Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Can I just say one thing?
Oh. My. Gosh.
Technically that was three things but I have three more for you.
I. Loved. It.
This book is so freaking good!!
If you haven't read this yet then you seriously need to go pick it up now.
This book was sent to me for review and if I could hug Atria books I promise you I would. I loved this book so much that I went to send Colleen Hoover a thank you letter for writing such a yummy book. I want to bake her cookies and give her a star in Hollywood.
I've been a fan of Colleen Hoover for a while and I swear with every book she releases I love her more.
This book follows Fallon and Ben who meet on every November 9th. The first November Fallon is out to eat with her dad and she's having kind of a rough moment. She hates November 9th because two years ago she was burned in a fire and now has awful scars. She holds a lot of resentment to her father because she was at his house and he didn't come to help her. While the two are out to lunch they start arguing and Ben swoops in and pretends to be Fallons new boyfriend. The dad ends up leaving in a huff and Fallon and Ben spend the rest of lunch together.
Obviously the two of them hit it off - other wise this would be a pretty bad book - and spend the rest of the day together. The sucky thing is that Fallon is moving to New York that night and the two of them don't want to part. Ben wants to keep in contact but Fallon promised her mom that she wouldn't get serious with a boy until she's 23 and since she's only 18 they have a ways to go. So Ben comes up with the idea that every November 9th they'll meet up and resume where they left off.
What's so awesome about this book is it flashes forward to each November 9th. The way it was written was so beautiful and you can't help but fall in mad love with the characters. I'm not kidding you actually start to get excited for the next November 9th, it's as if you're the one meeting up with them.
I also want to say that there is a part in the book that I saw coming after the second November 9th so I was like okay once we get over this we'll be good. BUT NO. Colleen Hoover has twists and turns in this book as well as romance and humor. We also get a peek at characters that we've met in a previous book which is awesome.
Another thing that I really loved is all the book references. Ben is a writer and Fallon is an avid reader and they're constantly comparing moments to epic moments in books. What more could a book lover ask for?
Ben is my new book boyfriend hands down and Fallon is one of my new favorite female characters. I can also safely say - even though we have another month left in the year - that this is the best book I have read in 2015.
I most definitely recommend this one!!

Buy Here:
Barnes & Noble

Listen to my playlist for November 9th on Spotify by clicking HERE

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