Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winter Wonderland Book Tag


1. What book is so happy and sweet that it warms your heart?
Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. I'm pretty sure everyone else would choose this book but it just warms my heart.

2. What is your favorite book with a white cover?
Cloaked by Alex Flinn is primarily white so does that count? It's really pretty so I say it counts. :)

3. You're sitting in a nice comfy chair, wearing a onesie, with a lovely warm hot chocolate but what MONSTER read are you reading?
Monster as in large? I would say one of the Twilight books. I really enjoy reading them in the winter.

4. It started snowing so you decided to have a snowball fight! What fictional character would you love to have the snowball fight with?
Adrian Ivashkov. Hands down.

5. Sadly, your fire is beginning to go out. So what book would you tear the last few chapters out to throw into the fire?
Part of me wants to say Allegiant by Veronica Roth because I was so angry with the way she ended it but I see why she did it that way. Doesn't mean I'm not mad at her though.

6. What book is so close to your heart that you would gift it to someone this Christmas who hasn't read it but wants to get into reading?
Honestly I would say Twilight. First of all those books are very close to my heart and second they got a lot of people into reading. If my friend had watched the movies and didn't enjoy them or hated vampires...well we wouldn't be friends...but hypothetically if that were the case I'd recommend The Hunger Games. I feel like those books got a lot of people into reading as well.

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