Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crossing The Line by Lucy Score

Since October began I've been giving you all my thoughts on Lucy Score and her almost absurdly good books. Well, today is no different.

You see today we have our 5th installment in the "Kayleigh review's Lucy" series and it's on her book Crossing The Line.

Are you as excited as I am?

Waverly Sinner is pretty much America's darling. She's the actress to watch. The actress who was born into Hollywood Royalty.

Xavier Saint is the man hired to protect her. He's a serious professional who refuses to be thwarted by a pretty face.

However when the two are together it's like the freaking grand finale of a fireworks show.

May I start by saying that I really loved Waverly. She is not what I expected when I went into this book. Knowing that she was famous and needing a bodyguard my assumption was that she was pulling a Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan early 2000's and partying too much and showing her lady business to every tabloid there to exploit her. Man was I toooootally wrong. She is humble and kind and so far from the party girl I had already assumed her to be. You know what they say when you assume though right? Yep, I made an ass out of u and me.

Xavier, like every other man Lucy Score writes about, is perfection. He's handsome but lethal. He's serious but always finds himself happier with Waverly. The two of them begin as enemies. He wants to do his job but she believes he is just another person who is there to control her. The two of them grow so much in the first installment of this duology and I absolutely loved it.

Most of Lucy's books have centered more on the love story, not even just with the two falling in love but also the love story including friends and family. While Crossing The Line had that it also had action and suspense. There is a man who is stalking Waverly and throughout the book you find yourself holding your breath in certain scenes because you don't know what's going to happen.

I read the second book in this set the moment I finished this one and I'm happy to tell you that both of them are wonderful and definitely must reads!!

Buy Crossing The Line on Amazon by clicking HERE

Check out my other reviews of Lucy's books below:

Pretend You're Mine
Mr. Fixer Upper
The Worst Best Man
Rock Bottom Girl

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