Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Rock Bottom Girl by Lucy Score

Without questions.

Hands down.

No joke.

Fo shizzle.

I no mess around.

Seriously though.

This is my favorite book on the planet.

While perusing the Amazons for my next read I stumbled upon this bad lad. After reading the plot I'm like heck yeah and I one clicked so hard I got a finger cramp.

Then I didn't read it. What? Yeah for real. I didn't read it. I got distracted by the Teen Mom OG marathon that MTV aired and my dislike for Ryan consumed me and there Rock Bottom Girl lay without being touched inside of my Kindle. A few days later when I went to relax after my son went to sleep I thought to myself, "Self? You should read." I thought that sounded like a good idea so I grabbed my kindle to see what she had to offer. Yes she's a she. Karina the Kindle I like to call her.

Anywho I saw Rock Bottom Girl and started reading. Then I kept reading. Then I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard. Was that TMI? Listen guys, I've given birth, I don't have much bladder control anymore.

Basically the gist is that Marley is hilarious and Jake is a fine piece of man meat. Do you need more than that?

*Dramatic eye roll* fine.

Marley lost her job, house and boyfriend. Yeah, she's definitely seen better days. So now she's moving back to her hometown where she was informally banned from a stunt she pulled at her Senior homecoming. When she returns she finds that Miss Popularity is still just as dreadful, The Teen Dream Boy Next Door is...well...now literally living next door. And the hot mysterious dude you kiss under bleachers is a teacher at the school that she is now working at. Thanks mom.

Alongside teaching gym Marley is also coaching the girls soccer team which she is less than thrilled about as she wasn't really bending it like Beckham back in her day.

Let me give you a little snippet from Goodreads:

"When the school rumor mill sends Marley to the principal’s office to sign an ethics contract, the tattooed track coach, dog dad, and teacher of the year becomes her new fake boyfriend and alibi—for a price. The Deal: He’ll teach her how to coach if she teaches him how to be in a relationship. Who knew a fake boyfriend could deliver such real orgasms? But it’s all temporary. The guy. The job. The team. There’s too much history. Rock bottom can’t turn into a foundation for happily ever after. Can it? "

Oh yeah. It goes there.

I could not ask for more from a book. I smiled basically the entire time I read it. I swooned hard for Jake and I'll be honest, the last time I swooned that hard over a Jake he was standing in front of his car waiting outside of a church for Molly Ringwald.

Marley is so wonderful and I want to be her best friend. The moment I finished reading Rock Bottom Girl I legit almost started reading it again. That's how much I loved it people.

If you're looking for something that will make you shake with laughter, smile like Jake Ryan is sitting on top of a table with you, and feel all the feels then look no further. I am your genie and I shall grant you your wish.

Buy Rock Bottom Girl on Amazon by clicking HERE


  1. I love this review!!
    I also loved the "Heck" out if this book. One of my all time favorites.

    1. Thank you! I feel like we should start a club where we talk only RBG all the time lol.
