Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Bared To You by Sylvia Day

Way back in the day - and by that I mean like 4 years ago - I read the Fifty Shades of Grey series. A couple years ago I came across this series and people were saying if you liked Fifty Shades you'd like this. Well in the store these books are like $15 a piece so I never purchased them. Thanks to good old fashioned library book sales I scored all three books last year for $1!! I win.
I put them away and kind of forgot about them until a couple of months ago. I had seen Bared To You in the store and was like oh hey I have those books, I should read them. Unfortunately I forgot where I put them. Hehe. After much digging I found the 2nd and 3rd. Boo. Then miraculously I found the 1st book the other day and decided to start reading it. I finished it in just a couple days and really really liked it.
Our couple is Gideon and Eva who are absolutely crazy for each other. From the second the two met they've been hooked. Gideon is a multi billionaire handsome fella and Eva is from money and gorgeous. She has recently moved to New York City with her best friend Cary - who's a male model and I love him. She is determined to work and make her own money and the office she works in is in the same building as Gideon. Lucky girl. Once the two of them start talking Gideon quite bluntly points out that he wants her - and I mean wants her.
She's all oh no sir you don't talk to me like that but duh they end up getting together.
Gideon has secrets from a tortured past and Eva has had her own trauma. The two of them together equals a beautiful disaster.
I do see why people compared this to Fifty Shades because of the hot guy who's rich, blunt, obsessive and basically a sex addict verging on the uber kinky side. But I feel like that's where the similarities end. The only thing Ana and Eva have in common is the fact that they're jealous and can be insecure with the one they love. But Eva is more experienced and confident where Ana isn't.
I did like the chemistry between the two a lot because they're...hot. But I felt sometimes that they needed to take a chill.
With that being said I started reading the second one yesterday because I have to know the rest of their story. I'm about half way through so I'm hoping to have it finished soon and have a review up next week.
I would recommend this book if you're looking for a steamy romance.

Buy Bared To You Here:
Barnes & Noble

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