Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Autumn Book Tag

1) What is your favorite thing about Autumn? FOOTBALL!! I also love finally being able to wear boots and cute sweaters. Autumn clothes are my favorite clothes.
2) What book on your shelves reminds you of going back to school/your school days? The Outsiders. Whenever I see it I go right back to 11th grade.
3) Find a book on your shelf which has something Autumn related on the cover.
Oooh you guys are gonna be so mad at me...I'm not home so I'm having trouble coming up with one. 4) What is your favorite horror/Halloween story? Is Halloweentown a book? Yes? I mean there is one in the show. That totally counts right?
5) What is your favorite horror film? I LOVE the first and second Insidious movies. They scare the heck outta me but they aren't gross.
6) Which book release are you most looking forward to this Autumn? Um hello, John Greens new book comes out next month!! 7) Which film release are you most looking forward to this Autumn? To be honest I have no idea what movies are coming out right now. I've been slacking and for this I apologize ;)
8) Which three books that you are hoping to read this season. John Greens book Turtles All The Way Down Final Girls by Riley Sager annnnd Under the Lights by Abbi Glines.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Book Blogger TMI Tag

1. How old are you?

2. What book are you reading?
Anti Goddess by Kendare Blake.

3. What are you wearing?
Tank and yoga pants. #basic

4. OTP?
Augustus & Hazel Grace fo ever <3

5. Blogger or Wordpress?

6. Going outside being active or staying in and reading a book?
I have a 2 year old son, this means dirt. Lots of dirt.

7. What is the last book you read?
Atheists Who Kneel and Pray by Tarryn Fisher?

8. What is the book that you're going to read next?
The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson.
9. Ebooks - yes or no? 
I do enjoy an ebook every now and then.

10. Where do you prefer to read?
Anywhere I can. Seriously. Anywhere.

11. Who is the last person you tweeted?
KA Tucker.

12. Whose blog did you look at last?
The blog where I got these questions from :) Samantha's blog Spines and Covers

13. Who is your favorite blogger?
I've been following Just Another Bookish Blog the longest and I love it!!

14. Who is your favorite booktuber?
Heather from Bookables

15. What do you do when someone tells you reading is boring?
Cry. Laugh. Shake my head. Sigh.

16. Who is the last author you spoke to?
Um, Tess Wakefield I think?

17. Who is the last person you texted?
My friend Frankie.

18. Who is your all time favorite book character?
Augustus Waters <3

19. UK YA or US YA?

20. What do you drink while reading?

21. If you hated reading, what would you be doing instead?
You bite your tongue. Or well...umm...whatever you would bite in the interwebs.

22. How many bookshelves/bookcases do you have?
I have like 4 bookshelves, now ask me if they're big. No they are not. I have books everywhere. Piles and piles.

23. If you had the choice to meet all of your favorite bloggers or all of your favorite authors who would you pick?
I love a lot of bloggers but if I could meet all of my favorite authors...shoot. I'd meet the authors.

24. Insta-love: yes or no?
25. Favorite author?
Colleen Hoover and Abbi Glines!!

26. What is the number one book on your wishlist?
Turtles All The Way Down by John Green.

27. Do you prefer books with female or male protagonists? 
Female because I happen to be a female. BUT I don't always mind reading from a dude's perspective either. I'd prefer if I can get dual pov please.

28. What is the last song you listened to?
I had A Great Big World in my car but I don't remember which song was playing.

29. Which do you enjoy reading more - negative reviews or positive reviews?
Positivity peeps.

30. Who are you going to tag?

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Ex's & OMG's Review: Atheists Who Kneel & Pray by Tarryn Fisher

On Tuesday I told you all about the new series I'm starting on my blog that I'm doing with my good friend Heather. The series is called Ex's and OMG's and Atheists Who Kneel & Pray is our first book. Enjoy our thoughts!!

If you follow Colleen Hoover to the extreme like I do - wow stalker much? - then you all know that she's friends with Tarryn Fisher. Even though she doesn't like her at all of course. (See if you stalk her...I mean follow her...then you'll get that little joke.)
I'm a huge Colleen Hoover fan - whaaaaat? I know, you're shocked - and when I saw her talk about this book on her CoHorts Facebook page I knew I had to check it out. I mean look at that cover.
The book follows Yara who is basically a gypsy. The girl can't stay in one place for to long, always needing the thrill of something new. She's also a self proclaimed muse and lucky for her our love interest David is in need of that very thing. So muse she becomes. But of course the two fall for each other and end up married. Now I know you're probably like um Kayleigh thanks for spoiling that but I swear I'm not. The reason I liked this book was because Tarryn is a really great writer and I've never read anything like this. Plus David was perfection. (Anyone remember that scene from Friends with Chandler and the gum? Gum would be perfection?)
What I didn't like was the back and forth. There were sometimes through out the book where I got really confused because she starts it back in time and then goes to present day. But then goes back again. And then back to now. If you aren't paying close attention it's easy to get confused.
All in all though I did enjoy it!!

Okay so I went into the book not knowing much about it which is how I like to start most books, with a clean unbiased slate. So to my surprise it was nothing at all what I was picturing. I fell in love with Yara right away...this brash outspoken woman that was riddled with complexity. Then you meet David, this mysterious guy that sweeps in, is all kinds of charismatic and then leaves you wanting more. There is this push and pull between them that makes you feel like they are meant to be, but then you quickly realize this isn't a fairytale at all.
As I continued to read I found myself drawn more into the story, I needed to know what was going to happen, how would it end? I liked how it was written in dual perspective so I was able to feel from both of their points of view, which were drastically different. I ended up reading it in two days and when I was finished with the book I was left feeling closure, like I could move on with my life and not constantly wonder about it. Now I will say that there were times when I found Yara to be a bit dramatic for me, like she's too much in her head in my opinion and I would need to take a break because I found myself getting annoyed with her. David however sucked me right in, I felt like was this old soul trapped in a younger body and he was the reason that I needed to know what was going to hapen. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is a true believer in real love, the messy complicated kind that doesn't always make sense on paper.

Buy Atheists Who Kneel and Pray Here:
Barnes & Noble

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

New Series!!

Good afternoon friends, I hope you're all having a fantastic Tuesday. Today I want to talk to you all about a new series that I'm going to be doing on my blog called Ex's and OMG's.
Some of you may remember my friend Heather who shared her DUFF story with us back in June. If you haven't checked it out you can read it by clicking HERE.
Heather is a book lover like me and we thought it would be fun to start a book club. So the plan is to pick a book in the beginning of the month, take the month to read it and then discuss it at the end of the month. My gosh that's the most I've ever used month in one sentence. Anyway it should be a lot of fun and it's something I'm really looking forward to.
Now here's the part i'm sure you'll all eat up. Heather is married to my ex fiance. Wowzers how on earth did we become friends right? Because Heather is great and reached out to me last year. I realized what a sweet girl she is and it was impossible to not become friends. We know that a lot of people think were nutballs for being friends and even though it may be uncoventional I couldn't be more grateful. So because of our past we came up with our series Ex's and OMG's. Ex's is pretty self explanatory now and OMG's because books make us use that phrase a lot. I mean hot guy in book? OMG. Book sucks? OMG. I have to wait a year for the second book? O.M.G.
Our first review will be up this Thursday so I hope you all check it out and let us know what you think.
Have a great day book lovers!!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Season of You and Me by Robin Constantine

Some of you know that I have a book reward system that I try to stand by. When I complete a few books I reward myself with a new one. Keeps me motivated ;)
I had finished book four in the Crossfire series and I was stumped for what to read next so I went to the bookstore with my mom.
When I book shop I have 3 stages.
Stage number 1: Skim shelves
Stage 2 Grab books I'm interested in and then pile them up
Stage 3: Go through and put half of the books back because I can't afford them.
I had my pile narrowed down to 3 and I asked my mom to choose to which she said no please don't make me. I made her. She chose this one.
The book is told in dual POV - yes I know you're all well aware by now that I love that. Our main peeps are Cassidy who recently broke up with her cheating piece of poop boyfriend and Bryan who after a dare gone bad no longer has the use of his legs.
Cassidy wants to get away from her skeezy ex boyfriend so she decides to go stay with her dad for the summer and be a camp counselor which is what initially made me attracted to this book. I only went to 7th grade camp but I did love it. I remember when I was little I wanted to be a counselor when I grew up but I never did it, so you could say I wanted to live vicariously through Cassidy. Bryan has been a counselor at the same camp for years and isn't going to let the lack of mobility keep him away, even though some parents have expressed a concern.
The two of them end up meeting and becoming really good friends. Cass doesn't treat Bryan like he has something wrong with him and I think that's really cool. I can't even begin to imagine what that situation would be like and for her to not coddle him is really great.
I haven't read a good young adult contemporary in a while so this was really refreshing. I will tell you that in the beginning I did struggle to get into it. I thought I'd be hooked from the start but I wasn't. However once I did get into it I didn't want to put it down.
If you are looking for a lighthearted and sweet read then I'd recommend you pick this one up ;)

Buy The Season of You & Me Here:
Barnes & Noble

Yours truly is a Book Depository Affiliate soooo if you'd like to buy a book with FREE SHIPPING and put some change in my pocket click HERE

Check out my playlist for The Season of You & Me on Spotify by clicking HERE