Thursday, May 29, 2014

Summer Reading Tag

1. It's morning and a hint of sunshine is in the sky. What book has had a great start for you?
He's Come Undone by Theresa Weir has a great beginning (and middle...and end.)

2. You go outside with a good book in your hand. What book do you choose?
For some reason I really want to say Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. Maybe because it's contemporary and that seems to be the choice genre for summer...I don't know. What I do know is that the book is wonderful and I could read it over and over.

3. You decide to fetch an ice cream to cool down. Name a chilled out/cool read.
Between the Lines by Tammara Webber. It's an amazing contemporary read and perfect for summer. If you haven't read it yet then you best get on it.

4. The sun gets trapped behind a annoying. What book has annoyed you recently?
The Probability of Violet & Luke by Jessica Sorenson. I read The Destiny of Violet & Luke a couple months back and enjoyed it--not my favorite Jessica Sorenson book but enjoyable. I couldn't wait for the second book to come out but now that it is I feel like I'm forcing myself to read it.

5. It's later in the day and the sun has moved, time to re-locate. What book has moved you?
I recently re-read The Fault in Our Stars and hello that book gives you more feels than anything. TFIOS all the way for my answer.

6. The day is almost over and it has been fantastic until the end. What book has amazed you to the finish?
Maybe, Someday by Colleen Hoover! Man...that book. So goooood.

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