Thursday, November 21, 2019

Kathryn Nolan Interview

In the tune of Foreigner, "I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me."

Just kidding. I know what love is because that's what I feel for the Bluewater Billionaire series and the amazing authors who wrote it.

Thank you Kathryn for being so kind and letting me gush about my love of Luna to you, and also for answering my many questions.

And to everyone reading this, enjoy!

1. How did you come up with Luna and Beck's story?
Opposites attract is one of my favorite tropes. Luna came to me first - all four of us started with conceiving our lady billionaires first, so we could map out their lives, their friendship and what Bluewater would look like. I thought it would be really interesting to explore a billionaire whose "brand" is philanthropy and who is an earthy-free-spirited wild child -- but discovers that money has, in fact, changed her and the way she interacts with the world. Plus, Luna is a lot like me, and I love writing heroines who are happy, spirited and basically live the way their hearts direct them to. From there, I  knew her hero had to be her total opposite: thus grumpy, surly, meat-eating, bearded Beck was born! I worked in the nonprofit sector for eight years, so I have a lot of background knowledge in that area, and I just loved the idea of the two of them working together on something that would put them in close proximity every day.

2. If you could be the CEO of a multi billion dollar company, what would the company be?
I would love to be the CEO of something outdoorsy, since that's what I love to do in my spare time. The closest comparison would be like REI. But I'd have a special section just for outdoor gear for your dogs, of course.

3. There are 4 authors in the book that the girls love listen to when they attend Drag Queen Brunch. If you could go to a DQB with 4 of your favorite authors within ear shot of you, who would you pick?
Besides Lucy, Claire and Pippa...let's see, right now I'm loving Sierra Simone, Maria Luis, Kerrigan Byrne and Tessa Bailey (this is not a complete list, but I do think all four of them would be a hoot together!)

4. What was it like writing this series with your friends?
AMAZING! The four of us have similar likes and dislikes, similar writing styles and all enjoy world-building. It made it very easy to work together -- and as we wrote the books, it was so fun to send each other scenes and be like "Oh look! Emily helped Luna at her house tonight!" Our enjoyment was in real-time and that made writing these books incredibly fun.

5. Beck is clearly book boyfriend material. Who is your favorite guy out of the 4 books?
It's no secret I'm obsessed with Beck - he's like my dream man. Derek is too swoony and charming for words. I would die for him probably. Jude is the big bodyguard of my dreams and his special set of skills makes me weak in the knees. West is a big ball of honorable sexiness and I adored him. So I guess all four? :)

6. Out of the 4 girls, Emily, Cameron, Daisy and Luna, who would you say you're the most like?
Luna! I worked in fundraising/philanthropy for a long time, am a nature nerd, I love dogs, and very cheerful and free-spirited. I also cry constantly just like Luna -- happy tears mostly!

7. If you lived in Bluewater with Claire, Pippa, and Lucy and you were in charge of an activity for the community, what would you choose?

I love dancing, so probably a monthly dance party.

8. What is your favorite part of Bluewater?
I love Steve the alligator and the Wealthy Widows. I love that all four of the heroines are neighbors and best friends. And I love that it's filled with kooky billionaires who love pranks and care about each other and adopt rescue dogs. It's such a special and fun place!

9. What was your favorite part of your book?
Luna and Beck had to really earn each other's trust - and along the way, both helped the other see their inner value. It's a slow burn for sure but I think their love story is really satisfying because they worked hard to get there. There are lots and lots of emotional scenes for me, but the ending scene when they get back together (no spoilers, promise) brings me to happy tears every time.

10. If Wild Open Hearts had a theme song, what would it be?
Bob Marley and the Wailers - Satisfy My Soul. I can see Luna playing this around her pool, dancing barefoot and singing it to Beck as he sits with the dogs in the morning. ;)

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Buy The Bluewater Billionaire Books:
The Price of Scandal
The Mogul and The Muscle
Wild Open Hearts
Crazy For Loving You