Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Mogul and The Muscle: Bluewater Billionaires Book 2 by Claire Kingsley

After finishing The Price of Scandal, I couldn't wait to pick up The Mogul and The Muscle because I couldn't wait to see more of Cameron Whitbury. This girl makes my 80s music loving heart happy.

As someone who has seen Rick Springfield - and cried - I'm here to tell you that anytime a character in a movie or a book loves 80s music or movies I'm instantly on board with them.

Aside from her great taste in music, Cameron is crazy smart, gorgeous, and an aerospace mogul. However, after a sex tape that could be released and an attempted mugging, Cam's friends - specifically Emily - decide that her safety is too important for her to brush off. Derek - who we met in the first book - is friends with Jude who is basically a walking security system and he's now Cameron's bodyguard.

You getting Kevin Costner vibes? Oh guys trust me, it's even better.

Jude is instantly taken by Cam - whether he wants to admit it or not. He is without a doubt one of the sexiest characters I've ever read about. His protectiveness and the way his gut reacts to situations is intriguing. The way he touches Cameron and the things he does to her, my God. I'm blushing. Watching the two of them banter is actually pretty hilarious and the thoughts the two of them have about each other...not so hilarious but oh so hot.

I really loved how in this book it wasn't just the love story between Jude and Cameron. It was also the love of her friends - that is always present - that I think is so wonderful to see. There are a lot of books out there where our main character has a best friend but I'm not sure I've ever read anything quite like this series. The way these girls have each others back is really amazing. No matter what, the four of them can conquer anything together and they are always always there for each other. I love that.

I also loved that there was actually quite a bit of action. It wasn't like watching Die Hard or anything but it did get your heart racing. For many reasons. The question throughout is who is trying to harm Cam? Why are they trying to hurt her? It brings another level to the story and I really enjoyed it.

Jude and Cameron are fo sho added to the top of my favorite couples ever in the history of books now. I without a doubt recommend you all pick this one up.

Buy The Mogul and The Muscle HERE

Listen to my playlist for The Mogul and The Muscle on Spotify by clicking HERE

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