Saturday, November 30, 2019

Bluewater Billionaire's Bonus Questions

Four authors.
Four bad ass female characters.
Four sexy and lovable men.
Four love stories.
Four books.
And four weeks of reviewing and interviewing these incredible authors.

You guys, I have had so much fun this month. Lucy, Claire, Kathryn, and Pippa are some of the funniest, kindest, and just plain awesome ladies I've ever had the honor of interviewing. They have been so kind to me while I asked my MANY questions and fan-girled over not only their books but them as well. I hope you all have had as much fun reading these reviews/interviews as I did writing them.

This experience has been the highlight of my year and I just want to thank all of you for being so amazing. You have a fan in me for life. Thank you for everything <3

And as a bonus for all of you who follow my blog - and for me - I have asked these beautiful ladies 2 bonus questions!

(Instead of writing the book titles for each answer The Price of Scandal will be numbered 1, The Mogul and the Muscle will be 2, Wild Open Hearts will be 3, and Crazy for Loving You will be 4.)

1. If you had to use one word to describe each book in the Bluewater Billionaire's series, what would it be?
1. Mineyminemine. 2. Shoes. 3.Cookies.  4. Penises.
Claire: 1. Charming. 2. Badass. 3. Heartwarming. 4. Swoony.
Kathryn: 1. Smart. 2. Powerful. 3. Joyful. 4. Strong.
Pippa: 1. Sexy. 2. Swoony. 3. Sensual. 4. Heartfelt.

2. And last, if you were to recommend 1 book  by each author, which one would it be?
Lucy: (For Claire) I'd have to go with Highball Rush in the Bootleg Springs series. Really any of the books she wrote in that series. They're AMAZEBALLS! (For Kathryn) Strictly Professional! Snarky tattoo artist and a prim and proper British guy in a suit? Yes, please! (For Pippa) Mister McHottie. It made me snort laugh out loud on a beach! (For herself) How about The Worst Best Man because Frankie makes an appearance in TPOS.

Claire: Rock Bottom Girl by Lucy Score, Bohemian by Kathryn Nolan, and Master Baker by Pippa Grant. (For herself) Faking Ms. Right :)

Kathryn: The Worst Best Man by Lucy Score. Sidecar Crush (Bootleg Springs 2) by Claire Kingsley. America's Geekheart by Pippa Grant. (For herself) I'd say Bohemian, because it has the most "feel" like Wild Open Hearts.

Pippa: For Lucy Score, Heart of Hope, because it's beautiful (and it's a holiday romance, so read it now!) For Claire Kingsley, go with Cocky Roommate, because WESTON! For Kathryn Nolan, definitely Bohemian - GORGEOUS!!! And for me, I suggest Flirting with the Frenemy.