Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy Bookaholic Tag

1. What do you love about buying new books?
The feeling you get knowing you're holding a new adventure in your hands. Wow that sounded lame.

2. How often do you buy new books?
I bought a book last Friday and that's the first book I've bought in months. I used to go on crazy book buying sprees but lately I just haven't been interested. It's a problem, I know.

3. Bookstore or online book shopping, which do you prefer?
I love going to the bookstore because it's fun to be able to see the books and hold them. But I also like online shopping because it's usually a lot cheaper, especially for hardcover book.

4. Do you have a favorite bookstore?
There is a used/new bookstore about two hours away that I've gone to quite a bit and I LOVE it.

5. Do you pre-order books?
The only physical book I've ever pre-ordered is Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. But I have ordered quite a few e-books.

6. Do you have a monthly book buying limit?
Not right now only because I haven't really been buying books. When I do get addicted to book buying I usually buy them used so I never really spend a lot of money.

7. Book buying bans, are they something for you?
Ha. That's laughable. No, they are in fact not for me.

8. How big is your wish-list?
So. Big.

9. Which 3 books from your wish-list or pre-orders would you like to own now?-Nash by Jay Crownover
-Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines
-City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare


  1. Is that used/new bookstore you're talking about the one in the Soo? =)

  2. pretty nice blog, following :)
