Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top 15 of 2015

Okay guys so here's the thing, I didn't have that good of a reading year. Well actually I haven't had a good reading new books year. I reread the first 5 books in the Rosemary Beach series and the first two books in the Marked Men series this year so that took up a bit of my time. I also had a baby in August and since then I've only read a couple of books because I haven't had the time to read much. If we're being honest I would have included the books I reread in this list but I thought it'd be better to include books that I read for the first time this year. I hope you enjoy the list and if you've read any of them let me know what you though. I'd also love to read what your favorite books of the year are!

15. Angelfall by Susan Ee
14. Out of Breath by Rebecca Donovan
13. Breathe by Abbi Glines
12. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
11. Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher
10. Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella
7, 8, & 9. Books 3, 4, and 5 in The Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead
6. Beautiful Redemption by Jamie McGuire
4 & 5. Books 1 and 2 in the Selection series by Kiera Cass
3 & 2. When You're Gone and When You're Back by Abbi Glines
1. November 9 by Colleen Hoover (Second year that the fantastic Colleen Hoover has gotten the number one spot!)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Top Ten Tueday: December 22, 2015

Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree This Year

10. Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

I believe it was BethJune327 who first talked about this book on YouTube and made me want to read it. I have never been able to find it in a store though so I'm going to have to ask Santa to work his magic and leave it under my tree.

9. Binge by Tyler Oakley
I'm going to be honest with you, I think I've watched maybe one Tyler Oakley video but for some reason I really want to read his book. I have seen him in some other videos and doing some interviews and things and he seems like a really cool person.

8. Wildflower by Drew Barrymore
I've never been a big fan of autobiographies or biographies but for some reason this year I'd like a couple. Drew is one of my favorite actresses and I saw her talk about this book on Ellen and it sounds really good.

7. Scarlett by Marissa Meyer
I read Cinder a while back and I never got around to continuing with the series. Now that the final book is out I really should finish it.

6. In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age by Nev Schulman
I adore the show Catfish and Nev is my love so I have to have this book.

5. In Real Life: My Journey to a Pixelated World by Joey Graceffa
I know I know, another YouTuber? Really Kayleigh? Here's the thing, Joey is one of my favorite people to watch on YouTube and as soon as he announced that he had a book I wanted it. I haven't been able to find it anywhere until about a month ago but my darling mother told me I couldn't buy it because it was to close to Christmas. So please get me this book mom. I wuv you.

4. The One by Kiera Cass
I read the first two books in this series and the first two novella's and I'm in love with it. I would really love to pick up this book soon so of course I'd love to get it for Christmas.

3. Beautiful Sacrifice by Jamie McGuire
I adore the Maddox brothers and have read all of Jamie's books about them except for this one and that bothers me. I need it.

2. Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines
Well surprise surprise, I want an Abbi Glines book. I have read every installment - including a novella - in the Rosemary Beach series EXCEPT for this book. So I need to. Yesterday.

1. November 9 by Colleen Hoover
This was by far my favorite read of 2015 but I unfortunately don't have a physical copy of it, SO I need one. Please Santa? Please?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

All I Want For Christmas Tag

I've done this tag the last two years and I think I'll make it a tradition!! :) Enjoy!!

1. What fictional character do you want Santa to leave under your Christmas tree?
Ben from November 9 please.
2. What character do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?

3. You write your Christmas wish list for Santa. What are the top 5 books on it?
-A NEW JOHN FREAKING GREEN BOOK!! (Same as last year)
-The One by Kiera Cass
-November 9 by Colleen Hoover
-Beautiful Sacrifice by Jamie McGuire
-Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines
4. It's secret Santa at Hogwarts, what do you most want to receive?
I still have not read Harry Potter...but an owl would be cool.
5. You get to spend the day with the characters and movie adaptation actors from one fandom. What do you pick?
The Fault in Our Stars. Hands down. No doubt about it. Final answer. No takesies backsies. TFIOS for the win!!
(Copied from last year because it still fits)
6. What fictional animal would you like to replace Rudolph with and be able to meet on your roof?
I still stand by my answer from last year. Rudolph is irreplaceable.
(Third year. Same answer.)
7. You invite 10 fictional characters to your New Years Eve party, who do you pick?
1. Adrian Ivashkov
2. Ben from November 93. Fallon from November 94. Sydney Sage
5. Mase Manning
6 & 7. Rule and Shaw
8. Maxon from The Selection
9. Johnny from How To Catch a Rockstar
10. Patrick from Perks

8. What character would make a good Santa?
Oh gosh hmm...actually Patrick would be a pretty funny Santa so lets go with him.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Totally Should've Book Tag

1. Totally should've gotten a sequel
NOVEMBER 9!! Oh I want a sequel so so bad!!

2. Totally should've had a spin off series
I'm drawing such a blank on this because my two favorite series are all basically spin offs.

3. An author who totally should write more books
John Green needs to come out with another book ASAP. Also if Stephenie Meyer could FINALLY release Midnight Sun that would be great.

4. A character who totally should've ended up with someone else
Let's just say Team Gale and leave it at that.

5. Totally should've ended differently

6. Totally should've had a movie franchise
I am actually a fan of The Mortal Instruments movie and I wish that they would have continued making them.

7. Totally should've had a TV show
If Rosemary Beach or Marked Men had a TV show I would be so. freaking. happy. Oh that would be wonderful.

8. Totally should've had only one point of view
Lets be honest friends, I love dual point of view books so I can honestly say that I don't know any book that I wish was only one pov.

9. Totally should have a cover change
I am not a huge fan of The Best Goodbye cover tbh.

10. Totally should've kept the original covers
While the new Mortal Instruments covers are pretty I love the original and wish they would've just stayed the same.

11. Totally should've stopped at book one
Well I haven't actually read the last books in the series but I've heard that all the books after the first in the Beautiful Creatures series are awful.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Giving Thanks Book Tag

1. Name a book that made you thankful you live in your world and not the book's world.
The Hunger Games fo sho! My God that would be an awful world to live in!!

2. Give thanks to a book that changed your perspective.
I don't know if this "changed my perspective" but this book changed my life and that's The Fault in Our Stars.

3. What character would you be thankful for if they were your significant other?
Ben from November 9 by Colleen Hoover. He's my new book boyfriend :)

4. What character would you say "thanks, but no thanks"?
To be honest - though I love him so freaking much - probably Asa or Rowdy from The Marked Men series. Not only have they found their perfect matches but they also aren't really my type. Especially out of all the other guys from the series. #Rule4Life

5. Name a book that made you laugh out loud, just like your drunk Uncle Earl at Thanksgiving.
Pretty much every book I've ever read by Sophie Kinsella or Sarah Billington.

6. Name a book that made you incredibly angry....just like your drunk Uncle Earl at Thanksgiving.
I was angry at the end of Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Taryn Fisher because I couldn't believe they left me on a cliff hanger. Rude.

7. Finally, name one thing you are thankful for about BookTube/Book Bloggers
I'm thankful to be a part of a community that loves books as much as I do. It's really nice to know that there are people out there that have the same interests and passion for books.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Best Goodbye by Abbi Glines

I was contacted by Atria books about a month ago to see if I wanted to review this book.
Um, duh!
Abbi Glines is one of my favorites as you all know by now and The Rosemary Beach series is one of my top 5 favorite series of all time.
This book follows Captain who is Blair's brother and I'm not going to lie I was probably the least excited for this book. Captain is cool and all but he's never been one of my favorites.
Captain is now in Rosemary Beach and he's running a new restaurant when he meets a new waitress named Rose. There's something about her that is eerily familiar about her and it intrigues him but also sort of makes him hate her. Why? Well because she reminds him of a girl he knew when he was younger. A girl that he was in love with. A girl who he thought had died.
As in every Rosemary Beach novel this book is told in dual perspective which I love. I liked Captain more than I thought I would and I also liked his love interest a lot. I thought she was a really strong female character and I really loved reading about their story.
I also LOVED getting to see how some of my other favorite characters have been doing. I think that's one of my favorite things about this series actually. It's so much fun to catch up with characters that I've fallen in love with in the past.
The thing that surprised me is that most of the characters get two or three books and they only get one book. I did think that Abbi gave them enough time though and in retrospect I wouldn't really want the two of them to go through anything more than what they've already been through...so I guess it's good there isn't another book.
I'm not going to lie to you guys though, this is probably one of my least favorite in the series. It's not that it wasn't delicious, I just didn't connect as much with these characters. But I would definitely recommend this book still if you're a fan of the series!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Can I just say one thing?
Oh. My. Gosh.
Technically that was three things but I have three more for you.
I. Loved. It.
This book is so freaking good!!
If you haven't read this yet then you seriously need to go pick it up now.
This book was sent to me for review and if I could hug Atria books I promise you I would. I loved this book so much that I went to send Colleen Hoover a thank you letter for writing such a yummy book. I want to bake her cookies and give her a star in Hollywood.
I've been a fan of Colleen Hoover for a while and I swear with every book she releases I love her more.
This book follows Fallon and Ben who meet on every November 9th. The first November Fallon is out to eat with her dad and she's having kind of a rough moment. She hates November 9th because two years ago she was burned in a fire and now has awful scars. She holds a lot of resentment to her father because she was at his house and he didn't come to help her. While the two are out to lunch they start arguing and Ben swoops in and pretends to be Fallons new boyfriend. The dad ends up leaving in a huff and Fallon and Ben spend the rest of lunch together.
Obviously the two of them hit it off - other wise this would be a pretty bad book - and spend the rest of the day together. The sucky thing is that Fallon is moving to New York that night and the two of them don't want to part. Ben wants to keep in contact but Fallon promised her mom that she wouldn't get serious with a boy until she's 23 and since she's only 18 they have a ways to go. So Ben comes up with the idea that every November 9th they'll meet up and resume where they left off.
What's so awesome about this book is it flashes forward to each November 9th. The way it was written was so beautiful and you can't help but fall in mad love with the characters. I'm not kidding you actually start to get excited for the next November 9th, it's as if you're the one meeting up with them.
I also want to say that there is a part in the book that I saw coming after the second November 9th so I was like okay once we get over this we'll be good. BUT NO. Colleen Hoover has twists and turns in this book as well as romance and humor. We also get a peek at characters that we've met in a previous book which is awesome.
Another thing that I really loved is all the book references. Ben is a writer and Fallon is an avid reader and they're constantly comparing moments to epic moments in books. What more could a book lover ask for?
Ben is my new book boyfriend hands down and Fallon is one of my new favorite female characters. I can also safely say - even though we have another month left in the year - that this is the best book I have read in 2015.
I most definitely recommend this one!!

Buy Here:
Barnes & Noble

Listen to my playlist for November 9th on Spotify by clicking HERE

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: November 24, 2015

Top TenAuthors I'm Thankful For

10. Stephenie Meyer

9. Sarah Dessen

8. Sophie Kinsella

7. Nicholas Sparks

6. Cora Carmack

5. Sarah Billington

4. Colleen Hoover

3. Abbi Glines

2. Jay Crownover

1. John Green

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Time & Place Book Tag

I saw Heather from Bookables do this tag and I thought it seemed like a lot of fun. The gist is you name 10 books and then you tell how old you were when you read it and your memories. If you want to watch Heathers video click HERE

10. The Kiss Off by Sarah Billington
I read this book right before I started my blog and Sarah Billington is the reason I made it in the first place. I remember I had just my Kindle and this book was only $.99 so I got it and read it in like a day. Anyway I was getting back in to reviewing books on Goodreads and so I wrote a review which Sarah ended up commenting on. I was so excited that I decided I wanted to create a blog and be more active in the book community. I've done two interviews with Sarah and she also let me be a beta reader for her second book in this series and thanked me in her acknowledgments. Yeah, it was awesome.

9. Rule by Jay Crownover
I read this book the January after it was released and I believe I read it in a day. I was so in love with Rule and Shaw's story and still am.

8. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
I read this book the year it came out and like everyone else bawled my eyes out. The year the movie came out I read it twice, once the night before I saw it in theaters. This book changed my life and will always be very special to me.

7. Are You There God, It's Me Margaret by Judy Blume
I can't begin to tell you how many times I read this book when I was in elementary school. I think I got a copy at a library book sale or something like that and I read it religiously. I remember thinking that Judy Blume understood me and I read her all the time.

6. Scribbler of Dreams by Mary E. Pearson
Shoot this book in middle school was my jam. I remember my best friend and I rented it from the library like literally 10 -15 times.

5. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
This book actually got me into BookTube. I remember seeing it in the store when I was staying with family and when I went back to my Aunts house I googled it. When I did a BookTube video came up and I was introduced to one of my favorite communities.

4. Losing It by Cora Carmack
I read this book about 3 years ago and the reason I'm including it on this list is because this is the first New Adult book I ever read and it opened up so much for me. Now I'm an avid New Adult reader and it's pretty much all I review.

3. Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares
I don't remember which book in the series this story was about but I remember that my family and I were going camping and I went to my library because I had to have the next book in this series. I loved it so much and I didn't want to go a whole vacation without it. I believe I was around 12 years old.

2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I think I was 20 or 21 when I read this and I remember reading it in the summer. My grandma lives on the lake and I remember sitting in the house instead of going outside on a beautiful summer day because I was so obsessed and I had to finish the book.

1. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
I believe I was about 17 when I read this book and it meant everything to me then. I remember my cousins friend told me to read it and as soon as she told me what it was about I ordered it off Amazon. Fun little tid bit for you that was actually the first book I ever ordered off Amazon and Breaking Dawn is the first book I ever preordered.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fall Is In The Air Book Tag

A book with fall colors (oranges, yellows, reds)
Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines.

Pumpkin picking:
Favorite fictional food
Fictional food? Um, I don't think I've read anything that has food that's fictional.

Lost in a corn maze:
A book you got lost in (a really good book)
November 9th by Colleen Hoover!!

Birds fly south:
What book made you want to fly south (a bad book)
I've said this before and I'll say it again, I really didn't like Isla and The Happily Ever After.

A book that makes you happy
Anna & The French Kiss always puts a smile on my face and the Shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsella make me happy also.

Ghost Story:
A scary/spooky book
I don't know that I've really read a book that scared me so I don't think I can answer this one.

Black cat:
Favorite fictional pet
I've never read Harry Potter - don't hate me - but his owl is cute.

Favorite evil/villainous character
Sebastian from The Mortal Instruments series is my favorite bad dude.

Grim Reaper:
A character you want dead
Oh dear, that's a bit drastic don't you think? I hate a lot of characters but I don't think that there's any that I wish death upon. Sorry.

Halloween party:
What book character would you dress up as?
I want to go as Bella in the scene from New Moon where she wears the green dress and converse. So cute.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Selection by Kiera Cass

As I'm sure most of you know this book has been out for quite a while and I've been putting it off because I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it.
Half of the reviews I've watched/read are positive and the other half are negative. I've even watched one BookTuber say that they loved the book and now all of a sudden they don't like it. Since this is one of my favorite BookTubers it left a bad taste in my mouth and I haven't wanted to read it.
The thing is I've had this book on my kindle for a hot minute but as I've said I've been putting it off.
About two weeks ago I was taking a two hour trip and I didn't have anything to do to pass the time so I decided to grab my kindle. As I was scrolling through my many choices I saw The Selection and I thought, "Hmm...maybe it's time I pick this one up." So I did and guys, I loved it!!
I'm sure you know by now what the plot of this book is but just in case you don't then let me tell you. It's been described as a dystopian bachelor. Why? Well because this book is about 35 girls who are selected to compete for the Prince's love. The book is told in America's point of view and throughout we get to follow her on her journey. America, unlike the other girls, doesn't want to be a part of the selection because she thinks it's ridiculous and she's also found love elsewhere. Because of some circumstances however America enters and is later chosen as a contestant.
While she goes to the palace certain she will hate Prince Maxon she actually finds that she likes him and Maxon takes an instant liking to her.
The rest of the book follows their growing affection for one another and we also see some friendships develop which is really cool.
As soon as I finished I bought the first novella and the second book so I obviously recommend this!! :)

Buy The Selection Here:
Barnes & Noble

Listen to my playlist for The Selection on Spotify by clicking HERE

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Avengers Book Tag

1. Iron Man

Favorite 1st book in a series

I'm sorry guys but I have to go with Twilight for this one. I will always love this book and it's by far my favorite in the series.

2. Hulk

A book that you can't talk about because it would make you angry. And people wouldn't like you when you're angry.

Allegiant. I don't think I need to elaborate.

3. Captain America

A book that takes place in World War II

The Book Theif.

4. Thor

A book based on mythology of any kind.

Well I'm sure you knew I'd go with Percy Jackson & The Olympians. I absolutely love this series!!

5. Black Widow

A side character you wish would get their own movie--er, book.

You know what, I think I'm going to go with Isaac from The Fault In Our Stars. I loved his character and while I'm sure it'd be super sad in parts I think it would be cool to see everything from his perspective.

6. Hawkeye

A book you love, but everyone else seems to dislike.

Well not everyone dislikes this book but it seems like a lot of people do so I'm going to go with The Selection by Kiera Cass. I also am going to throw out Fifty Shades of Grey because everyone says they hate it but we all know the truth.

7. Nick Fury

A character with a ton of sass.

This is probably a silly answer but Johnny from How To Catch a Rockstar is kind of sassy :)

8. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch

A book with a great sibling relationship.

I will always love Edward and Alice's relationship in The Twilight Saga.

9. Phil Coulson

A book you wish would be adapted for the big (or small) screen.

I would love The Marked Men AND The Rosemary Beach series to become television shows. Oh my gosh that would make me so happy.

10. Loki

A villain you just can't help but love.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Sebastian from The Mortal Instruments.

BONUS: Ant-Man

The next book on your TBR.

November 9 by Colleen Hoover.

Me and my momma meeting Captain America @ Comic-Con :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

November 9 by Colleen Hoover teaser #1

Guess what guys, I was sent an ARC of November 9 by Colleen Hoover and I'll be putting my review up on November 25th. Until then I've got a couple teasers for you so I hope you enjoy!! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2015.
I'm going to go with When I'm Gone by Abbi Glines. We all know how I feel about her and The Rosemary Beach series.

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2015.
I read the 3,4, and 5 books in the Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead and I loved all of them.

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.
Well it isn't a new release anymore because it came out MONTHS ago but Asa by Jay Crownover.

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
I'm not going to lie to you guys, I have no idea what books are coming out in the next few months.

5. Biggest disappointment.
Reason To Breathe by Rebecca Donovan. I had high hopes for this book and I didn't like it nearly as much as I thought I would. However I did continue with the trilogy and ended up with a better feeling about it as a whole.

6. Biggest surprise.
Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella to be honest. It's no secret that I'm a huge Sophie Kinsella fan and also a fan of the Shopaholic series but I wasn't as crazy about the last few books I've read by Miss Kinsella so I didn't go into this book with high hopes. I suck though because it was hilarious and quite possibly my favorite of the series so far.

7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you)
I only read a couple new authors this year so far and while some I liked I wouldn't go so far as to use the word favorite so I can't answer this.

8. Newest fictional crush.
Mase Colt-Manning. Yum.

9. Newest favorite character.
I really liked Johnny from How To Catch a Rockstar.

10. Book that made you cry.
I reread the first two books in the Marked Men series and I always get a bit emotional in both of those.

11. Book that made you happy.
Shopaholic & Baby, it was so stinkin' funny!!

12. Favorite book to film adaptation you saw this year.
I only saw two book to movie adaptations this year and those were Insurgent and Paper Towns. Out of those two I'd have to go with Paper Towns.

13. Favorite review you've written this year.
Most definitely When I'm Gone because one I loved the book and writing the review and two because Atria Books quoted my review on their twitter and that my friends was freaking awesome.

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)
I think I've only bought one book this year for myself and I don't like the cover so I refuse to answer this question.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
I really want to read Let It Snow. I say I'm going to every year and I don't so hopefully this year it happens.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: October 20, 2015

10 Wishes I'd Ask The Book Genie To Grant Me
(a new book from a certain author,  a reading superpower, a library that is your absolutely #librarygoals, a character to come to life, to met a certain author etc. etc.) YOU DREAM IT AND THE BOOKISH GENIE CAN DO IT.

10. Well lets see, my first wish would be for Rule to come to life. He's my fictional boyfriend so it'd be great if he, you know, actually existed.

9. You know what I'd actually wish that all the characters from The Marked Men series and The Rosemary Beach series existed.

8. Next thing I'd ask for is to cast a book to movie adaptation, how fun would that be?!

7. Oooh ooh tickets to a book to movie premiere, let's walk that red carpet baby.

6. Umm I'd also like to be able to visit Forks, Washington but also be able to meet the entire Twilight cast there.

5. I wish for to host a tour for Jay Crownover and Abbi Glines.

4. A new book from John Green.

3. I wish that the book genie would grant me the wish of being able to  go to ANY book store and be able to get as many books as I can for free. :)

2. A library like the one the beast gives Belle in Beauty and The Beast. Isn't that every book lovers ultimate wish?

1. My ultimate wish would be to create the soundtrack for a book to movie adaptation!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Would You Rather Booktube 2.0

So I don't make BookTube videos so I kind of have to work around some of these questions but I really wanted to do this tag so I hope you enjoy!!

1. Would you rather do only review videos or only tag videos?
I love doing reviews but a lot goes into my reviews because I also include a playlist which usually takes the most time. I do love tags because they are quick so if I'm being a bad little book blogger I can usually get those done pretty quick.

2. Would you rather always see the film first or never see the film version of books?
Well this isn't a fun question...sometimes it really sucks to watch the movie first because then you read the book - which is usually different - and then you don't enjoy the book. However if I never watched the movies I'd miss out on amazing adaptations such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Fault in Our Stars. Okay okay I guess I'd always see the film first.

3. Would you rather have a list of every book you've ever read (like Goodreads from birth) or still have the physical copy of your first favorite book?
I think I'd like the list because it'd be fun to go back and see everything I've ever read. It'd be cool to have a physical copy of my first favorite book but I think I'd prefer the other.

4. Would you rather have an active in-person book club of non-booktubers or have lunch with your best booktube buddy once a year?
I think I'd prefer to have lunch with a favorite booktuber or blogger because I suck at book clubs and it'd be fun to hang out with the people I admire.

5. Would you rather have the time to read everything you want to read or the money to buy everything you want to read?
I have a 6 week old baby so I haven't really had a lot of time to read but it's actually been okay with me. I love looking at all my pretty books so I guess I'd want enough money to buy everything I want to read. I pick that one because one it'd be nice to own all the books I want and two I'd always have something to read when I do find the time.

6. Would you rather dream cast the film or have editing power over the script for the film version or your fave?
Dream cast. No doubt.

7. Would you rather have your favorite fictional superpower or your favorite fictional technology?
Superpower please.

8. Would you rather read an amazing story with a 'meh' ending or a 'meh' story with a spectacular ending?
Oh geez. Um. I guess a spectacular ending, I hate when I read an amazing book and the ending lets me down.

9. Would you rather not be able to read in a moving vehicle or not be able to read lying down?
I love being able to read in the vehicle so I guess I'd rather not be able to read lying down. There's always other positions I can be in.

10. Would you rather reread your favorite book or series with fresh eyes, like the first time, or be able to un-read your biggest disappointment?
Definitely read my favorite book with fresh eyes.

Bonus: Would you rather go to Hogwarts or live in Middle Earth?
Hogwarts duh.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: October 13, 2015

Top Ten Author Duos You'd LOVE To See Write A Book Together

I'm doing something a little different this week because I have a guest and she's none other than my own book reading mama. We each have picked 5 sets of authors we'd love to see write books together. I hope you enjoy!!

Moms Picks:
5. E.L. James and Jackie Collins
Crazy fun.

4. Peri O'Shaughnessy and John Grisham
She's cool. He's cool. Magic.

3. Mark Rainer and Stephen Penner
I just love their characters, they are amazing.

2. Tom Clancy and Stephan King
They are both creepy as...well...you know.

1. Michael Connelly and John Grisham
They're the best legal thriller writers. Ever.

My Picks:
5. Stephan Chbosky and John Green
Do I really need to explain this choice?

4. Sarah Dessen and Stephanie Perkins
Both of these authors write great young adult contemporary and I think their styles would complement each other.

3. Colleen Hoover and Tammara Webber
I read Colleen Hoover because of Tammara Webber. I had done an interview with Tammara and during our e-mail exchanges she mentioned that I should read Colleen because she thought I'd love her. So I took her advice and I'm so thrilled I did. Apparently the two are good friends so how cool would it be for them to write a book together.

2. Sophie Kinsella and Sarah Billington
Sophie Kinsella is one of my all time favorite authors and Sarah Billington is one of my all time favorite people. I interviewed her when I first started blogging and I've been lucky enough to be able to stay in touch with her. Both of these ladies are absolutely hilarious so I think they'd write an incredible book.

1. Abbi Glines and Jay Crownover
I. Can't. Even.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The New Hunger by Isaac Marion

I was asked a few days ago if I would be interested in reading this book and my first thought was, "Why are you even asking, heck yes I want to read this!!"
I am a huge fan of Warm Bodies and also a fan of Isaac Marion's writing style so of course I was all over it.
In case you don't know this is the prequel - and pretty sure considered novella - to Warm Bodies, so you could read this first if you like. However I must say if you haven't read WB yet you really really should get on that. Like yesterday.
This book follows R, Julie, Nora and Nora's little brother on their separate journeys as they all search for a new home and in my opinion search for themselves.
I really liked this installment for so many reasons. One as I stated before I love Isaac's writing style so it was wonderful to read something by him again, especially something that takes place in the same world as Warm Bodies. I also loved it because it was great to see what happened before WB. It was a quick and easy read but it also makes you think and gives you some feels. Isaac has created this world that is tragic but strangely inspiring and I don't know a lot of authors who can do that. I will say that I felt this book was a lot more serious but because it was setting everything up I was okay with that.
I'm so happy that I was sent this for review and because I loved reading it so much I might just pick up Warm Bodies again. I would most definitely recommend this be added to your TBR list.

And because I love you all so much and Atria Books rock, I have an excerpt for you!! :)

     This is not the beginning.
     The beginning is darkness and fire, microbes and worms—the very first of us, killing by the billions on their way up the ladder. There is little to learn from the beginning. We prefer the middle, where things are getting interesting.
     Who are we? We are everyone. We are every thought and action. Time is just a filing system for the vastness of our Library, but we linger in the present with the unfinished books, watching them write themselves. The world is changing.
     The globe is bulging and straining, erupting and blazing with miracles, and we don’t know what shape it will take when it cools. Even with all of history inside us, we don’t know, and this is a little scary.
     So we narrow our focus. We zoom in on a country, then a city, then the white rooftop of a stadium, where three young people are sitting on a blanket. The sky is dark. They are the only ones awake for miles around. It’s hard to catch a sunrise in the middle of summer—the sun barely sets before bouncing back up—but today the need to see beauty was urgent. They have seen too much ugliness. Their lives are smeared with it like blood and shit, so thick they can barely breathe, so today they’re on the roof in the cold morning air, waiting for the sun to wash them.
     Who are these people? Why do they interest us? They are not special—no one is—but there is something in them that draws our gaze. A short, pale girl full of strange dreams. A tall, dark girl with a promise carved on her heart. And a half alive man whose head buzzes with voices, who talks to us and listens without knowing we exist.
     We want them to know we exist. We want them to read our Library and share it with the world, because there is nothing sweeter than being known. But first we have to know them. We are books that read our readers, not a story but a conversation, and we open it with a question: Who are you?
     We circle around them, peering in the windows of their souls.
     What’s in there? Where did it come from? Show us and we’ll show you.
     Up and down the Library, from its bright ceiling to its black basement, pages begin to flutter.
                                                                                           -The New Hunger, Isaac Marion

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: October 6, 2015

Ten Bookish Things I Want to Quit Or Have Quit
(aka ten book series I think I'm going to abandon, ten bookish habits I want to quit, ten authors I quit reading, ten types of books I'm quitting, ten tropes I want to stop reading about, ten books I marked as DNF (did not finish) recently, etc. Get as creative as you want)

10. I never finished the Ruby Red series and I never will because I couldn't stand it.

9. I'm going to quit putting to many expectations on myself. I put my reading goal at 50 this year and I'm like 10 books behind my schedule and at first I felt bad about it but I've had to get over it.

8. I tried reading the Iron Fey series but couldn't ever get into it and I wonder if it's just Julie Kagawa's writing so I probably won't ever read a book by her again unfortunately.

7. I'm going to try to stop putting to much faith in book to movie adaptations. Lately I feel like they've been trying their best to stay true to the book - especially when it comes to John Green book turned movies - but it doesn't always happen and I need to not get so upset about that.

6. I think I'm going to try to stop reading books where the female protagonist is to dependent on the male. It's annoying and I don't like it.

5. I can tell you now I will probably never read a book by the lady who wrote Gone Girl because that book was to hard for me to read and the movie was almost to crazy for me.

4. Another habit I want to quit is waiting SO long to read the next book in a series. Sometimes I wait so long in between books that I have NO clue what's going on in the second book. It's a problem.

3. I would like to say I'd like to break out of the habit of getting so attached to characters but you know that's not going to happen. :)

2. I want to attempt to stop reading the end of a Nicholas Sparks book before I read the rest of it. However I only do it because he hurts my heart and I'd rather be prepared for it.

1. I'd like to stop putting so much pressure on myself all in all. I know I kind of mentioned that earlier but I really really want to quit. If I can't afford books I can't get upset about it. If I don't meet my reading goal I need to get over it. If I don't like a book everyone else loves who cares. I just need to quit with the pressure.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mean Girls Tag

"It's pronounced like Cady"
Which fictional character’s names did you get completely wrong?
I believe I always say Aro from Twilights name wrong but I really don't care because I like my way the best. :)

"She doesn't even go here!"
Which character would you like to place in a fictional world from another book or series?
I've thought it would be cool to put Tris and Four in the Hunger Games...of course I don't want anything to happen to them so that could be interesting.

"On Wednesdays we wear pink!"
Repetition. Repetition. Which book gave you dejavu of another book while reading it?
Well obviously The Hunger Games and Divergent had some similarities so I guess I'll go with those.

"You all have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores. It just makes it okay for guys to call you sluts and whores."
Which book gave you the complete opposite of girl power feels?

I really can't think of a book that made me feel that way, sorry!!

"You go Glen Coco!"
Name a character you felt like you wanted to cheer on while reading.
I cheered a lot for Augustus Waters and also Etienne St. Clair.

"Get in loser, we’re going shopping!"
How long do you typically spend at a book shop?
Oh gosh it really depends. I don't like to go to a book store if I'm in a hurry because I really don't like to be rushed. My pattern is to usually first scope everything out, then go through and grab the books I want, then check again to make sure I didn't miss anything I might like, and then I go through the books that I've chosen and pick which ones are coming home with me. It's a process. ;)

"It’s not my fault you’re like in love with me or something!"
Which character would have to get out a restraining order on you, if they were real?
Hmm...I think I may have stalked Augustus Waters...pretty sure I would definitely stalk Rule Archer.

"I can’t help it that I’m popular."
Which overhyped book were you cautious about reading?
I was actually super cautious when I read The Hunger Games because everyo
ne loved it so much.
"She’s a life ruiner. She ruins peoples lives."
We all love Regina George. Name a villian you just love to hate.
I love Sebastian from the Mortal Instruments. I know he sucks usually and he can be quit the...ahem...but I just love to hate him
"I’m not like a regular Mom, I’m a cool Mom."
Your favorite fictional parents.
Hazels parents in TFIOS are pretty awesome but I also love Bellas dad in Twilight.

"That is so Fetch!"
Which book or series would you love to catch on?
I would like to hear more about the Rosemary Beach or the Marked Men series on YouTube. I watch a lot of BookTubers and not one has ever mentioned either series which is a damn shame.

"How do I even begin to explain Regina George?"
Describe your ideal character to read about.
I like characters that are funny and usually sarcastic for example: Adrian Ivashkov. But I also like sexy broody characters like Rule.

"I just have a lot of feelings."
What do you do when a book gives you a bad case of ‘the feels’?
I cry it out. Just let it happen people.

"Nice wig Janice, what’s it made of?"
"Your Mom’s chest hair!"
Which characters one liners would you love to claim for your own?
Patrick from Perks of Being a Wallflower is pretty funny but so is Adrian like I mentioned earlier.

"Boo, you whore."
Name a time a characters decision has made you roll your eyes
I roll my eyes A LOT when it comes to Clary in TMI. She kind of drives me nuts sometimes.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: September 15, 2015

This weeks T10T is a freebie so I looked back at the older posts and I decided to go with...drum roll please...
Top Ten Favorite Quotes!!
I think I may have done this before but I don't remember soooo please forgive me!! :)
Also these are in no particular order, I just looked on my Goodreads quotes.

Ready? Here we go.

10. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
“I'm in love with you," he said quietly.

"Augustus," I said.

"I am," he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

9. A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”

8. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
"We accept the love we think we deserve."

7. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
“There is no pretending," Jace said with absolute clarity. "I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then.”

6. Divergent by Veronica Roth
"I might be in love with you." He smiles a little. "I'm waiting until I'm sure to tell you though."

5. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
“Life, he realize, was much like a song. In the beginning there is mystery, in the end there is confirmation, but it's in the middle where all the emotion resides to make the whole thing worthwhile.”

4. The DUFF by Kody Keplinger
“Spanish, huh?" he said, glancing down at the scattered papers as he grabbed them. "Can you say anything interesting?"
"El tono de tu voz hace que queria estrangularme." I stood up and waited for him to hand over my papers.
"That sounds sexy," he said, getting to his feet and handing me the stack of Spanish work he'd swept together. "What's it mean?"
"The sound of your voice makes me want to strangle myself."

3. TFIOS by John Green
“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.”

2. TFIOS by John Green
“Oh, I wouldn't mind, Hazel Grace. It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.”

1. TFIOS by John Green
“Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.

"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.”

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sunshine Blogger Award

"The whole idea of the Sunshine Award is that you nominate bloggers who put a little sunshine in your day, who are positive, creative, and inspiring."

I think this award is the cutest thing and I'm so grateful to Caroline for nominating me!!

1. Answer the 11 questions provided for you.
2. Nominate other wonderful bloggers and ask them 11 questions.

Caroline's Questions

1. Contemporary or Fantasy books?
I do enjoy fantasy books but overall I'd have to go with contemporary because they make me happy.

2. How did you come up with the overall theme you have on your blog?
I had a music blog a LONG time ago and I loved it but I only posted occasionally and it didn't seem to do very well which discouraged me. Then one day I decided to make my blog and I'm like okay so I love music and books so I'll put the two together and tada A Book Lovers Playlist.

3. Which type of subscribers do you prefer? (eg. email, blogger, goodreads, g+...)
Um, I prefer subscribers period. :)

4. What was your favorite book you read this year?
Oh dear, let's see, probably When You're Back by Abbi Glines or The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead.

5. Favorite snack to eat/drink while reading? While blogging?
I don't really snack while I do any of those but if I do then it's chocolate milk or water and a granola bar or something like that.

6. Do you do any sports? If so, which?
Ha, no.

7. What is your favorite stand-alone? 
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, of course.

8. What is your favorite childhood fairytale?
I didn't really read fairytales when I was a kid...does Beauty and The Beast count? :)

9. What band/singer would you love to see live?
I would love to see Nate Ruess!!

10. Do you have a lucky number? What is it?
Well I just had a baby boy on the 13th so I'm going to say that's my lucky number!!

11. What kinds of non-fiction books draw your attention?
I really do not like non-fiction books. I read because I want a story that I can put myself in, if it's non-fiction I can't do that.

My Questions:
1. What made you want to be a book blogger?
2. What's your favorite part about being a book blogger?
3. Are there any book bloggers you'd love to do a meet up with?
4. If you were to write a book or series what genre would it be?
5. Out of all the authors you love who do you idolize the most?
6. If you could be best friends with any book character who would you choose?
7. Which author would you love to meet the most?
8. What is your favorite movie?
9. What candy could you not live without?
10. What is the first book you remember buying?
11. If you could travel anywhere in the world for free where would you go?

My Nominees:
Katie's Book Blog
Geeky Bloggers Book Blog

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: September 8, 2015

Ten Finished Series I Have YET to Finish (topic first done in 2012)

10. Rusk University series by Cora Carmack
I LOVED the first book in these companion novels but for some unknown reason I haven't read the other books. I suck.

9. Never Never (trilogy? series?) by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher
I read the first one...haven't picked up anymore than that.

8. The Mara Dyer trilogy by Michelle Hodkin
I really loved the first two books in this trilogy but I haven't had a chance to pick up the third book and it's bugging me.

7. Delirium trilogy by Lauren Oliver
I read the first book and liked it enough to buy the next two books but not enough to actually read them yet..hehe.

6. Shatter Me trilogy by Taherah Mafi
I only read the first book and it's basically for the same reason as number 7.

5. The Darkest Minds trilogy by Alexandra Bracken
I read The Darkest Minds and really enjoyed it but never picked up the other two books.

4. The Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare
I started reading Clockwork Prince last summer and it put me in a reading slump so I haven't finished the trilogy yet, however I would like to pick it back up soon.

3. Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead
I have yet to read the last book in this series and it's driving me CRAZY!!

2. The Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout
 I have 2 more books in the series to read and then I'll be finished!!

1. Marked Men series by Jay Crownover
I started reading Asa a few weeks back but then I had my son and haven't had much time for reading. :)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Gabrielle Aquilina Interview

Before we get to the interview I just want to thank Gabriella for taking the time to answer my questions. I really enjoyed How to Catch a Rockstar and I'm so stoked that I got to interview her.
She's really nice guys and I think you're going to think she's as wonderful as I do as soon as you finish reading this interview!!

1. How long have you been writing and what's the best part of being an author?
I've always written but it's only in the last few years that I've been serious about it. For me, the best part of being an author is people telling me they loved my book and can't wait to read more! Good reviews are like manna from Heaven for an author - we can't get enough of them!

  2. How do you come up with the plots for your books?
This is a hard one for me to answer because I'm not a plotter by nature. I usually have a very loose plot in mind but let my characters lead the story, which can result in some very interesting plot points!

3. Lillie is a really talented singer, aside from writing what talents do you have?
Well, I've been told I'm a pretty good 'food maker' and I'm often told my brownies are the best people have ever tasted so I guess food is my talent.

4. If you could go on tour with any band who would you choose?
No contest, Pearl Jam. I've loved them since the beginning and they are still my favourite band ever. I'd love to share a bottle (or two) of red wine with Eddie Vedder and talk about the world, politics, life, music...

5. Lillie gets to date a super hot rockstar, which rockstar would you want to date?
Oh goodness, hmmmm. I'm not entirely sure I'd want to date a rockstar! All that touring, the groupies, the media attention. I think it's a very hard thing to put yourself through BUT I would say Jim Morrison from The Doors or Jared Leto (he's just so damn pretty!).

6. Do you ever base any of your characters off of you?
Not really although I think some characters will share some personality traits or back story with their authors! There are some things about Lillie that come from me - I used to dance, we share a tattoo (!) and I love to eat. I made her a singer because it's the one thing I really wish I could do but absolutely can't.

7. I think this book is full of wonderful characters - Johnny and Kate are two of my favorites - who are yours?
Johnny is a definite favourite of mine! That's why there'll be a second book about his story coming out next year. I do love Jed and Lillie too - they're both damaged and vulnerable but still willing to put themselves out there and give their relationship a go even though their feelings for each other are so intense and have happened so quickly.

8. If How To Catch a Rockstar had a theme song what would it be?
Oh, wow, good question! I think maybe 'Without You' by My Darkest Days. The lyrics seem really fitting for the intense love Jed and Lillie have for each other.

Follow Gabrielle on Social Media

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How To Catch a Rockstar by Gabrielle Aquilina

I received this book from Netgalley and I am so happy that I FINALLY got around to reading it!!
This story is about Lillie who is an aspiring singer with some serious stage fright. Even though she stays away from getting on stage she doesn't stay away from being near one. One night her and her friend Kate attend a concert and there she meets Jed who's the lead singer of a new up and coming band.
The two instantly hit it off and fast forward to Jed finding out that Lillie can sing her pretty face off and her joining them on tour.
Jed and - my personal favorite - Johnny (another member of the band) help Lillie overcome her stage fright and she becomes a member of the band and singing onstage.
Everything is fantastic with Lillie and Jed until a secret gets revealed.
Will the secret ruin their relationship or just make them stronger? Well I certainly can't tell you because that'd ruin everything.
I really enjoyed reading this book for many reasons. One being that I loved the characters. I had a bit of a crush on Jed, I thought Lillie was pretty cool, I adored Kate, and Johnny is one of my favorite characters from any book I've read this year.
The second reason I love this book is because I love music. I love going to concerts and meeting my favorite singers and so I felt like I could somewhat relate. I mean I've never fell in love with a singer and gone on tour with them so that parts different but you know what I'm saying.
There are many other reasons I loved the book but there are two things that kinda bugged me. One is that I didn't realize that I didn't understand some of the phrases that Gabrielle would use. Jed is from America not England like Lillie so when he'd say certain things it didn't make sense because we don't talk like that here. I don't want to be all judgmental but that's how I felt. The other thing that bothered me was how back and forth Lillie was sometimes.
However with that being said I really did enjoy the book and I'd definitely recommend it, especially if you're as big of a music geek as I am!!

Buy How to Catch a Rockstar Here:

Listen to my playlist for How to Catch a Rockstar on Spotify by clicking HERE

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Orange Is The New Black Book Tag

Oh my gosh guys when I saw this book tag I freaked out!! I am a HUGE OITNB fan and I'm a book blogger so hellur this is perfect for me!!

1. Piper: Name a main character who you think is with the wrong person in the love triangle
I think Katniss should've ended up with Gale, not Peeta. Please don't hate me.

2. Alex: Name a character who doesn't quite know how to open up about feelings
Tris from Divergent doesn't really know how to open up so I'm going to pick her.

3. Crazy Eyes: Name a character who does some not so great things but isn't necessarily an antagonist
Margot from Paper Towns isn't really an antagonist but I don't agree with the choices she makes at all.

4. Ms. Claudette: Name a character who makes a bad first impression but you have grown to love
Adrian Ivashkov from Vampire Academy and the Bloodlines series doesn't necessarily set a bad first impression but he's kind of a cocky asshat but boy oh boy did I grow to love him.

5. Pornstache: Name a character who you feel needs retribution for their behavior
Freaking Nan from the Rosemary Beach series. I don't feel like she gets what she deserves for being such a pain in the ass.

6. Sophia Burset: Name a character who puts on a strong outer exterior when they're dealing with inner turmoil
Augustus Waters.

7. Nicky Nichols: Name a character who always says what they're thinking - tough love.
Cora from Marked Men most. freaking. definitely.

8. Red: Name a character who will stand up for those they love
Bella Swan really stands up for the people she cares about - call me cheesy.

9. Yoga Jones: Name a character who deals with some deep regret in the story
I feel like Rule from Marked Men deals with a lot of regret regarding his brother.

10. Polly: Name a character who betrays someone and doesn't seem to give a shit
Simon from Mortal Instruments genuinely doesn't seem to give a shit when he betrays someone so I choose him for sure.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: August 18, 2015

Top Ten Of Your Auto-buy Authors

10. Jessica Sorenson
I've read quite a few of her books and I've never felt like I was wasting my time.

9. Heidi McLaughlin
I only started reading her a year or so ago but I fell in love with her Beaumont series so now I'm all over new books by her.

8. Sarah Dessen
I've loved her for a very long time and I get very excited whenever she releases a new book. I don't always pick them up right away but that's only because I don't always have a lot of extra money. If I had an unlimited fundage for books your damn right she'd be auto-buy.

7. Cora Carmack
She's funny and her books are everything you could want. Whenever I see that Cora has put out a new book I pretty much jump on it.

6. Nicholas Sparks
I have an obsession with buying Nicholas Sparks books. At one time I had like 3 or 4 different copies of almost all of his books. Every time I'd go to a thrift store or a garage sale and find his books I'd buy them. I realized this was a problem and I'm working through it.

5. Jay Crownover
She writes about sexy tattooed boys, I love her. However I must be honest and say when I tried to read her other series I wasn't as in love as I am with the Marked Men.

4. Sophie Kinsella
I have loved Sophie Kinsella for a very long time and her books never disappoint so I try to read everything she puts out.

3. Colleen Hoover
This woman is incredible and I've loved everything I've ever read by her so of course she's an inta-buy!!

2. John Green
I'm still patiently waiting for a new John Green book. Patiently. Waiting.

1. Abbi Glines
Don't pretend this is a surprise.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Nintendo Book Tag

1) NES (Nintendo Entertainment System): A Classic you want to read
I've always wanted to read Great Gatsby or Catcher In The Rye.

2) SNES (Super Nintendo): A Sequel you liked more than the 1st (can be a 2nd book in a series)
I liked Catching Fire way more than The Hunger Games. Not that I didn't like the first - it's just that the second one was better :)

3) Nintendo 64: A book that revolutionized the way you look at the world
Oh goodness I wouldn't say it "revolutionized" the way I look at the world but The Fault in Our Stars sure did make an impact on me.

4) Gamecube: A popular book that did not go over so well with you
Isla & The Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins. Everyone seems to love this book and I just did not care for it.

5) Wii: A new favorite book
When You're Back by Abbi Glines.

6) Nintendo Power: Favorite Graphic novel series or a series you want to start
I've never read a graphic novel so I guess I can't answer this :/

7) Super Mario: A Character that you'd love to squish like a Goomba
Margot from Paper Towns, or Isla & Josh from Isla & The Happily Ever After.

8) Zelda: A newer fantasy that you consider to be a modern classic
Probably the Mortal Instruments series.

9) Samas-Aran: Favorite Sci-fi novel or one you want to read
I've been wanting to read Across The Universe for a very long time - hopefully I'll finally pick it up soon.

10) Pokemon: Book editions that you want to collect
I have TFIOS in hardcover, e-book, and the movie cover edition. I'd like to get the paperback and the B&N special edition, also a signed copy would be awesome.

11) Donkey Kong: A book with original characters
Marked Men series by Jay Crownover is full of very special and unique characters.

12) Nintendo Fandom: Favorite Nintendo game(s) or game you really want
I'm not much of a game player but I'd really like to own Tekken 2 again. That game used to be my jam.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: August 11, 2015

Top Ten Authors I've Read The Most Books From

10. John Green

9. Stephenie Meyer

8. Heidi McLaughlin

7. Jay Crownover

6. Colleen Hoover

5. Jessica Sorensen

4. Sarah Dessen

3. Sophie Kinsella

2. Nicholas Sparks

1. Abbi Glines
18 - I'm sure you aren't surprised by that ;)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Griffin Peterson Interview

Hello fellow book lovers today I am stoked because I get to share my interview with Griffin Peterson with you!! Ahh!! If you don't know Griffin has been on American Idol and he also wrote and sang the soundtrack for Maybe Someday by the fabulous Colleen Hoover. He is an exceptionally talented artist and I'm so grateful to him for taking the time to answer my questions. Also thank you to his team for being so wonderful and kind to me.
I also wanted you guys to know that I checked out the album and it's wonderful!! Griffin has a really clean voice which I like because you can understand every word he says - it's a huge pet peeve of mine when I can't understand the words. The songs are all so special and the entirety of the album calms me and just makes me happy. My favorite tracks are Wait, Say It, Any Other Night, and Wherever We Go.You need to get your hands on this album asap ;)

1. Out of everything you've been able to do so far in your career what tops the list?
I think just being able to continue making music is the coolest thing
I've been able to do so far. Still having a career and being able to
support myself from doing this has been unreal. Not a day goes by that I
take that for granted.

2. If you could collaborate with any artist who would you choose and why?
I would choose Foy Vance to collaborate with. He's a writer and artist
that sings through his soul and that is what it's about to me.  I love his
songwriting style and lyrics too.

3. What was it like working with Colleen Hoover and writing a soundtrack to her book?
Colleen is one of the coolest people, period. It was a blast doing the
MS soundtrack with her!  We didn't really know each other that well at the
time, so it was funny to figure out each other's working habits.

4. I always ask the authors I interview if their book could have a theme song what would it be, since you are a musician I want to know if your life had a theme song what would it be?
If my life had a theme song?...it would have to be "Riser" by Steve
Moakler. The song it beautifully written and leaves you feeling pretty
damn recharged and ready for whatever.

"Thanks so much Book Lover's Playlist! Really appreciate
all of the support with my music!" -Griffin

Listen to Griffins first single "Wait" off of his new album From All Sides by clicking

Follow Griffin on Social Media
Official Website

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Affiliate by K.A. Linde Cover Reveal

Hey guys, today I have a cover reveal for The Affiliate by K.A. Linde!! The cover is awesome if I do say so myself. I have a little bit about the book for you, exclusive exerpt and some information about the author. Enjoy!!

Release Day: September 15th
Genre: YA Fantasy
About The Affiliate:
On the day of her Presenting, in front of the entire Byern Court, seventeen-year-old Cyrene Strohm's lifelong plans come to fruition when she's chosen as an Affiliate to the Queen.
Or so she thinks. When Cyrene receives a mysterious letter and an unreadable book, she finds nothing is as it seems. Thrust into a world of dangerous political intrigue and deadly magic, Cyrene's position only grows more treacherous when she finds herself drawn to the one man she can never have...
King Edric himself.
Cyrene must decide if love is truly worth the price of freedom. Find out in this first book in USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde’s new Ascension series.

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Exclusive Excerpt:
"Do you enjoy the view?" King Edric asked.
"The rains have made the gardens bloom, and it warms my heart to see it so."
"It is good to know that the gardener approves of the work."
Cyrene laughed lightly. "I have not gardened in a month's time. I fear I can no longer call myself a gardener."
She remembered when she had told the king of her interest in gardening at the last feast day almost a week ago. After that dance, Queen Kaliana added a list of plants to her assignment, forcing her to reread every page she had already dredged through for information. It had wasted two entire days.
"Perhaps I could change that," he offered.
He directed her down the staircase and into the courtyard below lit solely by the setting sun in the distance.
Her stomach churned at the thought of him offering assistance to any of her needs. It was like what she had read in her children's books of the tales of Leifs, and how one request would be necessitated by a much larger sacrifice. Her biggest sacrifice at the present moment was time. She wanted nothing more than to finish her work on agriculture and prove that she could get moved somewhere that involved traveling...and adventure.
"On the contrary, My Kind, I am fully enthralled in my Affiliate duties, and believe that gardening would only distract me from my work."
"You cannot spare on afternoon to spend in my gardens?" His blue-gray eyes searched her face. "if you have half the green thumb you suggest, then it would be delightful to have you on the grounds."
She swallowed, "I really have much work to accomplish before we go on Processional."
"I could speak to the Queen and request it be lessened," he whispered into the evening air.
"No!" It was the first time he had ever admitted to discussing her with the Queen. Hearing him admit it aloud made her voice come out strangled.
Cyrene missed her footing on the pebble path and stumbled forward a pace. Edric steadied her. He turned his body to face her in the middle of the garden, and her breath caught at the sight of him in the setting sun.
"You do not wish me to speak to the Queen?"
"I spoke out of turn. Please forgive me."
"I cannot forgive that which I do not understand. Did the Queen somehow offend you?"
Cyrene shook her head. "I fear that the Queen does not...like me."
Edric laughed softly, taking one of her hands in his own. "Oh Cyrene, I believe that the Queen likes no one but herself."
Cyrene found that she, too, could laugh at his comment.
"Now, tell me what the Queen has done to make you believe that she dislikes you."
"It's nothing, my King." She turned her face away from his. She couldn't' possibly tell him the real reason.
"Enough to infuriate you, which is enough for me."
When she looked back up into his blue-gray eyes she felt that same magnetic pull between them. Somehow she had not realized dhow close they were standing. HIs hand felt warm against her bare skin. His body only a few inches away from her. HIs breath hot on her face. Her heart contracted in her chest, and she forced herself to respond.
"She speaks of...of your interference, as if...as if you..."
Time stretched between them, and she thought for a split second he might move even closer to her. She was rooted in place, captivated by his gaze.
"Yes?" His other hand drifted to her waist, and she was suddenly on fire.
Their breath mingled together as she murmured, "As if you favor me."
"And do you think that?"
"Yes?" he asked, stepping closer.
"I think you have your queen," she breathed.

About K.A. Linde:
USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde is the author of The Affiliate, the first book in the Ascension Series. As a military brat, she traveled the world with her family, imaginary friends, and ever-increasing supply of books. She has spent much of her life dreaming up new worlds and characters and forcing them into uncomfortable, usually life-threatening scenarios. After graduating from the University of Georgia with a masters degree in political science, she began spending every waking hour putting those characters onto paper.
When not writing, she spends her time dancing, collecting paperbacks in the hopes of filling a Beauty and the Beast style library one day, traveling to vist her friends who live all over the country, and still reading anything she can get her hands on. She currently resides in North Carolina with her husband and two puppies, Lucky and Riker, where she is hard at work on her next novel.

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