Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday...On Wednesday

Top Ten Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

10. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
There are a crap ton of different covers for this book but the one I have I reeeeeally dislike. I suppose that technically that means I just want to change my copy.

9. Jaded (The Rockstar Trilogy) by Mercy Amare
I absolutely can't stand this cover. First off the girl in the picture reminds me of somebody I dislike. Oh and she looks stoned.

8. Forever by Karen Ann Hopkins
I am a fan of the first two books in this series and i'm excited for this book i'm just not excited about the cover. Actually it's not really the cover I have an issue with it's the colors I don't like. The other books have a darker more dreamy quality and this ones all bright and yay fun times. It doesn't match like I want and that just irks me.

7. Any of the new covers for Jackson Pierce's fairy tale retellings!
OMG I loved the Sisters Red and Sweetly covers! Of course love like that can't last because they decided to change the covers. Bitches.

6. The Julian Game by Adele Griffin
This cover creeps me the hell out and almost completely turned me off the book.

5. Paper Towns by John Green
WAIT don't hate me just yet. I absolutely adore the cover with the map and the thingy m'bob--it's the picture with the girl that I don't really care for.

4.The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess Rothenberg
LOVED the hardcover edition...pissed off about the paperback edition.

3. My Favorite Mistake by Chelsea M. Cameron
I bought the ebook of this and LOVED the cover! I ended up loving this book so much that I wanted to buy a physical copy of it...that was until I saw the physical copy. Ew. Hate it.

2. Any of the Alex Flinn retellings that do NOT match Beastly and A Kiss In Time
I love the way these books look on my shelf together because they are GORGEOUS! I was stoked to find out that there were going to be more books like this from the amazing Alex Flinn...then I saw the covers. The font matches but there are pictures of people on the covers! Why?!

1. Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Just doesn't match enough. Nope.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Sequels I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On

10. Champion by Marie Lu
I shouldn't be excited for this because I haven't read Prodigy yet but I hear it's i'm excited to finish the trilogy.

9. Dream Dark by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Yes this is a novella. Yes this is a legal answer.
8. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
Mhm I know...came out decades ago. Still haven't read it.

7. The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead
Whoa Kayleigh don't you ever buy books new? Yes in fact I do but I refuse to spend $15 on it. So until I see this sucker for a better price i'm just going to cry about the fact that I haven't read it yet.

6. Isla and The Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
You know what? I almost don't want to be excited for this. Why? Because it got pushed back and that just pisses me off. I'll forgive you this once Stephanie but don't let it happen again. (Also yes this does count as a sequel if you disagree then --as Zooey Deschanel says in Almost Famous-- feck you.)

5. Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken
Yes i'm aware that i'm the only person on the planet that hasn't read/bought a copy of this book yet. I suck and I apologize for that.

4. Allegiant by Veronica Roth
To be honest I was really excited about this i'm nervous. I have heard CRAZY mixed reviews about this book. Actually that's a lie. Out of the 5 reviews i've watched/read only 1 person liked it. Now you see why i'm nervous?

3. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
I don't feel as if I need to explain why I am so excited for this book. If you don't already know well then you don't deserve to know. :)

I am so f'ing pumped for this book that I cannot control myself! The Marked Men series is one of my FAVORITES! If you haven't read Rule or Jet then again feck you. Just kidding but seriously read them. NOW!
1. Jay Crowover recently announced that she'll be for sure writing Nash, Rowdy and Asa's stories! What? Oh thank you book heavens.)