Friday, May 31, 2013

Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

First off I want to say if you haven't read Anna Dressed in Blood yet DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW!


Right now!

Seriously it's going to spoil Anna for you and I just don't want to do that to you.

Last chance to stop.

Okay here it goes.

Oh. My. Gawd.

Kendare Blake how did you get me to love a ghost so much?

As you know (as long as you've read the first book) at the end of "Anna Dressed in Blood" Anna saves Cas and his friends by taking the evil dead dude to hell. Or somewhere like hell.

Throughout this book Cas keeps seeing Anna and all of these horrible things keep happening to her. Since he's in love with her it kinda sucks watching her in pain.

So Cas wants to save her.

Excuse me? He wants to save her from hell?

Yes. Yes he does.

That's basically the premise of the whole book. Throughout the story he tries to find his way to Anna so he can save her from being hurt any further.

I don't really want to say much more than that because I don't really want to give anything away.

I can say though that Kendare did it again. And by that I mean rocked my effing socks!

This book was full of adventure and it kept me turning the page to see what was going to happen next.

Cas and Anna are one of my favorite couples and I think this book was uh-freaking-mazing!


Girl of Nightmares Playlist:

I Will Follow You Into The Dark: Death Cab for Cutie
Through Hell: We Are The Fallen
Running Up That Hill: Placebo
Ready, Set, Go: Tokio Hotel
Feel Good Drag: Anberlin
Hide and Seek: Imogen Heap
Burn: The Cure
Time of Dying: Three Days Grace

Buy It Here:
Barnes & Noble
Books a Million
Book Depository

Read my "Anna Dressed in Blood" Review Here:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

JesseTheReader Interview

Oh sweet heavens I interviewed JesseThe"Freaking"Reader!

In case you don't know who he is then let me just tell you.

Jesse is a super amazing booktuber on YouTube and his videos are full of pure awesomeness.

He was so much fun to interview and I definatly recommend checking out his videos!


1. What is your favorite part of being a booktuber?

I think my favorite part is the interaction I have with other book lovers. It's seriously the best to talk to people who have read the same books as you and to talk to people who feel the same way as you do about those books. I feel like I make a new friend everyday through booktube and that's incredible to me. I've never had this many friends in my life!

2. If you were a teacher and you could have your class read any 5 books, which books would you choose?

The first would be The Fault in Our Stars for obvious reasons. Then we'd have The Hunger Games, We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Where Things Come Back, and Speak.

3. What author would you want to be best firends with and why?

I always joke that I want to be just like Ransom Riggs, but I would seriously LOVE to be best friends with him. We share a lot of similar interests, one being exploring abandoned places and the other being collecting old photographs. I just feel he and I would get along great.

4. If you could be in any book to movie adaptation which book would you choose and what character would you want to play?

I would love to play Jacob from Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, mostly because I feel attached to that book and supposedly the movie adaptation is in the hands of Tim Burton and I would be thrilled to work with him.

5. After my reviews I include a playlist of songs that remind me of the book/character. Do you ever hear a song that reminds you of a book/character?

I've been listening to the song "Breathe Out" by Faye a lot recently and it reminds me a lot of Divergent for some reason.


1. Hunger Games or Divergent?

2. Book to movie or book to television adaptation?
Book to Movie

3. Stand alone or series?
Stand alone

4. Paperback or hardcover?

5. Bookstore or online?


1. Favorite snack food?
Rice Chips - They're DELICIOUS.

2. Favorite movie?
The Goonies

3. Favorite actor and actress?
Logan Lerman & Jennifer Lawrence

4. Favorite author?
John Green

5. Favorite book to movie adaptation?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesse for doing this interview!

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

BookMovieGuy Interview

Is that Cameron from BookMovieGuy?

Yes. Yes it is.

Cameron was awesome and agreed to do an interview with me and i'm so excited for you guys to read it.

He's super friendly and an awesome booktuber! Enjoy!!!

1. How long have you loved reading?

I have loved reading ever since I was a toddler. My mom would take me to the library every day while we waited for my sisters to finish cheerleading practice. We'd read together for hours, and then even longer at night before my mom put me to bed. She definitely instilled my love of reading on me, and she is the reason why I'm pursuing a writing career.

2. What is the first book that you remember loving?

The first books I fell in love with were all the books from the Goosebumps series. That's what my mom would read to me all the time. I never cared for picture books like Dr. Seuss at that age; all I wanted was Goosebumps!

3. What is your absolute favorite series?

My absolute favorite series is Harry Potter. It will always have a place in my heart.

4. Who are some of your favorite authors?

My favorite authors are R. L. Stine, J. K. Rowling, Edgar Allan Poe, and Suzanne Collins.

5. If you could spend the day with any author and go anywhere with them who would you choose and where would you go?

I would choose R. L. Stine just because his Goosebumps books influenced me so much. I'd probably go to a creepy abandoned building with him and collab on a ghost story or something.

6. What book are you most excited to read this year?

I am so excited to read Allegiant by Veronica Roth. Can't wait!

7. What are some of the best books you've read so far this year?

I am reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth right now and am really enjoying it. So far, that is my favorite book of the year.

8. What made you want to make videos on youtube?

I first came across BookTube videos when I searched "leather bound books" on YouTube. I discovered one booktuber who showed his collection of leather bound books, and then I started seeing many others. It wasn't until after I started making videos to catalogue my own collection that I realized this was an actual community of book-lovers on YouTube. I then started taking video-making a little more seriously, and now I have almost 2,500 subscribers and have been doing it for nearly two years. It's been a great experience!

9. What is your favorite book to movie adaptation?

I love To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and the film adaption from the 1960s is pure brilliance. I can't help but tear up every time I watch it. It's a beautiful film based off a beautiful book. Perfection!

10. If you were in the Hunger Games...would you win?

Hmmm... wow, that's a tough one. Honestly, I'm really not sure. I'd probably just avoid everyone and wait for the tributes to kill each other off until I was left against one. The game-makers probably wouldn't like that plan, but that's what I would try to do. Haha!

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