Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Connections Tag

I know, I know. I've been doing an insane amount of Book Tags lately. The reason is because I wanted to give you guys more posts and I love doing tags!

This tag was originally created by Tiernan aka TheBookTuber on YouTube. He's awesome and I definitely recommend you go watch him if you haven't already!
Original Video

1. Which two fictional characters from two different books would be good friends?
I think that Lissa from Vampire Academy and Alice from Twilight would be good friends. They both care deeply for the ones they love and they are both really cool characters.

2. Which two characters from different books would NOT be good friends?
Continuing with Vampire Academy and Twilight can you imagine Rosalie and Rose?! OMG! I think they would absolutely hate each other. Now I'm curious how their meeting would go.

3. Which fictional character do you hear about all the time, but you've never read the book?
Whatever the main girls name is in Shatter Me. I've heard people talk about that book since it first came out but recently it's like EVERYONE has read it. Except for me of course.

4. Which character would cause the most drama?
Nan from the Too Far series. That bitch is crazy and i'm sure drama is her middle name.

5. Which character would you constantly be rolling your eyes at?
Sydney from Crashing Into You. I really really disliked her. She drove me nuts and I'm pretty sure I rolled my eyes so much they almost got stuck that way.

6. Which character would not belong in the real world?
Dimitri Belecov. Did I spell that right? Like at all? Anywho I think he's a really cool dude and an awesome character but I think the real world might be a bit much for him.

Top 13 of 2013

Here we go guys, it's my top 13 books I read in 2013!

13. The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
Buy Here
Barnes & Noble

12. This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith
Buy Here
This Is What Happy Looks Like Review
Jennifer E. Smith Interview

11. The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorenson
10. City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
Buy Here

9. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer & The Evolution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
Buy The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer Here
Barnes & Noble
Buy The Evolution of Mara Dyer Here
Barnes & Noble

8. That Time I Joined The Circus by JJ Howard
Buy Here
That Time I Joined The Circus Review
JJ Howard Interview

7. The Kiss Off & Over It by Sarah Billington
The Kiss Off
Kiss Off Review
Over It Review
First Interview
Second Interview

6. Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire
Buy Here
Review:Walking Disaster Review

5. Faking It by Cora Carmack
Buy Here
4. Between The Lines Series by Tammara Webber

Between The Lines
Barnes & Noble
Where You Are
My Reviews:
3. Too Far Series by Abbi Glines
Fallen Too Far
Barnes & Noble
Never Too Far
Barnes & Noble
Forever Too Far
Fallen Too Far Review
2. Twisted Perfection & Simple Perfection by Abbi Glines
Twisted Perfection
Barnes & Noble
Simple Perfection

1. Rule & Jet by Jay Crownover
Barnes & Noble
Goodreads Review of Rule:

Opposites Book Tag


1. First book in your collection/last book you bought
The first book that I remember having in my collection is actually a series. I used to own a crap ton of the California Diaries books and I was obsessed with them. I'm sure those aren't the first books that i've ever owned but they are the ones I remember having. Oooh and Judy Blume. I was obsessed with Judy Blume books. The most recent book I bought was on my Kindle and it's Simple Perfection by Abbi Glines.

2. Cheap book/Expensive book
All of my Nicholas Sparks books were cheap-I didn't pay full price for any of them. I either bought them at library sales, thrift stores, or from The most expensive is Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. I bought that when it first came out in hardcover.

3. Book with a male protagonist/book with a female protagonist
For the male protagonist i'm going to pick Percy Jackson because I love him. For the girl i'm going to choose Hazel from The Fault In Our Stars. Do I really need to tell you why I choose her? I didn't think so. ;)

4. Book you read fast/book that took you to long to read
I read Rule by Jay Crownover reeeeally fast! Breaking Dawn took me the longest but it wasn't because I didn't like it. It just had a lot going on in it and I was really bummed that it was the last Twilight book.

5. Pretty cover/ugly cover
I think that Wither by Lauren DeStefano is a beautiful cover! Uglies by Scott Westerfeld is really ugly. What a fitting title Mr. Westerfeld.

6. National book/international book
For national i'm going to choose Paper Towns by John Green and for international i'm going to choose....Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins.

7. Thin book/thick book
Hmm thin book...Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer...Thick book...any of those ginormous Harry Potter books. :)

8. Fiction book/nonfiction book
Vampire Academy is the fiction book i'm going to choose and i'm going to pick Neon Angel for my nonfiction book.

9. Way to romantic/action
I can't really think of a book that I thought was to romantic...And for action i'm going to pick Divergent by Veronica Roth.

10. Book that made you happy/book that made you sad
I'm going to choose The Fault In Our Stars for both.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Cracker Book Tag

1. Pick a book with a wintery cover.
Dash and Lilys Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan. I think that cover is so beautiful and it makes me feel all wintery when I look at it.

2. Pick a book that you are likely to buy as a present.
Hmm...depends on who i'm buying for. I did buy a book as a present this year though and it was Let Me Off At The Top by Ron Burgundy :) I bought it for my best friend because he's a huge Anchorman fan.

3. Pick a festive themed book.
Let It Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle.

4. Pick a book you can curl up with by the fireplace.
Twilight. Hands down. Sorry Twi-haters.

5. Pick a book you want to read over the festive period.
I always want to read Harry Potter over the holidays. Those books are so big and they just scream winter read...However I have yet to read them. Lame.

6. Pick a book that's so good it gives you chills.
I finished Simple Perfection by Abbi Glines the other day and it gave me chills! It was so. freaking. good.
7. Pick a book that's going on your Christmas wish list.
I wanted Rule by Jay Crownover so effing bad and...I GOT IT! Thank you mom ;)


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

All I Want For Christmas Tag

1. What fictional character do you want Santa to leave under your Christmas tree?
Adrian Ivashkov.
2. What character do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?
Rule! I choose Rule!

3. You write your Christmas wish list for Santa. What are the top 5 books on it?
-The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin
-City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
-Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines
-Nash by Jay Crownover
-ROME by Jay Crownover!!! I need it now!

4. It's secret Santa at Hogwarts, what do you most want to receive?
I've never read Harry Potter soooo i'm going to say it's secret Santa in Forks, Washington, and I want Jacob to make me a bracelet like the one he made Bella.
5. You get to spend the day with the characters and movie adaptation actors from one fandom. What do you pick?
That is so hard! My mind goes to Twilight first but I don't really think i'd be that good of friends with the actors...maybe Taylor Lautner. Hmm. I'll choose The Hunger Games cast. I really love Jennifer Lawrence (Who doesn't?) and Liam Hemsworth is my future I guess that's how we could meet. Yep i'll choose The Hunger Games.

6. What fictional animal would you like to replace Rudolph with and be able to meet on your roof?
What an awful question--Rudolph can not be replaced.

7. You invite 10 fictional characters to your New Years Eve party, who do you pick?
-Lexi and the crew (That Time I Joined The Circus)
-Anna & Etienne (Anna & the French Kiss)
-Patrick, Charlie, & Sam (Perks of Being a Wallflower)
-Rush, Blaire, Woods, Della, Jace, Grant (Too Far)
-Max & Kade (Faking It)
-Poppy and The Academy of Lies (The Kiss Off)
-Travis &Abby (Beautiful Disaster)
-Adrian Ivashkov (Vampire Academy/Bloodlines)
-Reid, Emma & Graham (Between The Lines)
-Everyone from the book Rule
(I'm aware you said 10 but it's my party and I want all of these characters there.) :)

8. What character would make a good Santa?

When I first heard this question I instantly thought Augustus Waters because he's just so happy and Santa is always happy.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

BookTubeAThon Wrap-Up


I. Am. So. Excited!
If you read my post the other day about the BookTubeAThon then you know that I haven't read a single book this month.
I had put a lot of faith into the BookTubeAThon to get me back into reading.
Guess what?
I read a total of 5 books and 1 novella!
YAY, me!

As soon as it hit midnight I started on this bad boy and didn't go to bed until it was finished. :) I am a ginormous fan of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire, so of course when I found out there was a novella I HAD TO READ IT! This kicked off the weekend and i'm so glad I started with this. It was phenomenal if you're curious. :)
Buy A Beautiful Wedding Here!
The next book I read was Forbidden Surrender by Priscilla West. Oh. My. God.
I adored this book! I've found that when i'm in a slump contemporary is usually the way to get me out of it. After reading A Beautiful Wedding I was still in the mood for some tattoed man goodness so this seemed like the perfect choice. I started this book shortly after I woke up and I didn't put it down until I was finished. I really loved Vincent and Kristen and I think you will too.
Buy Forbidden Surrender Here:
Obviously since I enjoyed Forbidden Surrender so much I had to pick up the second book in the Surrender series! Sweet heavens was it delicious! I am a fan of romance but I also like a little bit of action too. I really enjoy the way Priscilla kept the books fast paced and kept you on the edge of your seat. Great 2nd installment.
Buy Secret Surrender Here:
I'm pretty sure you know what I read next. You think I read the next book in the trilogy (I believe it's a trilogy. Please correct me if i'm wrong!)? Well aren't you smart! I did in fact read the final book :) I read all of these books in one day so obviously I loved them.
Ah. So good.
Buy Beautiful Surrender Here:
After I finished the Surrender series I was still in the mood for some yummy romance so obviously I turned to Abbi Glines. I am in love with the Too Far trilogy and was a major fan of Woods so next I picked up Twisted Perfection. Basically this is a spin off of the Too Far trilogy. And yes you do get to see Blaire and Rush again. Eek! I know! :) I started this book Saturday but couldn't read very much because I had a Christmas party to go to. I picked it back up around 1 am and stayed up until 3 am to finish it. This book was seriously delish! Ooh Woods. Ooh Della.
 Buy Twisted Perfection Here:
After Twisted Perfection I needed more Della and Woods so today I picked up Simple Perfection. The title is fitting because it was simply perfection. Ah Abbi Glines you so good.
Buy Simple Perfection Here:
After reading Simple Perfection I decided to call it good. I had so much fun participating in the BookTubeAThon and i'm so happy to be out of my reading slump. It was a blast and I can't wait to do another one!
Also if you'd like a detailed review/playlist of any of the books please let me know! :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas BookTubeAThon

Let me just say how excited I am that some of my favorite BookTubers have decided to do a Christmas BookTubeAThon! Aside from the obvious awesome factor, I'm excited because I haven't read one book in the month of December.

Please don't hurt me.

I don't know what the problem has been but I do know that it's been bugging the hell out of me. I've started multiple books but just haven't been in the mood for them.

I feel like the BookTubeAThon is the perfect thing to get me out of my slump.

A lot of BookTubers are making videos showing the books they plan on reading but since I write blog posts and not make videos i'm going to share what I plan on reading here. Cross your fingers I actually get some reading done.

P.S. The BookTubeAThon goes from Friday-Sunday.

First book I plan on reading is actually a novella. I'm easing my way back into this whole reading thing.

I am a HUGE fan of Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster so when I found out that Jamie McGuire was releasing a novella I was stoked. If this can't get me out of my slump I don't know what will!
The second book (legit book this time) I plan on reading is Unearthly by Cynthia Hand. I've heard really good things about this trilogy so i'm excited to get into it.
So far those are the only books on my list for 2 reasons
-I don't know if my slump will continue to take over
-I requested some books from NetGalley and i'm not sure if I got them yet
However I will do a wrap up after the BookTubeAThon to let you know what I read.
I will also being doing random updates on Twitter.

Click Here To Follow Me On Twitter

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winter Wonderland Book Tag


1. What book is so happy and sweet that it warms your heart?
Anna & The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. I'm pretty sure everyone else would choose this book but it just warms my heart.

2. What is your favorite book with a white cover?
Cloaked by Alex Flinn is primarily white so does that count? It's really pretty so I say it counts. :)

3. You're sitting in a nice comfy chair, wearing a onesie, with a lovely warm hot chocolate but what MONSTER read are you reading?
Monster as in large? I would say one of the Twilight books. I really enjoy reading them in the winter.

4. It started snowing so you decided to have a snowball fight! What fictional character would you love to have the snowball fight with?
Adrian Ivashkov. Hands down.

5. Sadly, your fire is beginning to go out. So what book would you tear the last few chapters out to throw into the fire?
Part of me wants to say Allegiant by Veronica Roth because I was so angry with the way she ended it but I see why she did it that way. Doesn't mean I'm not mad at her though.

6. What book is so close to your heart that you would gift it to someone this Christmas who hasn't read it but wants to get into reading?
Honestly I would say Twilight. First of all those books are very close to my heart and second they got a lot of people into reading. If my friend had watched the movies and didn't enjoy them or hated vampires...well we wouldn't be friends...but hypothetically if that were the case I'd recommend The Hunger Games. I feel like those books got a lot of people into reading as well.

Monday, December 16, 2013

T10T: December 17: Top Ten New-To-Me Authors I Read In 2013

I've been failing miserably at Top Ten Tuesday posts so i'm going to try to get back into the swing of things.

I'm stoked for this weeks theme because i've found a ton of new authors this year that i've become obsessed with!
Also i'm putting this up on a Monday because I won't have time to post tomorrow.


10. Jessica Sorenson
I read one of her books earlier this year and somewhat enjoyed it...then I read The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden and fan girled like I just saw Edward Cullen. It was so good! There is another after but because I suck I haven't read it yet.

9. Amanda Hocking
The Watersong series is one of my favorite series of the year! The second book I read in one day, that's how much I enjoyed it.

8. Alexandra Bracken
The Darkest Minds. I don't need to say anymore.

7. Michelle Hodkin
I FINALLY jumped on the Mara Dyer coo-coo train and i'm soooo happy I did. These books are incredible and when the 3rd book comes out i'm going to run around the room screaming for about an hour or so.

6. Jennifer E. Smith
I remember when The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight came out and everyone was all oohing and ahhing over it. I have yet to read it but I did read This Is What Happy Looks Like and I freaking loved it! Such a cute contemporary.

5. Abbi Glines
I read the Vincent Boys this year and I kinda enjoyed it. Then I read The Vincent Brothers and reeeeally enjoyed it. THEN I read the Fallen Too Far series and fell head over heels in love with Abbi Glines. If you're a fan of New Adult and you haven't read those books then we can't be friends. Just kidding but seriously read them!

4. J.J. Howard
I said earlier in the year that "That Time I Joined The Circus" is one of my favorite books of the year. Since then i've read MANY books and it's still one of my favorites. If you're looking for a magical contemporary pick this book up!

3. Tammara Webber
The Between The Lines series has become one of my all time favorite series! I read the first 3 in January and counted the days until the fourth and final installment came out. I interviewed Tammara and I can honestly tell you she's as kind as she is talented.

2. Sarah Billington
If last weeks theme didn't convince you that I adore Sarah Billington then I don't know what more to do. I absolutely love her. Her books are hilarious and so well written. Also we should be best friends. :)

1. Jay Crownover
If you haven't picked up on it yet, i'm a HUGE fan of Jay Crownover. Rule and Jet were both incredible books and i'm literally counting down the days until Rome comes out. Ahh! :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sarah Billington Week Day #5 Interview

I am seriously the luckiest girl in the whole wide world.
I interviewed Sarah a few months ago and had the honor to interview her AGAIN! :)

So so many thanks go to her for being so awesome!

Follow Sarah Here:

If you want to check out the first interview click the link below

1. If you could guest star on any television show which one would you choose?

Oh man. Awkward would be hilarious, as would The Mindy Kaling Project. But I think The Walking Dead would be my choice. Zombify me!

2. Which celebrity would you want to be best friends with?

Mindy Kaling. She's hilarious.. And Jennifer Lawrence. Who doesn't want to be BFFs with Jennifer Lawrence right now though, seriously?

3. You're starting a band and get to choose who's in it, who do you choose?

Oooh. Tough one. I would be the drummer, as it's the only instrument I semi-know how to play. I think Katherine McPhee and Marc Broussard would be lead vocals - I think they're both amazing singers. And the guys from McFly would round out the band because they look like a lot of fun. A seven-piece band with two drummers, but whatevs. We'd make it work.

4. If you could trade lives for a day with anyone who would you choose?

J-Law. She's such a cool, level-headed person and the Hunger Games would be amazing to be a part of, don't you think? How fun would those stunts be? Probably also painful, but still. FUN.

5. What is your favorite memory?

My days living on campus at university were the best. There was this five seater corner couch going free, and the night before I took it some kids had dragged it down to the skate park. I took it to our little house on campus and there was something weird about that couch. We had so many laughs when sitting on it that we joked that the skaters must have smoked something good on it the night before that had infused into the leather. We nicknamed it Dumb Ass because your IQ dropped every time you sat on it.

Lightning Round

1. Favorite dessert?
Ben & Jerry's Triple Caramel Chunk. NOM.

2. Favorite movie?
One? ONE? Okay, right now it's Catching Fire. I thought that was fanTABulous and was overcome with amazing the whole drive home.

3. Favorite color?
Raspberry pink. I love dark pinks, and electric blue.

4. Vampires or Werewolves?

5. Walking Dead or Vampire Diaries?
Walking Dead!

6. Early bird or night owl?
Early bird - it's not a fact I'm a fan of, but there it is. I'm a bit of a granny when it comes to late nights (probably not helped by the fact that I wake up so early.)


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sarah Billington Week Day #4 Over It

Holy sweet heavenly book goodness!
I. Loved. This. Book.
I thought that The Kiss Off was one of the funniest and sweetest books I've ever read...I was almost right. It was in fact funny and sweet but this installment is EVEN BETTER! Better than The Kiss Off? Yeah I didn't think it was possible either but apparently it is.
Poppy was just as hilarious and wonderful as she is in the first book and I loved being beside her during all of her shenanigans. My book boyfriend Ty was also back which of course thrilled me to no stinkin end. I also loved getting to know the supporting characters more.
I loved that Poppy and her friends went to a music festival because that is one of my favorite things to do. The way Sarah describes everything makes the reader feel as if they are there. I rocked out, got sunburned, wrote music and got myself into trouble. I adored this book and I think you will too. :)

Over It Playlist:

The Rock Show by Blink 182
Rock N Roll by Avril Lavigne
Happy Together by Simple Plan
Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls
I Just Wanna Run by The Downtown Fiction
The Art of Losing by American Hi-Fi
Say You Like Me by We The Kings
Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low
Backstage by The Donnas
Na Na by Superchic

Buy Over It Here:

Barnes & Noble

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sarah Billington Week Day #3 The Kiss Off

I loved this book. Seriously loved it. Like-read in one day-love.
This book is about a girl whose boyfriend cheats on her with her friend. She gets pissed and in Taylor Swift fashion writes a song about it. She puts the song on her youtube page and it goes viral. Everybody loves it.
Then by chance one day she meets this boy named Ty who's really cute and pretty dang awesome. She ends up finding out that he's in a really cool band and they love her song. She goes to his gig one night and they cover her song. She thinks it's awesome and all's great in the world.
Then the band gets signed. Mhmm.
Oh and Ty and Poppy (the main chicky) start dating.
So basically her life is awesome.
Then of course all hell breaks loose.
It's a really awesome book and a super easy read. So of course I recommend it psh'ya.

The Kiss Off Playlist:

I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift
Should've Said No by Taylor Swift
Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne
Since You've Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson
You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette
Cheated On Me by Gavin DeGraw

Buy The Kiss Off Here:


Barnes & Noble

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sarah Billington Week Day #2 Ba(n)d Romance

This was a short yeah it was short.
However even though it was a "short story" it was so wonderful. I really enjoyed it.
Basically the gist is that Jordan is dating this dude named Paul. She finds out that their "secret relationship" was a secret because in reality Paul has a girlfriend. What? Oh yeah, he does. Jerk.
Anyways Jordan and her friend Wyatt are supposed to be performing at their schools dance. Unfortunatly Jordan can't get her mind off of the whole Paul fiasco.
It doesn't take that long to read because as i've said twice now it's a short freaking story. If you have some extra time I definatly recommend this.
By the end I didn't feel like uh what the heck, that's it? Sarah Billington gives you enough to feel satisfied when you're finished.
Go check it out!

Ba(n)d Romance Playlist

7 Things by Miley Cyrus
Really Don't Care by Demi Lovato
Misery Business by Paramore
You're So Gay by Katy Perry
Picture To Burn by Taylor Swift

Buy Ba(n)d Romance Here:

Barnes & Noble

Monday, December 9, 2013

Sarah Billington Week Day #1 That One Night

Heeeeello everyone! :)
This week I have decided to dedicate the week to Miss Sarah Billington.
As i'm sure you all know I am a HUGE fan of hers and i'm stoked to be dedicating a week on my blog to her.
Todays review is a of a short story she wrote called "That One Night"
(As if you couldn't already tell from the title of the blog and the giant ass picture next to what I've been typing.)

I read this back in March and reviewed it on my Goodreads so you're going to be reading a review that I wrote as SOON as I finished the story.


This story was like watching a really short romantic comedy. (This is a good thing just so you know.)
It was another short story by Sarah Billington where after reading it i'm like "OMG that was so good. I think I just might read that one more time...right now."
Skylar (who might I say sounds super cute) and Annie meet one night at a mutual friends party. As Annie is leaving she runs (literally) into Skylar spilling her beer all over him.
When he finds out that she's leaving he asks if he can walk with her.
While they are walking they talk and everything is just so damn cute.
I loved this.
I recommend it so gooooo now and check it out!

That One Night Playlist:

Boys Like You by Megan & Liz
Stay Beautiful by Taylor Swift
Lucky by Jason Mraz Feat. Colbie Caillat
It's Time by Imagine Dragons
For The Night I Can't Remember by Hedley

Buy "That One Night" Here:

Barnes & Noble


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hayden Hill Interview

A few days ago I posted a review of the book Hopeless For You by Hayden Hill and now....

I've got an interview for you!

I know, I know-i'm excited too : )

She's been really fun to talk with and i'm really happy to be able to say I interviewed her. Many many thanks to you Hayden for being so rad!

Okay enough of my rambling here's the interview.

Enjoy :)

1. Has being an author always been a dream of yours?

It sure has! I've been writing on the side for a long time now, and didn't feel I could really publish anything with the old system that was in place, you know what i'm talking about, the agents/editors as gatekeepers system, which at the time felt like a lottery.

I remember reading so many stories about how people who were rejected by the traditional publishing houses went on to self publish on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, etc, and the books that were rejected ended up being big sellers. Then the publishers knocked on their doors saying "Hey this is so-and-so from Big 5 Publishing House No. 1 and your novel is fantastic can we publish it?" And the authors replied: "Well if it's so fantastic how come you passed on it two years ago???"

2. If you weren't an author, what would be your other dream job?

Traveling the world, roving from place to place, sampling the local foods and wines. I'm not sure what the official title for a position like that would be. Maybe Remote Epicurean Specialist? I'll have to get in touch with National Geographic and see if they can hook me up.

Hey, I just thought of something. I could probably do something like that while writing on the side. Hmm, no maybe not. The fans would kill me...already it takes me long enough to write a book as it is! : D

3. Which authors-living or dead-would you say inspire you the most?

In the romance genre, mostly indies like H.M. Ward, Jay Crownover, J.C. Reed, J. Lynn, Georgia Cates, Rachel Van Dyken. I'm also a big fan of some traditionally published rom authors like Nora Roberts, Brenda Novak and Nicholas Sparks.

Outside the romance genre, I really like Lee Child's writing style, and Wilbur Smith's. Those two know how to weave a suspenseful tale with some to-die-for alpha males! I also have a special place in my heart for Dan Brown novels. I mean come on, who doesn't like a little puzzle quest thrown into their books now and again? : )

4. If you could trade lives for a day with any author or book character, who would you pick?

I'd want to be Bilbo Baggins. I sooo could use a ring like that, you know, the one that makes you invisible to everyone else? I'd use it to sneak into the gym and get all my exercises done for free, and I'd go into bookstores and read all the books without getting kicked out, you know, fun stuff like that.

Well, I might do some naughty stuff with it too, play tricks on people and things like that, but hey, wouldn't you?

5. I love reading about boys with tattoos like Kade. You get to pick a book character to come to life and marry them, who do you choose?

Mmm that's tough. I want to say someone from my own books, but that's cheating isn't it? I suppose the people I put in my own books are the ideal people for me, which is why I wrote about them. So can I get away with that? (choosing my own book character? haha).

For me, someone has to be more than just hot. Sure, the eye candy is great, but I want someone who can talk philosophy and comment on Mozart and Baroque art and cook me some meals. Guess I can dream, right??

6. I adore the names Ash and Kade, how did you pick them?

Well, that was tricky. I tried to do Google searches on unique names but couldn't find any I liked. So then I started writing down a bunch of names I thought sounded cool, names that evoked character with just the sounds, and then I did Google and Amazon searches on those names to make sure they weren't popular or used in other people's novels. That's how I ended up on Ash and Kade.

7. I thought Kade and Ash were an interesting couple and enjoyed seeing their relationship develop. Who is your favorite book couple and why?

Mmm, I kind of actually loved the dynamics between Samantha and Alex in "Suddenly Royal," by Nicholas Chase. I love that whole billionaire/famous person meets and falls in love with the non-rich/non-famous person, and all the little intricacies of class that go along with it. Besides, who deosn't dream of being swept off their feet by an actor, musician or billionaire?

8. If Hopeless For You was being turned into a movie who would you want to play your characters?

Well, my first instinct would be to pick Jake Gyllenhaal for Kade and Megan Fox for Ash, but I guess they're getting a little old now. Honestly i'm out of touch with the TV and movie scene, I've been spending so much time in books these days. I guess i'm dated now : )

9. A band approaches you and wants to write a song for your book, which band would you want it to be?

Ooooooooooo! I don't know! There are so many good bands! Hmm hmm hmm.. Let me see... hmm, can I say "One Direction?" Or maybe "The National!" Haha, can I have one band do one song, and another band do another one? That way I get the best of both worlds/bands!

10. If Hopeless For You had a theme song what would it be?

Why is "Eye of the Tiger" running through my head now? Haha.

No, that wouldn't be the them song. I'd say.. hmm.. well, how about the Nicki French dance cover of "Total Eclipse of the Heart?" That sums it up for me..!

"Turn around... every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you never come around... every now and then I fall apart... I need you now tonight..."

Thanks everybody for checking out the interview and if you think Hayden is as cool as I do then you should support her by picking up her book here

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Monday, December 2, 2013

Hopeless For You by Hayden Hill

If you
A) Know Me
B) Follow Me On Goodreads
C) Read my reviews
Then you are aware that I uh-freaking-dore the New Adult genre.
I came across Hopeless For You on NetGalley and was instantly interested.
I mean look at the cover--talk about steamy.
Also in the description it described the love interest with a faux-hawk and tattoos.
Um, yes please.

Hopeless For You is told in dual perspectives which AGAIN I freaking love.

Basically what happens is Ash (the main chick) is dealt a really crappy hand when her fiance gets killed in an accident. To get away from the grief her and her best friend are going away for the summer to intern at a wildlife thing-a-ma-bob in Canada. There she meets Kade.
Who is this guy?
He's a cool dude who had his heart broken but when he sees a picture of Ash he pretty much falls in love at first sight.
I felt like it took a while for the two of them to actually get together but I was pretty happy with the way they developed throughout the story.
One thing I really enjoyed was the fact that this book had a little bit more adventure than most and I thoroughly enjoyed that.
I wouldn't say that Kade and Ash are my number one couple but they are definitely not my least favorite either.
All in all i'd recommend this book if you're looking for a quick New Adult romance novel.

Hopeless For You Playlist

Stay by Florida Georgia Line
One Song Away by Cassadee Pope
Breathless by Better Than Ezra
Prove You Wrong by He Is We
Never Gone by Colton Dixon
Alive by Adelitas Way
The Dash by Scotty McCreery
Decleration by David Cook
No Ones Gonna Love You by Band of Horses
Anywhere But Here by SafetySuit

By The e-book Here!