Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Colleen Hoover Interview

I have been extremely blessed by getting to interview some amazing authors and today is no exception.

I got to interview Colleen Hoover! I know I actually can't believe it either.

Colleen is the author of many amazing books such as Slammed and Hopeless.

I want to say HUGE thank yous to Colleen for taking time out of her incredibly busy schedule to answer my questions.
I know I say this all the time but it really does mean the world to me.


1. What made you want to become a writer, and why write YA?
I've always enjoyed writing. I wrote my first story, Mystery Bob, when I was 5 years old. I just never thought it was possible to make a career out of it. I got married and had children at a young age, and I couldn't afford to take those kinds of chances, so I got a safe job so I could support my family. When I finally did write my first book, I had no idea it was YA. I wasn't trying to fit a particular genre, I was just writing what I wanted to write.

2. What drew me into Slammed was the Slam Poetry, I've never read a book like that before. How did you come up with the concept?
Well, I had seen a special on television about a slam poetry competition and I just thought it was the coolest thing ever. After that, I loved looking up videos of slam poetry on YouTube. At one point, I thought it would be fun to read some kind of book about slam poetry. When I couldn't find one, I just decided to write one instead.

3. Some of the characters in Slammed had unique names how did you come up with them?
Layken is a name I've always loved and probably would have liked to use if I'd had any daughters. Kel is based off my son, Cale. And Caulder is just another name that I always thought was cool.

4. Slammed dealt with a lot of serious issues but the characters dealt with them using humor. Do you feel that laughter is the best medicine?
I definitely think people take certain things to seriously. You're allowed to be sad when bad things happen, but you also have to realize that there is nothing you can do about them. All you can do is make the best out of any situation and know that you're the only one in control of your happiness.

5. Lake was such an amazing character and so was Will, who was your favorite?
Haha, I can't choose between the two. That's like asking me to choose between my own children!

6. I have a massive book crush on Will, who's your book boyfriend?
I don't know that I really have a book boyfriend, but I absolutely adore Augustus Waters from The Fault in our Stars.

7. Music was such an important part of this book. If you had the opportunity to create your own music festival, which bands would you want to play?
The Avett Brothers, The Airborne Toxic Event, Matt Corby, and Griffin Peterson. That would be awesome. Someone should make that happen.

8. Out of all the books you've written, which one are you most proud of?
I'm proud of them all in such different ways. I'm proud of Slammed for being the first novel I ever finished; I'm proud of Hopeless for hitting #1 on the NYT Bestsellers list; I'm proud of Maybe Someday for being a unique take on combining fiction and music; and I'm proud of Ugly Love because I really think it might be my best yet. Ugly Love is the only book I've written so far that's actually made me cry.

9. If you could be best friends with any book character - from your books or from a book you didn't write - who would you choose?
That's a really tough one. I just read Archer's Voice and loved it. I'd love a chance to meet Archer in real life.

10. There are so many book to movie adaptations coming out this year, which one are you most excited to see? Which adaptation is your all-time favorite?
I'm not sure I have an all-time favorite, but I'm really excited to see The Fault in our Stars.

11. If Slammed had a theme song what would it be?
Pretty Girl from Michigan by The Avett Brothers

Follow Colleen Here:

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Bohemian by Kathryn Nolan

Last year I read the Bluewater Billionaires series which was a four part series a group of authors wrote together, one of them being Kathryn Nolan. I hadn't read anything by her up until that point and the second I finished Wild Open Hearts I knew I had just met a new favorite author.

I downloaded Bohemian and finished it the next day. When I wasn't reading it I was thinking about it and that my friends is how you know you have been captivated by a book.

Calvin Ellis on the outside is put together, kind of quiet, and well, a little nerdy.

Lucia Bell on the outside is perfect. She's beautiful which is obvious by her profession of being a model. She's also funny and kindhearted.

The two of them don't make any sense, right? Wrong-o.

Calvin has just moved to Big Sur after inheriting his grandfathers book store, The Mad Ones. Once a wildly successful and popular bookstore, it's not what it once was. With the intention of selling the place, Calvin has no plans to stay. However, the idea of selling brings with it so many questions on the path of Calvin's life. Should he sell? Should he go back to his old boring life? Or should he stay and bring back the former glory of this magical store.

Enter Lucia.

A photoshoot is scheduled to take place at The Mad Ones and with that beautiful Lucia is now face to face with Calvin. Instantly taken by each other the two can't stop sneaking glances at one another.

I'm going to share a snippet from Goodreads:

"One night they share a passionate and frenzied kiss against a bookshelf. Outside the store, lightning strikes. Trees topple. And the world shakes beneath their feet.

As the storm tears its way through Big Sur, Calvin and Lucia share and explore their most secret desires. Hopes and dreams they once thought lost are recaptured. But inevitably, as reality roars back, they find themselves stuck at a crossroads."

You guys. Come on. Doesn't that sound phenomenal? I'm here to tell you IT IS. The chemistry between Lucia and Calvin is off the freaking charts. Nerdy little Calvin is hot. He's dominating and protective and kind and deeeeefinitely book bf material. Lucia is so funny and it's impossible not to adore her. They are one of those couples that you never want to forget. They leave you wanting to know what the rest of their lives will be. You want to see it all.

Kathryn Nolan is an effing genius.

I without a doubt in my big old head think you will love this as much as me. I definitely recommend.

Buy Bohemian Here:
Barnes & Noble
Books A Million

Listen to my playlist for Bohemian on Spotify by clicking

Thursday, May 14, 2020

I'm a DUFF: Kathryn Nolan

You. Guys. I am so happy today that I have another Duff story for you. Not only that but it's by Kathryn Nolan! If you haven't heard me gush about her let me go all proud mama for one minute.

Kathryn is literally one of the SWEETEST people I've ever had the blessing to talk to. Her writing is absolutely breathtaking and just in talking to her and reading her works you feel content and happy. If you haven't checked out anything she's written please take my advice and go get all of her books. Well, read this first please. ;) Major thank you's to you Kathryn for taking the time to write this for me as well as for my friends. <3


The DUFF moment I want to share is about an extremely challenging hike I was on with my husband in the summer of 2017. We were camping at Lake Louise in Canada (one of the prettiest places in the whole world) and had just hiked about four miles (all uphill) and I was definitely having an “off” day. It didn’t help that Rob (my husband) didn’t seem that tired or overly exerted from our hike – and when we reached the trailhead for a second hike, he really wanted to do it. It was only a mile or so up, and the view was supposed to be fantastic. The hike was to the summit of Fairview Mountain (if you’re ever at Lake Louise definitely do this hike – its worth it) but I was hot, tired, hungry and my legs already felt like lead from the four miles we’d just done (and still had to do to get back down to our campsite).
Rob took off and I told him to go ahead of me – something we rarely ever do when hiking. But I was exhausted, and not feeling it, and wanted to be on my own to suffer. The one-mile hike to the summit ended up being grueling switch-backs so steep that half the hike you have to pull yourself up the rocks on your hands and knees. Every hiker I passed coming down was cheerful and enthusiastic and encouraging. I was actually in tears – it just felt insurmountable to me.
But I kept climbing – suuuuuper sloowwwly – and even though it was slow, it was steady. Every time I turned around, I was gaining altitude, getting higher, and all around me I could see the mountains, the forests, the crystal-blue-green glacial lakes. The hikers I passed told me, every time, that I was absolutely almost at the top, until – after about an hour – I was.
I was crying pretty hard at this point – I’d crossed over from exhaustion and pain into feeling like a bad-ass that I had done it. On my own, with no help. The last hundred yards I could look up – see Rob waving down at me from the top. He raced back down, and then we reached the summit together. I cried (again) and then realized that we were standing on top of the world. I could see all of Lake Louise as well as other, smaller lakes in the distance I would never have seen if I hadn’t climbed to the top. I could see mountains, cliffs, other hikers stretching around for miles and miles. It was one of the most emotional views I’d ever experienced.
On my way down, Rob and I got to say you’re almost there, promise – to the bedraggled hikers that we saw. Two hilarious best friends stopped and asked if I would take their pictures. They were hungover from doing too many shots the night before, but were persevering on and laughing along the way. We then got to experience the bliss of a hike that ended all the way downhill – followed by Canadian beer along a quiet river.
I think about that hike often when I’m struggling – how hard each step felt, how victorious I felt at the top, the emotions swirling in my chest. It was just a hike on a warm sunny day, but it’s really become a symbol to me of slowly moving forward, one step at a time. It taught me that I can do anything – that it might hurt, I might cry, and I might even have serious doubts. All those things are just as important and real as the triumph at the end.


Follow Kathryn Nolan on Social Media:
Official Website

My review of Wild Open Hearts HERE
My interview with Kathryn can be found HERE

Books I've read and their buy links:
Strictly Professional
Bohemian (a review will be up next week! ahhhhh)
Landslide (there will be a review of this one up next week too! I can't hardly contain myself! I've been having a dance party every night because I'm so excited.)
Wild Open Hearts

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Exclusive Excerpt for Trouble by Gabrielle G.

Guys! Today I have an exclusive excerpt for you on Trouble by Gabrielle G. Are you excited? I know I am!

Trouble just came out TODAY!! You can order your copy on Amazon by clicking HERE

Follow Gabrielle G. on Social Media
Official Website

Okay, okay, enough with all that, here's the excerpt!!

Just kidding, hehe. Before you dive in I just wanted to put a disclaimer out that this is definitely not a book for kids and if you're not of the appropriate age to read about s-e-x then I strongly encourage you to click off of here!

Okay all you naughty people who stayed, carry on.


   "What about this one?" Lars dangles the tiniest bikini he has found in the shop on his finger. It's more a fingernail than a piece of clothing.
   "Perfect, let me try it on first and walk around the shop to be sure everyone appreciates it."
   "No way, woman," he grunts, "I want you to wear it inside."
   "Why would I wear this inside when I could be naked riding your cock?" I quirk an eyebrow.
   "Because suggestive clothing is a veil to desire. I prefer to have a peek behind the curtain than being invited to a show with the curtain wide open," he shrugs.
   "I know. And that's because you're a man of the shadows, babe. Buy it if it rocks your world. I'll wear it for you tonight. But for the beach, I need something covering a lot more." I continue my search through the rack until I find a cute black bikini. I turn around to show Lars and find him scrutinizing me.
   "I need to try on my bathing suit," he says, zooming in on my breasts.
   "So stop looking at my tits and go." I point at the changing room. The shop is the typical surfer shop full of clothes and bracelets made from recycled plastic you find in the ocean. It's tiny and has a hippie beach vibe to it no one can resist. It even smells like monoi and coconut.
   "I can't." He smiles. I can see the glimmer in his eyes that it's nothing serious. Probably, one of his stupid ideas like how he decided he always needs a couple of beers or he will get an earache. To this day, he still believes that if he has only one, his ear will not hurt.
   "Why?" I roll my eyes not even waiting for his answer before knowing it's stupid.
   "I don't think it's a good idea to try on a bathing suit with a hard-on," he whispers.
   "Because you can catch HDD?" I smile.
   "I read it somewhere Lars. If you try on bathing suits with an erection, you might get Hard Dick Disease, and Mr. Selfish will stay in that state for your girlfriend to ride you whenever and wherever she wants. It's scientifically proven." I laugh at my own joke. Lars smirks.
   "You're a dork."

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Bookish Quarantine Tag

Hey all! I'm fairly certain we're all a little stir crazy at this point so I thought it would be fun to do a Bookish Quarantine Tag with some of my favorite authors! Whaaaat? Yep, that's right. Lucy Score, Kathryn Nolan, Claire Kingsley, Jay Crownover, and Natasha Preston have all answered some questions for me and I hope you all enjoy their answers as much I do!

Major thank yous to Lucy, Claire, Kathryn, Jay and Natasha for taking the time to answer my questions. And to all of you I wish you the absolute best. I hope you're all staying safe and I want you to know I'm sending a ton of love to each and every one of you. We're all in this together.

Enjoy <3


What has been your favorite thing to eat while in isolation?

Tastycake Jelly Krimpets.

A lot of people have joined Tik Tok to give them something to do and make them laugh. What has made you laugh the most, and have you joined anything you thought you'd stay away from?
The only reason I know what Tik Tok is, is because of my super cool fake niece. The funniest Tik Tok I've seen is the wife working from home and her husband comes out in at T-Rex costume to dance up on her and then she hits him with a prosthetic leg. I haven't joined anything new during isolation. In fact, I've been moving toward simplifying, which is so overdue.


If you could only keep 3 books with you during this time which ones would you choose?

I'd keep The Lord of the Rings (and cheat by counting them as one, since J.R.R. Tolkien considered them one story), Pride and Prejudice (because I could read that a million times), and probably something either motivational or maybe meditative, so I'd have something positive to lean on.

Many of us have been binge watching tv/movies. Which shows/movies have you been obsessed with?
I should probably be ashamed to admit how quickly we binge watched Tiger King, but I'm not. It was a train wreck, but a highly entertaining one. Lately, though, we've been MUCH classier, and watching the hell out of Poldark.


What is your favorite "feel good" book?

My favorite "feel good" book is bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. It's an insightful book about writing, but it's also about life, dying, the power of books, the power of community, and all the ways writing can make you feel more alive and more attentive in a world just bursting to catch your attention! It's funny and deep and will make you cry but also clutch your chest at how perfect it is.

What have you been doing to keep your mind clear and your heart happy? 
I'm keeping my mind clear and heart happy with music, video chats with friends and family, fresh flowers, gardening, yoga and exercise, bike rides, and sitting with Walter in the sun on the back patio. Good books and good movies help, as does cooking and wine. Right now I'm just incredibly grateful that the people I love are as safe and healthy as they can be. That's all that matters <3


If you could isolate with any other author who would you pick?

The only person I could spend this much time stuck inside with is Cora Carmack. We traveled together through Europe for nearly a month and shared close quarters, so I think we could quarantine together no problem.

Which bands/singers are you currently blasting?
NCT 127 New Zone (a surprise to no one I'm sure)


What have you been doing to keep busy during this time?

I have an eight and a three year old so they keep me pretty busy. I’m also close to finishing another two books. When I have free time, I get in my hot tub (which is the only thing I panic bought a couple of weeks ago lol)

What's the best book you've read while in isolation?
I haven’t read anything new in isolation yet (deadline) but I have reread a favorite, The Hating Game by Sally Thorne.

Which character from one of your books would you want to be quarantined with? 

I'm trying to figure out who's the best cook and who wouldn't hate doing all of the dishes and laundry. So Scarlett Bodine is definitely out. I'm going to say Marley Cicero from Rock Bottom Girl and Ally Morales from By a Thread. Between those two I'd be fed and endlessly entertained.

Claire: I'd have to go with Cooper Miles. His energy might be a lot to handle, but he'd make every day fun.

Kathryn: It's a toss up between Edward Cavendish III (obvi) and a giant slumber party with the Bluewater Babes (which I think would be epic.)

Jay: Do any of them cook? Lol...I can't remember if any of them are good cooks, but I'm so sick of my own food and cooking I could cry. Ohhh...AVETT from Charged is a good cook, she even gets a food truck at one point so I pick her.

Natasha: Oh good question.  Clover from The Cellar. He might be my character but I still have a lot of questions.

Any positive words of wisdom?

The world has never been more unified. Good people are doing truly selfless, beautiful things for strangers. And that's something worth focusing on.

Claire: Although this isn't an easy time, we're all in this together. Let's lean on each other in the ways we can, celebrating the things we still have. Love, friendship, connection, music, wine, good books, chocolate, cozy socks...

Kathryn: What the world is experiencing is unbearably hard and traumatizing and painful - the trauma and grief of this time is very real, as is the fear, the uncertainty, the longing for things to go back the way they were. When the world is burning, the smallest acts of kindness or generosity burn even brighter. And watching the strength of our communities coming together and lifting each other up is what gets me through every day.

Jay: If there was ever a time to get lost in a good book this is it. We might all be stuck at home, but there are a million words and wonderful words just waiting to be discovered right now when we need it most.

Natasha: This situation is tough on everyone and we all have a lot of emotions. But this temporary and we will get through it. We will hopefully come out stronger, kinder and more appreciative. Keep reading and visit dozens of worlds while ours is currently very small.

I hope you all had fun reading this tag! I also wanted to shout out that Claire, Lucy, Kathryn and Natasha all have new books out:
Claire: Love According to Science
Lucy: By a Thread
Kathryn: Under the Rose
Natasha: The Twin

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

From Here To You by Jamie McGuire

If you have been following my blog for a while then you know the love I have for Jamie McGuire. Beautiful Disaster is one of my favorite books. It's incredible. I was hooked on her writing from the second I opened that first book.

For my birthday I went to a bookstore (yes, that's what I asked to do for my birthday) and I found From Here To You on sale for $4! I know! Crazy. So of course I bought it.

Then the stay home orders started happening.

Because of this I've really been reading a lot and this was one of the first books I picked up.

You. Guys.

This book follows Darby who on her wedding day finds out she's pregnant. Mhm. Preggers. And her nearly betrothed is an abusive a-hole. To give her baby and herself a good life she runs to the bus station and catches a ride to the farthest place she can afford: Colorado Springs. Upon arrival at the Colorado Springs Hotel, she not only gets a room but also manages to score a job as a front desk clerk.

Trex takes a new job with the Cheyenne Mountain Complex which is a top-secret military installation. Single and gorgeous, Trex has always felt that "the one" is out there, and when he finds her he'll instantly know. Staying at the Colorado Springs Hotel he has no idea the one might be so close.

The second Trex lays eyes on Darby he's hooked. Now, I did read some reviews on this and some people complained of "insta love." This is a topic I've touched on a few times, but in case you haven't read those posts I'll fill you in. I have a love hate relationship with "insta love." Sometimes I'm happy because I don't want to wait the whole freaking book for the couple to get together. But I can't stand it when 10 pages in they're desperately in love. That drives me mad. I didn't feel like From Here To You was rushed. Now, there were times I thought dang Trex you just met this girl, but I mean, who am I to judge?

The other best part of this book is we get to see characters from Jamie's previous novels....and by that I mean we get to see some of the Maddox brothers! Yay!!

I loved Trex and Darby's relationship and I also really enjoyed the suspenseful aspect that was woven in. All in all I had a great time reading this - I stayed up until 4 am to finish - and I would definitely recommend.

"But as wildfires rage on the mountain and Darby's ex-fiance shows he isn't so willing to let her go, both she and Trex are soon to find out that what you don't know absolutely can hurt you."

Buy From Here To You Here:

Barnes and Noble

Listen to my playlist for From Here To You on Spotify by clicking HERE

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag

1. How long have you been a book blogger?
I started A Book Lovers Playlist in February of 2013.

2. At what point do you think you will stop?
Honestly, I don't see a time where I don't have this blog. I have had moments (uh hello we know) where I haven't written anything in a while, but I always find my way back to it. I really love my blog and I love everything that goes with it.

3. What is the best thing?
The best thing is probably interacting with other book lovers, as well as getting the opportunity to talk with my favorite authors.

4. What is the worst thing?
I feel really bad when I stop posting for a while. I feel like I'm letting my readers down and I hate that.

5. Who's your book crush?
Oh man, do you have all day? Right now I can't get Ashley Player - from the Dirty/Player series by Jaine Diamond - out of my head.

6. What do you wear when you write your blog?
Usually I'm in leggings and a hoodie. Sometimes I'm real classy and wear my finest pjs.

7. How long does it take you to prepare?
Oh man, sometimes it takes me a while. Well, that's not really accurate. It doesn't take me that long to prepare, but it takes me a while to write the post itself. Reviews usually just flow, I like to talk to you all as if we're best friends, so I don't want my writing to be boring. But, including links to everything is very time consuming.

8. How do you feel about the book blogger community/culture?
I love it! Everyone I have met is so kind. It's a really laid back and fun community to be a part of, at least from my experiences.

9. What do you think one should have for a successful blog?
Excitement. You have to be excited to read and discuss the books you read, otherwise I think your readers will see right through you.

10. What do you eat when blogging?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Wow, has it been a minute.

Hey guys!

It's been a hot minute since I've posted on here. I told you before that I lost my grandma and it was leaving me uninspired. Well that's still true. I haven't had the desire to log on and gush about books with you but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.

At the end of last year I got to do some really exciting things on here and it was so much fun. I can't wait to get back to business and to fall in love with my blog again. You all mean so much to me and I enjoy talking to you, making you laugh through my reviews, and fangirling over all the book boyfriends.

In other news, I have been reading non stop lately. With everything going on in the world right now I've been staying home and occupying myself by reading as much as possible. Have you all been reading more? I hope you all are also staying home and staying safe!

I have a list of TBR that I can't wait to get in to. I also have been reading the Bootleg Springs series by Lucy Score and Claire Kingsley and guys, I'm in love. It's absolutely hysterical!

Thank you again for being patient with me, I hope you stick around for the upcoming content.
