Friday, July 20, 2018

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

Sometimes you read a book and it makes you laugh.
Sometimes you read a book and it makes you cry.
Sometimes you read a book and it makes you angry.

And sometimes you read a Colleen Hoover book and you feel every emotion that has ever been in existence.

Every time I go into one of Colleen's books I take a deep breath. I know that may seem silly to some of you but I do it because I know that as soon as I open that book I'm going to be sucked into the story she's created. I'm not going to feel for these characters, I'm going to be one with these characters. I won't have a crush on the love interest, I'll be in hopeless love with him. I will laugh at every humorous comment, I will frown every time someone gets upset and I will feel every single heartbreak as if it were my own.

All Your Perfects is devastating and beautiful. It's sweet and funny but also real and shattering.

When I went into this I didn't know much about it aside from what was said on Goodreads.

"All Your Perfects is a profound novel about a damaged couple whose potential future hinges on promises made in the past. This is a heartbreaking page-turner that asks: Can a resounding love with a perfect beginning survive a lifetime between two imperfect people?"
To me that didn't sound like anything I've ever read, especially from Colleen so saying I was interested would be an understatement.

Graham and Quinn are not perfect people. They aren't "special", they don't have super powers, they don't have people fawning over them. People don't have posters of them over their bed or chant their names. They are just people to everyone else. But to each other they ARE special. They do fawn over each other and I'm fairly sure they would hang a poster of each other over their bed. Unfortunately life doesn't always go as planned and that is something Quinn and Graham are struggling with.

Watching their journey and reliving their past was exciting and overwhelming at points. Whether you have read Colleen before or not please read All Your Perfects. It will make you feel which is really the best thing that can come out of reading.

"If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim."

I'm giving All Your Perfects:
5/5 Donuts.

Buy All Your Perfects Here:
Barnes & Noble

I'm a Book Depository Affiliate so if you'd like to purchase a book with FREE SHIPPING and put some change in my pocket click HERE

Listen to my playlist for All Your Perfects on Spotify by clicking HERE

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Hey All

   Hey guys, you may have noticed that I've been a terrible book blogger lately. I made a goal at the beginning of the year to post two times a week - Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was doing a great job of sticking to that goal but then life happened.
   I have been debating on whether or not I was going to talk about any of this because it's a private matter but you guys are my friends, and I feel like you deserve an explanation on where I've been.
   In February my grandma passed away.
   She was my very best friend and without a doubt my hero.
   She was 85 years old so it's not like it came out of nowhere but guys, it came out of nowhere. She's been in the hospital but she had just come home. Luckily my family and I got to spend the day with her at her house to celebrate her birthday and we all had so much fun. Unfortunately the next day she was back in the hospital and the outcome was something none of us wanted.
   I've been having a really hard time dealing with it all. When it first happened I felt like I would never stop crying. I felt sick, felt like I couldn't breathe, felt like I'd never be me again. The days and months have gone by and while things are becoming more tolerable it still hurts. I miss her so much and I hate not being able to go to her to talk about anything and everything.
   Finding the time to read has been non-existent. In May I read a book that my local library recommended to me and I loved it. I had so much fun reading it I thought maybe it would get me back into it. But it didn't. I just don't have the drive and that in itself is driving me crazy.
   I feel like I have failed the people who are kind enough to check my blog and take the time to comment and that makes me feel even worse.
  You all will never know how much it means to me to have your support and to read your kind words. I love talking books and pop culture with you. I love sharing your DUFF stories and finding out more about you. I just want you all to know that I am trying my best to get back in the game.
  Thank you for your patience with me.