Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines

This woman can do no wrong in my eyes. The first book I read by Abbi was the first book in the Vincent Brothers duology and I enjoyed it fine. I didn't love it but thought it was good. I remember deciding to pick up the second and loving it. That's when I found the Rosemary Beach series and I have never looked back.
I bought Until Friday Night a year ago and have been keeping it on my shelf for the right moment. As you all know I've been reading the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day and a couple weeks ago I finished the 4th book. I searched my library for the 5th one but with no luck. I went home and was like okay so you can either wait until you can order the 5th or you can pick up another book. Sometimes when I stop reading after I've been on a really great reading streak it puts me in a slump. So you guessed it, I looked on my shelf for another read. I saw this one sitting there and I said to myself in my best Morgan Freeman voice, "It's time."
I started it at about 11:00 p.m. while my son was sleeping and stayed up until about 2ish. If you have kids you understand that you don't get a lot of sleep so you don't usually want to waste it. I couldn't put this down though! I kept saying the whole "one more chapter" which lets be honest, it's a joke.
My darn eyelids betrayed me though and started getting heavy so I decided to finish it the next day while my son took his nap. Which I did. And I loved it.
I smiled like I did the first time I saw Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic and I cried like I did at the end of that dreadful movie.
In typical Abbi fashion Until Friday Night is told in dual perspectives which for the 108th time I love.
Our main lady is Maggie who has had some serious hell in her life. She witnessed her father murder her mother. Yikes. Ever since she hasn't spoken a word. She was living with her godmother but ends up going to live with her moms brother, wife and son who is the same age as her.
Our main fella is West Ashby who is the typical "Big Man on Campus" but who is dealing with some pretty sad stuff at home with a sick father.
The two meet at a field party one night when West is upset and decides to kiss Maggie. Next day at school he's a dick and she decides that he wasn't worth her time.
Obviously that doesn't last long or this would be a pretty shitty book.
West ends up coming clean with Maggie on his home life and she speaks for the first time - to him.
I absolutely 100%, without a doubt, no joke, loved this couple. I was hooked from the first page and stayed in love after I finished it.
Whether you've read this goddess' books before or not I DEFINITELY recommend you pick up Until Friday Night. You will not regret it.

Buy Until Friday Night Here:
Barnes & Noble

I'm a Book Depository affiliate so if you want to buy a book with FREE SHIPPING and put some change in my pocket click HERE

The Mid Year Book Freak Out Tag August 2017 Edition

I did this tag in 2015...and a couple months ago hehe...but I love it and it's fun to see where we are. ;)

1. Best book you've read so far in 2015.
Gah!! I'm so conflicted. I loved Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick but I loved Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines too. Can we just say both? Please? DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!!

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2015.
Do Like A Memory and Because of Lila count as sequels? Yes?

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to.
I'm not sure when it was released - if it was even this year - but the last book in the Crossfire series.

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
John Greens new book obviously.

5. Biggest disappointment.
Beastly Lights by Theresa Jane.

6. Biggest surprise.
To be real with you I didn't know I'd love Dangerous Lies as much as I did.

7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you)
The only new author that I've read that I really enjoyed is K.A. Tucker. I have really enjoyed the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day but I don't know if I would read other books by her and I wouldn't hesitate to read more by K.A. Tucker.

8. Newest fictional crush.
Back in 2015 I chose an Abbi Glines character. Here in 2017...I'm going to choose an Abbi Glines character :P I'm going with Cruz Kerrington or West Ashby. <3

9. Newest favorite character.
I really loved West guys.

10. Book that made you cry.
Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines, Confess by Colleen Hoover, and I'm sure there were others.

11. Book that made you happy.
Even though Without Merit by Colleen Hoover has some sad moments that book made me laugh out loud. That woman is a genius.

12. Favorite book to film adaptation you saw this year.
I have only watched one book to movie adaptation this year and that was Fifty Shades Darker so I suppose we'll go with that one.

13. Favorite review you've written this year.
Probably my review for To Hate Adam Connor, that was a fun one.

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)
I think the cover for Until It Fades is GORGEOUS.

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
So. Many.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Because of Lila by Abbi Glines

Two days ago I reviewed Like A Memory for you all and told you all how much I loved it. The night that I finished it I picked up Because of Lila because...why wouldn't I? I stayed up until like 2 reading it and then finished it the next day.
That is one of my favorite things about Abbi's books, they are so addicting and easy to read. Let's just take a moment to appreciate her greatness.
Wasn't that lovely?
Alright on with the review.
Because of Lila is obviously about Lila Kate who is Grant and Harlow's daughter - from Rosemary Beach. Lila has always been in love with Cruz Kerrington - who is Woods and Della's son. He kissed her when they were in their early teens and she'd been hooked since. They are 21 and 22 - if I remember right - now and one night at a party Cruz kisses her again but then is an a-hole and calls her icy and other not friendly things.
Lila decides she's an adult and she's going to leave Rosemary Beach - and Cruz - and go on an adventure. Her first stop is Sea Breeze to stay with Nate and Bliss. There she meets Eli - who we meet in Like A Memory and is Bliss's best friend. The two have a one night stand and the next morning are both at Bliss and Nate's house having breakfast. Awkward.
Back in Rosemary Beach Cruz finds out that Lila left and it bothers him more than he thought it would. So what does he do? He takes off on his motorcycle to Sea Breeze and tells Lila to get on his bike with nothing but what she has on her and they'll go on her adventure together. Obviously since she's in love with him she goes.
The two realize their feelings for each other, well I suppose it's more like Cruz mans the f up and admits his feelings and it's pretty stinkin' hot.
I'm not going to tell you anymore because duh why would I ruin it for you?
I told you in my last review that I checked out other peoples thoughts on Like A Memory and just for kicks I did the same for this one. I noticed a lot of people saying that they thought the kids of our favorite characters are kind of jerks and that bothers them. I'm going to be honest, Cruz has some very unlikable moments but let us remember that Rush was kind of a huge dick to Blaire and Woods, Grant, and the rest of the lot were also not the sweetest at times.
I love the characters desperately and i'd definitely recommend Because of Lila.
p.s. I also totally ship Cruz and Lila. In love. Not surprising though since Woods is everything and we're talking about his spawn.

Buy Because of Lila Here:
Barnes & Noble

Listen to my playlist for Because of Lila on Spotify by clicking HERE
I'm a Book Depository affiliate so if you want to put some cha-ching in my pocket and get yourself a book with FREE SHIPPING then click right HERE

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Like A Memory by Abbi Glines

When I first heard that my beloved Abbi Glines was releasing this series I almost fainted. Seriously, i'm not playing.
It is by no means a secret that I love the Rosemary Beach series. I don't really think we even need to address my love for it because you guys are well aware by now that it's my favorite - next to the Marked Men series by Jay Crownover. Which you also know, who are we kidding.
I have only read the first book in the Sea Breeze series so I don't know all of the characters from those books but Abbi said it's not necessary to even read ANY of the books first but it will provide you with a background. At first I wanted to read the Sea Breeze books before I started this one but I couldn't, I'm far to impatient.
I started reading Like A Memory last Thursday and finished it Friday.
I loved it. I know, I'm sure you're all shocked right now.
So because I haven't read the Sea Breeze books I don't know much about Bliss' parents but Nate is the son of Rush and Blaire who start of the Rosemary Beach books.
When they were teenagers the two met in Sea Breeze and fell in love. Unfortunately after their summer together plans to meet up disappeared when Bliss was diagnosed with a series disease. She didn't want Nate to see her sick so she never responded to any of his calls or texts. Years later they are now in their 20s and Bliss has been clear for 4 years. She decides to move in with her best friend and work for a girl who is opening a clothing store. This girl also happens to be engaged to Nate Finlay.
Nate pretends like he doesn't remember Bliss - which I mean ouch - but that whole act doesn't last long.
I read a few reviews before I started Like A Memory and I was surprised by how many people didn't like it. To be honest it made me nervous going into it. I'm so mad at myself for letting other peoples opinions worry me because I loved it.
If you are a fan of either the Sea Breeze books or Rosemary Beach...or perhaps you just want a good love story...then I definitely recommend you pick this up!!

Buy Like A Memory Here:
Barnes & Noble

Listen to my playlist for Like A Memory on Spotify by clicking HERE

I'm a Book Depository affiliate so if you want to put some cha-ching in my pocket and get yourself a book with FREE SHIPPING then click right HERE

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Entwined With You by Sylvia Day

In the last few weeks I've reviewed the first 2 books in the Crossfire series and I'm here with you today to bring you my review for the third installment.
*Golf clap*
It should go without saying that if you haven't read the first two books you shouldn't read this review. Notice I said "it should" I have chosen to still say it and really beat that horse.
If you read the last book - which you darn well better have - you know that Gideon killed Nathan. You also know that him and Eva had to "break up" because Gideon didn't want there to be a connection to the jackass. Eva and him obviously can't stay away from each other though and decide that it's okay to come out as a couple again but they struggle with how to go about doing that. Because of that for a while they just sneak around. Which is kinda hot. And by kinda I mean whoa nelly.
While the two are dealing with everything an ex of Gideon's who is a reporter starts questioning Eva about their relationship. I have to tell you guys I feel really bad for Eva. I mean come on, it's like she can't catch a break from these witches with a b. She also is dealing with Brett again who won't let her turn him down. He ends up asking her to come to his music video reveal for "Golden" the song he wrote about her and it's basically a montage of their relationship.
Another thing happens in this book which made me such a happy little book blogger. I'm not gonna tell you though, I want you to be surprised. :)
I loved getting to see more of Eva and Gideon but also of other characters we've met such as Megumi and Cary. I also really love Eva's dad so any time he's mentioned in the books I get all smiley.
All in all if you've read the first 2 then I definitely recommend you keep up with the series and check this one out. So far it's probably my favorite.

Buy Entwined With You Here:
Barnes & Noble

I'm a Book Depository affiliate so if you want to put some cha-ching in my pocked and get yourself a book with FREE SHIPPING click HERE

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Happy Bookaholic Tag Take Two

Back in 2014 my 24 year old self did this tag. I saw it on another bloggers page - well I saw theirs - and it made me want to do it again. I figured hey it's been 3 years, I wonder if my answers will change at all. I included my old answers below as well as my new answers so we can all see how much they've changed. 2014 answers will be like this and 2017...will not. Enjoy!! :)
1. What do you love about buying new books?
The feeling you get knowing you're holding a new adventure in your hands. Wow that sounded lame.

I love being able to escape which is basically the same answer I gave 3 years ago but in different words. Books take us into different worlds and it's nice to escape sometimes.

2. How often do you buy new books?
I bought a book last Friday and that's the first book I've bough in months. I used to go on crazy book buying sprees but lately I just haven't been interested. It's a problem, I know.

I bought the 4th book in the Crossfire series by Sylvia Day like 2 weeks ago? I told myself that if I could finish 3 books then I was allowed to go buy a new one. I have been able to do that occasionally but sometimes money is spent on other things like food and other things necessary for living.

3. Bookstore or online book shopping - which do you prefer?
I love going to the bookstore because it's fun to be able to see the books and hold them. But I also like online shopping because it's usually a lot cheaper, especially for hardcover books.

I still love going to the bookstore and looking for books but now that I have a very active and interested toddler and tighter fundage it's much easier to do online shopping. However when we do go to the bookstore it is exciting to see how happy he gets to look at books.

4. Do you have a favorite bookstore?
There is a used/new bookstore about 2 hours away that I've gone to quite a bit and I LOVE it.

Amazon has been my friend lately.

5. Do you preorder books?
The only physical book I've ever pre-ordered is Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. But I have ordered quite a few e-books.

Breaking Dawn is still the only physical book I've ever pre-ordered.

6. Do you have a monthly book buying limit?
Not right now only because I haven't really been buying books. When I do get addicted to book buying I usually buy them used so I never really spend a lot of money.

Nope, never really saw a need for it.

7. Book buying bans - are they something for you?
Ha. That's laughable. No, they are in fact not for me.

Haha, still no.

8. How big is your wishlist?
So. Big.

So. Big.

9. Which 3 books (from your wishlist or preorders) would you like to own now?
-Nash by Jay Crownover
-Rush Too Far by Abbi Glines
-City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

-Without Merit by Colleen Hoover (which I was actually just sent an ARC of!! :) I'm so stoked it's insane)
-Turtles All The Way Down by John Green
-Like A Memory by Abbi Glines (Yep, still adore that woman)