Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover

Normally this is where I would tell you that I was sent this book for review and OMG Colleen Hoover is a genius. While that is all true I have to tell you guys that I'm stunned into silence by this book.
I'm not really sure how I'm going to write this review but I'm going to start typing and see where it goes.
Like I said I was sent this book for review and I was incredibly excited. I adore Colleen Hoover and her books so I knew that this would be an easy read and that I'd love it.
I did love this but it was not an easy read. This book was so deep and heartbreaking that it actually has made an impact on my life.
I've read a lot of books in my 26 years but the only book I ever remember making me feel this way was The Fault in Our Stars.
I went into this book completely blind and this is partly why it's hard for me to write this review. I want so badly to tell you all about the plot and some of the things that happened but I truly think you should go into this without knowing anything about it.
I started It Ends With Us on a Tuesday night at like midnight and finished it Thursday. When I wasn't reading it I was thinking about it and wishing I could be reading it. I couldn't stop thinking about the characters and what was going to happen next. I was completely sucked into this story so much so that I actually started feeling like everything was happening to me.
The characters in this are some of the best that Colleen has ever written. Lilly our main character is simply amazing and I feel like I know her. I feel like a lot of us can see ourselves in her, in good ways and bad.
It Ends With Us is by far the best book that I've read all year and I'm confident in saying that it's my favorite of 2016.
Everyone says "Oh the feels" when they read heavy books but you guys have no idea. I can't begin to describe the range of emotions I felt while reading this.
I feel terrible because this review isn't one of my finest but I just can't find the words to tell you how stunning It Ends With Us actually is.
I 100% recommend you read this book but please please go into it without reading the plot. Just pick it up and let yourself get sucked into the story like I did.

Buy It Ends With Us Here:
Barnes & Noble

Listen to my playlist for It Ends With Us on Spotify by clicking HERE


  1. This sounds really good! It is as good as TFIOS? Then I will definitely read it!

  2. Great review, Kayleigh! This book was so good. The hospital scene between Lily and Ryle really got to me.
    Lovely blog! :)
    New follower
