, sometimes it's a lot longer.

6. What do you wear when you write blog posts?
Sometimes I like to write my posts when my son is sleeping at night so if that's the case then I'm in pajamas. Other times I write them when he's napping so then I'm - usually - dressed for the day.

7. How long does it take to prepare?
I hate to say this again but...it depends. There have been times when I've read a lot so I pre-write reviews or tags if I see any that I like. I have sat down before though with notes and things and it takes me a while. Not really preparing but the act of actually putting it all together takes a long time.

8. How do you feel about the book blogger community?
I love every one of them.

9. What do you think one should do to get a successful blog?
Keep it up. Don't let lack of pageviews, comments, or followers get you down and make you quit doing something you love. It's a fun world to be a part of and if you keep up with it you'll really love it.

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