Thursday, August 4, 2016

Rapid Fire Book Tag

I adore book tags that are quick and to the point. Okay I love book tags that are long too. Alright alright, I love book tags.
Check out the original tag by clicking HERE

E-book or Physical Book? 

Paperback or Hardback?

Online or in store book shopping?
In store.

Trilogies or Series?
Ugh. I don't know. Trilo...eries.

Heroes or Villains?
I believe in good so heroes.

A book you want everyone to read?
I just finished It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover and it was absolutely fantastic so that one.

Recommend an underrated book?
To Love Jason Thorne by Ella Maise, go read it!!

The last book you finished?
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover.

The last book you bought?

After You by Jojo Moyes.

Weirdest thing you've used as a bookmark?
I don't know if I've ever used anything "weird" for a bookmark. I've used receipts, scrap paper, actual bookmarks...

Used books: Yes or no?
Duh, yes.

Top three favorite genres?

New Adult

Borrow or buy?
I prefer to buy but I did go to the library yesterday and it was wonderful.

Characters or plot?
What? This is silly.

Long or short books?
Honestly depends on my mood.

Long or short chapters?

SHORT. It's easier for me to read more if the chapters are short, I don't know why but it is.

Name the first book you think of...


Books that make you laugh or cry?
It Ends With Us (cry and a little laughter)
TFIOS (equal parts cry and laugh)
Shopaholic series (laugh)

Our world or fictional worlds?
I like to get lost in fictional worlds but I think our world can be pretty great too.

Audiobooks: Yes or no?
Not for me.

Do you ever judge a book by its cover?
Ha. Yep.

Book to movie or book to TV adaptations?

I love Vampire Diaries, Army Wives, and Gossip Girl and those are the only TV adaptations I can think of so movie.

A movie or TV show you preferred to its book?
Vampire Diaries hands down, I don't like the books at all.

Series or standalones?
Again it all depends on my mood.


  1. I had a good laugh at your answer to "A movie or TV show you preferred to its book." The books are soooooo different than the series. Reminded me of True Blood where the HBO people took the names and setting and premise then did whatever they wanted to the story.
    Happy reading.
    Tea Time with Melody Q

    1. Thanks :P Yeah it makes me laugh sometimes when I watch a movie/show based on a book because I'm like wow when you said "based on" you meant like very loosely based on didn't ya?

    2. Shadowhunters is just as bad with the loosely based on criteria. I always feel the author got punked somehow. Then again, they sell the rights so hopefully are well compensated. Even JK who has a super tight grip on all things Harry saw her work changed for the movies. So much left out or reversed.
