Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Top 15 of 2015

Okay guys so here's the thing, I didn't have that good of a reading year. Well actually I haven't had a good reading new books year. I reread the first 5 books in the Rosemary Beach series and the first two books in the Marked Men series this year so that took up a bit of my time. I also had a baby in August and since then I've only read a couple of books because I haven't had the time to read much. If we're being honest I would have included the books I reread in this list but I thought it'd be better to include books that I read for the first time this year. I hope you enjoy the list and if you've read any of them let me know what you though. I'd also love to read what your favorite books of the year are!

15. Angelfall by Susan Ee
14. Out of Breath by Rebecca Donovan
13. Breathe by Abbi Glines
12. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
11. Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher
10. Shopaholic and Baby by Sophie Kinsella
7, 8, & 9. Books 3, 4, and 5 in The Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead
6. Beautiful Redemption by Jamie McGuire
4 & 5. Books 1 and 2 in the Selection series by Kiera Cass
3 & 2. When You're Gone and When You're Back by Abbi Glines
1. November 9 by Colleen Hoover (Second year that the fantastic Colleen Hoover has gotten the number one spot!)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Top Ten Tueday: December 22, 2015

Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree This Year

10. Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

I believe it was BethJune327 who first talked about this book on YouTube and made me want to read it. I have never been able to find it in a store though so I'm going to have to ask Santa to work his magic and leave it under my tree.

9. Binge by Tyler Oakley
I'm going to be honest with you, I think I've watched maybe one Tyler Oakley video but for some reason I really want to read his book. I have seen him in some other videos and doing some interviews and things and he seems like a really cool person.

8. Wildflower by Drew Barrymore
I've never been a big fan of autobiographies or biographies but for some reason this year I'd like a couple. Drew is one of my favorite actresses and I saw her talk about this book on Ellen and it sounds really good.

7. Scarlett by Marissa Meyer
I read Cinder a while back and I never got around to continuing with the series. Now that the final book is out I really should finish it.

6. In Real Life: Love, Lies & Identity in the Digital Age by Nev Schulman
I adore the show Catfish and Nev is my love so I have to have this book.

5. In Real Life: My Journey to a Pixelated World by Joey Graceffa
I know I know, another YouTuber? Really Kayleigh? Here's the thing, Joey is one of my favorite people to watch on YouTube and as soon as he announced that he had a book I wanted it. I haven't been able to find it anywhere until about a month ago but my darling mother told me I couldn't buy it because it was to close to Christmas. So please get me this book mom. I wuv you.

4. The One by Kiera Cass
I read the first two books in this series and the first two novella's and I'm in love with it. I would really love to pick up this book soon so of course I'd love to get it for Christmas.

3. Beautiful Sacrifice by Jamie McGuire
I adore the Maddox brothers and have read all of Jamie's books about them except for this one and that bothers me. I need it.

2. Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines
Well surprise surprise, I want an Abbi Glines book. I have read every installment - including a novella - in the Rosemary Beach series EXCEPT for this book. So I need to. Yesterday.

1. November 9 by Colleen Hoover
This was by far my favorite read of 2015 but I unfortunately don't have a physical copy of it, SO I need one. Please Santa? Please?

Thursday, December 10, 2015

All I Want For Christmas Tag

I've done this tag the last two years and I think I'll make it a tradition!! :) Enjoy!!

1. What fictional character do you want Santa to leave under your Christmas tree?
Ben from November 9 please.
2. What character do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?

3. You write your Christmas wish list for Santa. What are the top 5 books on it?
-A NEW JOHN FREAKING GREEN BOOK!! (Same as last year)
-The One by Kiera Cass
-November 9 by Colleen Hoover
-Beautiful Sacrifice by Jamie McGuire
-Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines
4. It's secret Santa at Hogwarts, what do you most want to receive?
I still have not read Harry Potter...but an owl would be cool.
5. You get to spend the day with the characters and movie adaptation actors from one fandom. What do you pick?
The Fault in Our Stars. Hands down. No doubt about it. Final answer. No takesies backsies. TFIOS for the win!!
(Copied from last year because it still fits)
6. What fictional animal would you like to replace Rudolph with and be able to meet on your roof?
I still stand by my answer from last year. Rudolph is irreplaceable.
(Third year. Same answer.)
7. You invite 10 fictional characters to your New Years Eve party, who do you pick?
1. Adrian Ivashkov
2. Ben from November 93. Fallon from November 94. Sydney Sage
5. Mase Manning
6 & 7. Rule and Shaw
8. Maxon from The Selection
9. Johnny from How To Catch a Rockstar
10. Patrick from Perks

8. What character would make a good Santa?
Oh gosh hmm...actually Patrick would be a pretty funny Santa so lets go with him.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Totally Should've Book Tag

1. Totally should've gotten a sequel
NOVEMBER 9!! Oh I want a sequel so so bad!!

2. Totally should've had a spin off series
I'm drawing such a blank on this because my two favorite series are all basically spin offs.

3. An author who totally should write more books
John Green needs to come out with another book ASAP. Also if Stephenie Meyer could FINALLY release Midnight Sun that would be great.

4. A character who totally should've ended up with someone else
Let's just say Team Gale and leave it at that.

5. Totally should've ended differently

6. Totally should've had a movie franchise
I am actually a fan of The Mortal Instruments movie and I wish that they would have continued making them.

7. Totally should've had a TV show
If Rosemary Beach or Marked Men had a TV show I would be so. freaking. happy. Oh that would be wonderful.

8. Totally should've had only one point of view
Lets be honest friends, I love dual point of view books so I can honestly say that I don't know any book that I wish was only one pov.

9. Totally should have a cover change
I am not a huge fan of The Best Goodbye cover tbh.

10. Totally should've kept the original covers
While the new Mortal Instruments covers are pretty I love the original and wish they would've just stayed the same.

11. Totally should've stopped at book one
Well I haven't actually read the last books in the series but I've heard that all the books after the first in the Beautiful Creatures series are awful.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Giving Thanks Book Tag

1. Name a book that made you thankful you live in your world and not the book's world.
The Hunger Games fo sho! My God that would be an awful world to live in!!

2. Give thanks to a book that changed your perspective.
I don't know if this "changed my perspective" but this book changed my life and that's The Fault in Our Stars.

3. What character would you be thankful for if they were your significant other?
Ben from November 9 by Colleen Hoover. He's my new book boyfriend :)

4. What character would you say "thanks, but no thanks"?
To be honest - though I love him so freaking much - probably Asa or Rowdy from The Marked Men series. Not only have they found their perfect matches but they also aren't really my type. Especially out of all the other guys from the series. #Rule4Life

5. Name a book that made you laugh out loud, just like your drunk Uncle Earl at Thanksgiving.
Pretty much every book I've ever read by Sophie Kinsella or Sarah Billington.

6. Name a book that made you incredibly angry....just like your drunk Uncle Earl at Thanksgiving.
I was angry at the end of Never Never by Colleen Hoover and Taryn Fisher because I couldn't believe they left me on a cliff hanger. Rude.

7. Finally, name one thing you are thankful for about BookTube/Book Bloggers
I'm thankful to be a part of a community that loves books as much as I do. It's really nice to know that there are people out there that have the same interests and passion for books.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Best Goodbye by Abbi Glines

I was contacted by Atria books about a month ago to see if I wanted to review this book.
Um, duh!
Abbi Glines is one of my favorites as you all know by now and The Rosemary Beach series is one of my top 5 favorite series of all time.
This book follows Captain who is Blair's brother and I'm not going to lie I was probably the least excited for this book. Captain is cool and all but he's never been one of my favorites.
Captain is now in Rosemary Beach and he's running a new restaurant when he meets a new waitress named Rose. There's something about her that is eerily familiar about her and it intrigues him but also sort of makes him hate her. Why? Well because she reminds him of a girl he knew when he was younger. A girl that he was in love with. A girl who he thought had died.
As in every Rosemary Beach novel this book is told in dual perspective which I love. I liked Captain more than I thought I would and I also liked his love interest a lot. I thought she was a really strong female character and I really loved reading about their story.
I also LOVED getting to see how some of my other favorite characters have been doing. I think that's one of my favorite things about this series actually. It's so much fun to catch up with characters that I've fallen in love with in the past.
The thing that surprised me is that most of the characters get two or three books and they only get one book. I did think that Abbi gave them enough time though and in retrospect I wouldn't really want the two of them to go through anything more than what they've already been through...so I guess it's good there isn't another book.
I'm not going to lie to you guys though, this is probably one of my least favorite in the series. It's not that it wasn't delicious, I just didn't connect as much with these characters. But I would definitely recommend this book still if you're a fan of the series!!