Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: April 28, 2015

Ten Books With Characters Who Are My Imaginary Book Boyfriends

10. Ezra Fitz
I'm kind of cheating with this one because I'm basing this choice on television show Ezra, not book Ezra. I've only read the first two books and I'm not a massive fan. However I'm re-watching - for the third time - Pretty Little Liars and good heavens he's delicious.

9. Tobias Eaton/ Four
Again I'm not basing this on the book I'm going with the movie. Theo James is remarkably good looking and while Four in the book is bad ass I feel like I love him even more in the movie.

8. Ridge (I forgot his last name)
I'm a big Colleen Hoover fan and I think she writes some of the best guys. Out of all of them though Ridge is by far my favorite. He's yummy.

7. Travis Maddox
You knew he'd be on this list right? He's Travis freaking Maddox. He's tattooed, funny and sexy as hell. Of course he's one of my imaginary book boyfriends.

6. Harrison James
I thought I dug Liam in Forever My Girl but then I read My Unexpected Forever and realized that Harrison had my heart. He's wonderful, sexy and everything you could ever want.

5. Augustus Waters
How could I not have a crush on Augustus? He's my favorite character out of any book and even though TFIOS makes me ugly cry I love it and I love him.

4. Woods Kerrington
It's no secret that I'm the Rosemary Beach series is my thing and out of all the boys Woods is my favorite. If you haven't read the series yet then you don't understand how hard it is to pick a favorite. However there's just something special about Woods.

3. Adrian Ivashkov
I've loved him since the first time I was introduced to him. I was so stoked that he was a part of the Bloodlines series because seeing him in Vampire Academy just wasn't enough.

2. Rule Archer
Asa recently came out - I still haven't read it because it's the last book in the series and I'm not ready for it to be over - and it's made me think about how much I love Rule. All the Marked Men are great but Rule will forever be my favorite.

1. Edward Cullen
He's the first book boyfriend that I remember having, I can't not have him as my number one.

1 comment:

  1. I admit Edward Cullen was probably my first book boyfriend. I left him for scarier vampires though. LOL
