Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Hello 2017

Guys, it's 2017, can you believe it?
Every year I do a post like this to thank all of the wonderful people who have helped make my blog what it is, this year I included the list in my Bookish Goals post though - which will be up on Thursday.
I do want to say that 2016 has been a pretty great year. My son turned one in August and he constantly amazes me each day. The things he has learned and the way he looks at life makes me feel unbelievable. He really has taught me what true love is.
I also have met some really great people this year and reconnected with old friends.
I did push my blog to the side the last couple of months and that bothers me but I'm hoping to pick back up and continue to make A Book Lovers Playlist a priority.
Huge thank yous to everyone who has taken the time to read my posts and to those of you who comment, I appreciate it more than you know.
Here's to 2017!!