Friday, December 4, 2015

Giving Thanks Book Tag

1. Name a book that made you thankful you live in your world and not the book's world.
The Hunger Games fo sho! My God that would be an awful world to live in!!

2. Give thanks to a book that changed your perspective.
I don't know if this "changed my perspective" but this book changed my life and that's The Fault in Our Stars.

3. What character would you be thankful for if they were your significant other?
Ben from November 9 by Colleen Hoover. He's my new book boyfriend :)

4. What character would you say "thanks, but no thanks"?
To be honest - though I love him so freaking much - probably Asa or Rowdy from The Marked Men series. Not only have they found their perfect matches but they also aren't really my type. Especially out of all the other guys from the series. #Rule4Life

5. Name a book that made you laugh out loud, just like your drunk Uncle Earl at Thanksgiving.
Pretty much every book I've ever read by Sophie Kinsella or Sarah Billington.

6. Name a book that made you incredibly angry....just like your drunk Uncle Earl at Thanksgiving.
I was angry at the end of Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Taryn Fisher because I couldn't believe they left me on a cliff hanger. Rude.

7. Finally, name one thing you are thankful for about BookTube/Book Bloggers
I'm thankful to be a part of a community that loves books as much as I do. It's really nice to know that there are people out there that have the same interests and passion for books.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read the Hunger Games, but I totally agree with you there!
