Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday April 22, 2014

Top Ten Characters That Stole My Heart

10) Etienne St. Clair (Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins)
I haven't read this book in a year or two and I can still remember how I felt the first time I was introduced to St. Clair. He's one of the funniest and sweetest characters I've ever read about. Ah. I love him.

9) Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins)
She's freaking Katniss Everdeen people. Who doesn't love her?

8) R (Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion)
R is the only zombie that you want to hug and be best friends with. He stole my heart in about two seconds.

7) Alice Cullen (Twilight by Stephenie Meyer)
I want a sister just like Alice. She's so incredibly loveable and she'll always be one of my favorite characters.

6) Bella Swan (Twilight by Stephenie Meyer)
Don't give me any crap for this one guys. We all know that Bella is one of the best characters in a Y.A. book. She was brave when she needed to be, funny when she wasn't trying to be, and loveable all the time.

5) Ponyboy Curtis (The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton)
Who the hell doesn't love Ponyboy?

4) Rule (Rule by Jay Crownover)
I'm pretty sure you all know how much I love Rule... I only talk about him in almost every blog post I do.

3) Patrick (Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky)
Patrick is one of my all time favorite characters. He's so witty and loveable it's crazy.

2) Charlie (Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky)
I'll admit that I fell in love with the movie Charlie more than the book Charlie (GASP!) but the character itself did steal my heart.

1) Augustus Waters (The Fault In Our Stars by John Green)
Yeah...I'm sure you didn't see that one coming.


  1. Who doesn't love R???? Did you hear there's going to be a sequel? Currently being written and I can't wait. =D
