Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I saw the N(ot) S(afe) F(or) W(ork) tag on BookTube and thought it looked like a lot of fun so I wanted to do it. Enjoy!!

1. What is the LAST book you would want your parents to walk in on you reading?
There really isn't any book that I wouldn't want my parents to see me read. My dad hasn't ever paid attention to what I read and my mom is pretty cool so she wouldn't care.

2. It’s storming outside, and you’re home alone for the night. What book would only make matters worse?
The first book that came to my head when I read this question is The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin. This book scared the crap out of me at some points. It was dark and uber creepy.

3. Have you ever read a book simply because of the controversy surrounding it?
I'm going to go with Fifty Shades of Grey because there was a ton of controversy however I also read it because I was intrigued. EVERYONE was talking about it and I wanted to see what the hype was all about.

4. What is the most cringe-inducing romance or sex scene you have ever read?
Ana's period in Fifty Shades. I need not say more.

5. What book has made you question the author's sanity?
I questioned E.L. James' sanity when I read the period scene in Fifty Shades.

6. Have you ever put down a book and not finished it because the content was too much for you?
I recently read a book that I might have put down if it wasn't for review. There was a scene where a girl watches the...ahem...naughty. It's very weird. Highly uncomfortable. In fact I'm blushing a little bit just telling you guys.

7. What fictional character do you have the most NSFW thoughts about?
Travis Maddox from Beautiful Disaster can give any girl naughty thoughts so I'll go with him. ;)

8. Show us your most NSFW book cover (or drawing/photo inside a book).
These book covers make my slightly uncomfortable with all the naked male chest. Considering the fact that I take care of 3 kids for a living, there is absolutely no way I would read these books while at work.

9. Have you ever read something from the erotica/romance genre, and what did you think?
I have read erotica/romance and to be honest it all depends on the book. I've read some and thought, "OMG are you serious right now? That's so weird." or "Ew." or to quote middle 2000 Paris Hilton, "That's hot."

10. You stumble across a portkey. What fictional world would you NOT want to be transported into?
I'm going to be predictable and say the Hunger Games. I'm to old to have to participate but I'd like to have kids someday and I'd rather not have to watch them fight to the death with 23 other children.

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