Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Twenty One Pilots Book Tag

I found this tag on BookTube and it was created by The BookTube Girl. If you want to check out her answers click HERE

1. Stressed Out
What is a popular book that you have wanted to read for a long time that everyone has been talking about?
A Court of Thorns & Roses by Sarah J. Maas fo sho. Everyone raves about this woman period and I actually own this book I just have been saving it for when I really want it.

2. Car Radio
Name a book that contained issues you felt you connected to on a personal level.
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover. Our main character deals with a boyfriend who isn't really the best guy and the way Colleen wrote this story...I just really identified with it.

3. Ride
Name a book that you never wanted to end.
Recently it was Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick. I have a review that I'll be posting soon, it was so so good.

4. Holding On To You
What is a book/series that you have loved since your childhood?
Scribbler of Dreams by Mary E. Pearson was one of my favorite books in middle school. I bought it a couple years back off ThriftBooks and I've been meaning to read it again but I'm scared I won't love it as much.

5. Tear In My Heart
Name a book that made you feel all the emotions.
Literally everything by the Queen Colleen Hoover.

6. Fairly Local
What is your personal favorite underground book/series?
I had to ask my brothers girlfriend what this question even meant because I'm almost 27 and not hip anymore. Wait I said hip, that doesn't help me at all does it? I still feel like Jay Crownover doesn't get the love she deserves so I'm going to choose The Marked Men series.

7. Ode To Sleep
Name a book that was full of twists and turns and kept you on the edge of your seat.
I hate to use the same book more than once in a tag but omg guys Dangerous Lies was so full of stuff and it was so stinkin good.

8. Goner
What is a book character that you fell in love with from the beginning?
Owen from Confess. Like he came on the page and I loved him.

9. Migraine
What is one book that gave you a headache to read?

10. We Don't Believe What's On TV
What is a book that you love that most people seem to hate?
Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you on #10. :) Love that book (except for the last two words ;-) ) the use of wit instead of violence was wonderful (in my opinion).
    Tea Time with Melody Q
